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Gaming HTC Vive VR Games Roundup

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Dogbert666, 21 Sep 2016.

  1. Dogbert666

    Dogbert666 *Fewer Lover of bit-tech Administrator

    17 Jan 2010
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  2. Hustler

    Hustler Minimodder

    8 Aug 2005
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    Is this what they expect you to spend £800 for?

    This is why, despite the obvious technical inferiority, Sony's PSVR will be the clear winner.
  3. JakeTucker

    JakeTucker Minimodder

    10 Jul 2015
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    I feel the same (i've ordered a PSVR to actually play with)

    Although, yeah. This is just a handful of some of the hundreds of VR games already available.
  4. Hustler

    Hustler Minimodder

    8 Aug 2005
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    Even the 'games' look like little more than extended tech demos, I know its still early days of course but I've yet to hear of any kind of game that you would consider a major release being developed for the Vive that would appeal to me.

    ..It's time Valve put their considerable money where there mouths are and announce something that would get the likes of me to even consider spending money on the Vive.
  5. Journeyer

    Journeyer Minimodder

    31 Aug 2006
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    Three capital Vs...
    Half life 3 confirmed?
  6. Almightyrastus

    Almightyrastus On the jazz.

    21 Mar 2002
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    I have watched a few bits of the robot repair stuff and I'd love to see more stuff like that, something like a racing game where you can actually work on your cars instead of just pressing X to fit the next upgrade in the list
  7. edzieba

    edzieba Virtual Realist

    14 Jan 2009
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    It's the peril of the very short release cycle for the Vive.
    The Rift has, in various guises since the DK1, had developers working on games since 2013 (with gamepads, hence the gapepad bundled in with the Rift at launch). PSVR (nee Project Morpheus) had a smaller group of developers starting on it around the same time (publicly unveiled in 2014, but the transition from microdisplay HMZ-style visors to a Rift-style single-panel design happened in 2013 along with a development ramp-up). The Vive was publicly unveiled in 2015, and didn't start mass distribution of devkits until near the end of 2015 with only a very small number available prior to then. And even then, around 7000 Vive Pres went out December 2015, compared to the 120k+ DK2s in the wild at that time. A lot of PSVR devkits (though nowhere near the DK2 numbers) have been floating around for quite some tome too, but whilst they lacked in number Sony have been a lot more free than even Oculus in providing funding to devs, while Valve & HTC have been supplying Vives themselves but little else until post-release (when lack of content forced their hands).
  8. Stanley Tweedle

    Stanley Tweedle NO VR NO PLAY

    3 Apr 2013
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    Problem is a lot of ignorance about VR and VR content. This VR roundup is bizarre... a selection of very old and not particularly great VR games.

    There are websites with much better VR roundups.

    I'm a Vive user with no shortage of games but I would buy Vive just for DCS world, assetto cornetto and Elite Dangerous.


    ^^^ Upload VR gives a very up-to-date list of games.

    Elite D, racing sims, amazing wipeout game, Onward (full locomotion combat FPS), Cyan (myst developer), DCS World, HordeZ and many others. I find no shortage of games and sims on Vive.

    I have no interest in a lot of the mainstream games so what's available on vr suits me fine.

    Yeah, clear winner for console games. That's why I don't own a console and never will again. Those kind of games don't interest me.

    So "clear-winner" is purely subjective. If you want COD and other console games then yeah.

    I would have bought Vive just for DCS World and Elite Dangerous. I'm a sim fan more than a gamer but games like HordeZ are an amazing casual gaming experience.

    Onward has had an amazing reception from buyers so I will give that a try.
    Last edited by a moderator: 22 Sep 2016
  9. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    You know Elite Dangerous is available on the Xbox One console, right? :p
  10. Stanley Tweedle

    Stanley Tweedle NO VR NO PLAY

    3 Apr 2013
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    Yes.. is it a console game? No. It's a PC game that released on console sometime later.

    Some PC developers change around and make console the priority (Metro Last Light).

    Elite is first and foremost a PC game and as the website says: "made for VR".
  11. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    So where do you draw your line, out of interest? Obviously, if a game is available exclusively on console, it's a console game. If a game is available exclusively on PC, it's a PC game. And you've said that Elite Dangerous is a PC game because it came out on PC first and then console, which somewhat confusingly I guess makes the Xbox One version also a PC game.

    What about a game which releases on both PC and console simultaneously? Let's say... Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, launched on the 23rd of August for Windows, PS4, Xbox One. Is that a PC game, or a console game?

