He was referring to the fact that you misspelled 'packed' as 'packet'. And to answer the previous question, yes of course i have Ever had to go to the loo in a rather... dodgey place.
actually yes it was balanced on a table and my brother smashed it down which caused iot to fly into my face have you ever bought a present for someone then received it back?
lol, no. Have you ever seen something about to happen that you didn't want to, but simply couldn't be bothered to get up and stop it? Like the dog about to have a crap in the living room?
Once, when I was 11. I hit a note for 3 seconds. I was soo proud.... Have you ever wondered why you were so compelled to come back to this thread?
Thank god no. Have you ever been cornered by other girls because you are being too good of a boyfriend to one of their friends? (this happened to me today)
Yup. Outa one of those silly balconies (that really isn't a balcony) on the first floor into a swimming pool Have you ever done this: ?
Nope, but I did do one of those rock slide things in Oregon Have you ever killed something on accident, (My friend stepped on a baby chicken once, not on purpose! quite sad actually
Aww. Well I once ran over a hedgehog with my bike. Stupid animal gave me a puncture... (I did feel bad for it though...) Have you ever had a vinegary scrotum, as a result of forgetting to wash?
Sure, I've given it a brand name and everything Ever wrote a text about someone, then sent it to them by mistake?
yeap, but they thought it was a joke! have you ever thought really hard of a have you ever question just to post on this thread?!
nope have you ever wondered why no one has made a cheesecake pc case mod (i.e. a pc case that looks like a cheesecake) on bit-tech?