Sorry Blazza but your image doesn't show up on my IE or Firefox or even my phone. Knuck's cat shows up fine and Igniseus' pic works on IE so they are the winners. PM's incoming.
So I get the entrants down to: AlphaAngel (1) rici1241 penryn 2 hertz Andersen Smellyhead sotu1 aramil Blazza181 SimonStern mihai varkanoid (11) I decided to eliminate 3 ppl via dice roll (3 - 9 - 2) Leaving: AlphaAngel (1) Andersen Smellyhead sotu1 aramil Blazza181 mihai varkanoid (11) As the recievers. If you still dont have a key (rici1241, penryn 2 hertz, SimonStern), Kiytan and Will in this thread has offered some out. If you still can't get one visit this thred, There are a lot of people in this thread with spare keys offering them out.
I think I have 9 copies to give away... am a bit of steam noob so forgive me if i've got this wrong but there are 9 "dota 2 steam gifts" in my inventory 8 of which say they can't go to china and one that doesn't mention it. If you interested let me know... might also have to explain how i gift them to you...
I have six sitting in my Steam inventory. If somehow you haven't received one from any source yet I'd be willing to send one.