    I'm guessing that if a game is released on console first then PC, then you'd class it as a console game. So, GTA V - console game, right? Even though Rockstar has long developed PC games (and the original game was PC-only at launch).

    How about Facebook games? They're only available on PC, right? So are you a secret Farmville addict? ;)
  12. Stanley Tweedle

    Stanley Tweedle NO VR NO PLAY

    3 Apr 2013
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    I don't think it really matters except for the fact that consoles have had a dire impact on PC games over the years. Metro 2033 was a PC game. Metro Last Last was a console-prioritized game complete with auto-aim enabled. I don't agree with Gabe Donut's statement that console gamers aren't real gamers. Whether you game on console or PC or your exploding samsung chublet you're still a gamer.

    However I don't think consoles have done anything good for PC gaming when you look at the long list of lazy ports (refresh locked to 30? console textures, auto-aim, dumbed-down AI etc).

    If a game is released on console first then I would think of it as a console game brought to the PC... what's the name of that racer that's famous on console now coming to PC?? Forza? Whatever it's called that racing sim is a famous console game that is only just coming to PC so I think console gamers would be justified in calling it a console game. I would call it a console game/sim.

    By the way... I don't dismiss a game because it began life on a console. When I owned a PS1 I loved wipeout. PC has had a lot of poor imitations.

    I like the simulations available for PC. DCS World on console doesn't seem likely. FSX with leap-motion cockpit switch control doesn't seem likely on a console. So for me I have the stuff I need on PC VR and don't need to look elsewhere.

    So the statement that "PC VR games are lacking - PSVR will lead the way" - is a matter of personal opinion not fact.
  13. Gareth Halfacree

    Gareth Halfacree WIIGII! Lover of bit-tech Administrator Super Moderator Moderator

    4 Dec 2007
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    This made me legitimately and literally laugh out loud.
  14. Stanley Tweedle

    Stanley Tweedle NO VR NO PLAY

    3 Apr 2013
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    Yar, I prefer to call them chubby-blets rather than phablets.

    By the way... I've owned many mobiles over the years and the samsung is the only one with a battery that gained weight suddenly and was bulging. It woulda exploded had I not removed it. Galaxy S3.
  15. Stanley Tweedle

    Stanley Tweedle NO VR NO PLAY

    3 Apr 2013
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  16. DriftCarl

    DriftCarl Minimodder

    2 Nov 2004
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    I have had my Vive now for several months. It is great, I love the games, however simple some of them are. It doesnt matter that they are not AAA titles, its a unique experience and completely different from any PC or console game you have ever played. Onward is just an amazing simple 4v4 FPS, much more realistic in feel than any fps.

    I really enjoy having a bunch of friends come round, drink beer, eat pizza and play VR. People will spend 800 on a 4K 52 inch TV that does 1 thing, or 800 quid on an iphone that does the same as what their old iphone does. I have no problem with the price I paid for the vive.
  17. Stanley Tweedle

    Stanley Tweedle NO VR NO PLAY

    3 Apr 2013
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    That's the right attitude. What I've observed about anti-vr rhetoric is that it follows a very narrow set of cliche beliefs...

    "gen 1 VR isn't ready for consumers"

    "it's just a TV strapped to your head"

    "no games"

    "It's a gimmick"

    "VR failed in the 90's and will fail again"

    "VR will die out like 3d TV"

    "you regret spending $1000 on a gimmick don't you?"

    "In 10 years VR will have fallen in price and improved" (no idea why the trolls always say 10 years).

    I woulda bought VR just for DCS World or Elite so anything else is a bonus.

    I haven't purchased Onward yet... I'm a bit lazy about multiplayer but I think I will buy it at some point.

    PC VR at this stage is a high-end niche peripheral and niche peripherals continue to sell... That $1000+ racing wheel... Racing cockpits, HOTAS... All occupy a small slice of the PC gaming market but continue to sell.
    Last edited: 27 Sep 2016
  18. sandys

    sandys Multimodder

    26 Mar 2006
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    Had a play on some of the vive tech demos on the weekend and really felt that it was a bit old hat, sure the looking about bit on the odd game was good but most of the control demos were like Sony move stuff I played years ago, certainly didn't sell it to me well.

    Need to play a proper full game with it. I've played a bit with oculus and a few car games but again due to the fairly locked on nature of viewing when driving, I could just of easily had similar experience from a 3DTV at a better resolution.
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