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Scratch Build – In Progress Homemade Alu case /w copper highlights. FINISHED.

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by legoman666, 9 Jan 2008.

  1. Aterius Gmork

    Aterius Gmork smell the ashes

    25 Sep 2007
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    mind telling me what those things are?
  2. DaveVader

    DaveVader Fast Action Response Team

    10 Aug 2007
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    yeah was a great first comment but crikey how petty do people want to be. It does make people not want to post here if people are going to be arrogant, picky little %$"^£^& The reason I would publish a work log or something of the sort is for praise, but mainly for constructive criticism if people want to say "that tiny little imperfection that will not be seen 99% if the time is awful, you should not be a modder, you shouldn't even be allowed near computers" then f*ck em

    Keep modding Legoman, you are doing a great job but I think I did see you case creating a nasty shadow upon your wall, I would fix that if I was you. ;)
  3. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    Are we talking about Slipperyskip?:eeek: If Greensabbath called a do-over, would you tell HIM to GTFO too? We would lose all our veteran modders in a week if you chased them off for this kind of thing.

    Back on topic: I do know the cost of copper,:D I didn't think you would have a issue with it. McMaster-Carr has copper and $5.00 shipping. For wrap arounds the only example I can come up with is the Lumina case by Design Master. He added some nice design features just by capping the corners. If you have a LOT of free time you could flatten out old bits of copper pipe to make extra sheet.
  4. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    Guys, your childish squabbling has been reported.

    Its a nice case design, and the DVD has been done well, so good luck!
  5. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    Cheeze it! Here come the cops!
  6. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    :lol: :thumb:
  7. E.E.L. Ambiense

    E.E.L. Ambiense Acrylic Heretic

    26 Jul 2007
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    Cheeze it. hahahaha, that made me LOL. Not to toss dirt or anything but I found the original comment ironic about rookie mistakes when it was posted by someone who has only 22 posts on his account. :D

    Back on topic:
    Nice work so far! I'm paying attention. Look forward to next post. :thumb:
  8. sethnmalice

    sethnmalice What's a Dremel?

    21 Jul 2007
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    Your wooden case although quite plain holds some character, mainly coz its wood, and what you did with it gives it some spark, but your alu fashioned case, IMO looks a bit boring, even with those copper bits to be added, that being said, the way I see it in your sketch up design, is that how its going to be?, not to offend you but there seems to be sooooo much available modding canvas in the design i was just wondering if maybe you were going to suprise us with an all out crazy mod, or just keep it plain and simple. I like the internal design, very roomy, will you be adding any fans to this case? or are you just keeping the triple rad only?.

    You could imcorporate copper tubing, its relatively cheap, and bend different lengths in certain spots and what not to give the case a bit more character.
    In your wooden case it looks like some sort of Fan Bus, will you be doing something like this on your new project?

    Keeping my eye on this :)

  9. legoman666

    legoman666 Beat to fit, paint to match.

    24 Aug 2003
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    Thanks for the kind words, I shouldn't have let the "rookie" get to me.

    hard drives! didn;t bother to texture them because doing so in SketchUp is a royal pain in the arse.

    Anyway.. Just got the alu today and am cutting the pieces to length. So expect an update soon.

    It's just the way I like it, ;) plain and simple. Just think of the stlye of a lian li case. I might be adding an intake fan to the bottom of the case.

    Edit: oh, there will be a fan controller hidden in the side of the case (to the side of the pump). I will have a small door covering it because knobs look tacky. I added it in my latest SketchUp design, but didn't post updated pics.

    Might as well update since this is the first day of actual modding.

    I picked up all of my aluminum from a local supplier. Buying it local was ~$60 cheaper than buying it online, and all I had to do was pick up on the way home from work!

    2 2'x4' 0.050" pieces, 2 1'x2' 0.050" pieces, and 42' of 3/4" square 1/8" wall tubing in 7' sections. $115 for the lot.

    Pic of an L bracket that I'm using to hold the frame together. They came in packs of 4 and I bought 13 packs of them. Damn things require 4 screws for each bracket but only come with enough for 2 for each bracket. Something I need to buy.... sigh.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Words that any modder should take to heart.

    Drilling the holes for the L brackets. I bent the tip of one of my drillbits :wallbash: Stuck using a duller one for now.

    Nifty drill attachment that creates a chamfered edge on the drill hole.

    Result of said tool.

    Not only did the L brackets not come with enough screws, they are cheap.

    This is where I quit today, should get a lot done tomorrow!

    It may not look like much at the moment, but it's starting to take shape. It's so much smaller than my current case!
    Last edited: 12 Jan 2008
  10. DZ469

    DZ469 I'm a modding nightmare

    12 Jan 2008
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    Just a thought, but dont let others get you down. Your mod is for you and if
    people are gonna be jerks about it just ignore them. Having said that, keep up
    the good work. I like the mod. :thumb:
  11. Teyber

    Teyber ******

    18 Mar 2007
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    to my eyes, your standards are pretty awesome because that cd rom drive is incredible! I think maybe 15 seconds on each side with 100 grit would rid that, but i like the look. If someone was paying you thousands for this case, i would be on you.

    people have been following tribal's work to much:duh: This case looks great.


    edit: can i give you my honest opinion?
    copper is a pain in the arse to work with... i have a ridiculous amount of copper in my workshop now (for newly aquired tools) and make sure you do something to cope with oxidation. 2 days and that nice finish is gone.

    I would recomend a brushed luck, or a sanded in a pattern look...

    keep it up.

    Last edited: 12 Jan 2008
  12. legoman666

    legoman666 Beat to fit, paint to match.

    24 Aug 2003
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    I was thinking of polishing it and then immediately clear coating it. Hopefully I can keep it from oxidizing that way.
  13. clocker

    clocker Shovel Ready

    21 Dec 2003
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    If indeed this is what you do, may I recommend you look to a brass instrument repair shop for tips on the polishing and type of finish.


    Although made of brass, the same techniques used to redo trumpets/trombones and the like will transfer to copper with excellent results.
    When I built showpiece clock movements I was forced to learn a lot about metal finishing and was fortunate to run into a specialist in instrument repair who really knew his stuff.
    If you don't have a good musical instrument shop around, ask someone who plays in a symphony for a recommendation.

    I realize this seems a bit esoteric but if you're gonna do it, you may as well ask the pros.
    Most craftsmen are happy to share their experience.
  14. AJB2K3

    AJB2K3 What's a Dremel?

    12 Dec 2005
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    In you defence

    Do your mind it?, do you live without it bothering you? If yes then Who cares, its your case and if it doesnt bother you then forget about it.

    BTW nice wood work on both the drive and pc case.:rock::rock::thumb::thumb:

    Common guys we're not all professional wood workers and we all make mistakes, hell I'm still struggling to make a perfectly square box !
  15. enorganik

    enorganik What's a Dremel?

    23 Dec 2007
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    It should be amazing. Until I come over and beat on it with a hammer...
  16. rytmehunden

    rytmehunden I love glory and fame

    30 Dec 2007
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    What are you talking about dude?
  17. legoman666

    legoman666 Beat to fit, paint to match.

    24 Aug 2003
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    Don't worry, I go to school with this kid. I'm going to beat him with a hammer, so it's all good.
  18. mvagusta

    mvagusta Did a skid that went for two weeks.

    24 Dec 2006
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    That external dvd is excellent! The only thing i can really say negative about the drive is the cut out at the rear isn't nice and snug around the switch and connections but hey, not to worry, it's out of sight. I love how tight that front cover is :jawdrop: It's like damn, it looks so flush and tight, it's like "what, that thing opens?" And then you see the pic of the tray sticking out and it's like "omg, it opens!!!" It's very impressive and you don't even really notice the burn mark, it kinda helps the front piece to blend with the black tray, kindof :D
    Nice work goin on here, i like custom made cases, ill be keeping an eye on this one :thumb:
  19. ManlyJack

    ManlyJack Super-Modder Elite

    11 Jan 2008
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    my thoughts exactly, i have been reading these forums for ages but i felt it nessessary to create an account to post on this one haha, but, now i have the account i shall post some more, and maybe even post up some worklogs
  20. legoman666

    legoman666 Beat to fit, paint to match.

    24 Aug 2003
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    Update 2!

    I just finished up the frame. I was afraid that it wasn't going to be rigid enough, but it is very sturdy.

    In the back there is one "missing" crossbrace (where the PSU will go). This is due to a miscalculation. In my SketchUp model, I used 1/2" square tubing instead of 3/4". The PSU will fit in the gap if the tubes are 1/2" but not 3/4". As a result, there's no crossarm there to allow the PSU to fit in the gap.

    From the other side...

    I got my first package of stuff! 3 120mm Scythe fans, a 6 fan controller, some brass mobo standoffs and a Bulgin silver vandal switch with a blue ring. This is a shot of the fan controller stripped down (and the fans in the background).

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