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Windows Is cheating really worth it...?!?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Medic6666, 21 Jan 2002.

  1. Medic6666

    Medic6666 What's a Dremel?

    28 Nov 2001
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    When I go to the shops and pay my £30+ for a game, cheating is the last thing on my mind...

    I always assumed that the whole point of the game was to play it and beat it. If you decide to cheat have you really beaten the game, or only changed it?

    Then you get multi-play.. I play online most of the time, mainly at the moment with RTCW and CS (CS mainly). When you play against someone else it should be down to how good you are at the game itself, not how many hacks you managed to find and load up.... With a bit of practise I have managed to get my aim to be quite good and with no cheats in sight.. (alright....I miss mostly, but how much fun i've had running around in circles guns blazing).

    So come on guys play fair and make the online gaming scene a better place... :)

    Just my little bit...

    See ya ;)


  2. _iNFiNiTy-

    _iNFiNiTy- Banned

    21 Nov 2001
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    Cheats in CS piss me off.

    I've been playing CS since about v3.1 now, and (modest mode) I think I've gotten quite good. I now play with a ping of 350 on a 56k Modem in the middle of nowhere, and I can beat most 50 pingers and get in the top 3 of every map.


    It gets on my nerves that nowadays a person can't be good, they are either **** or a cheater.

    Okay there are obvious cheaters, ei ones who play on un moderated servers with AWP, don't move and have OCG Auto-aim/fire and hit everyone as soon as they apear and have 0 deaths with 80+kills. But I've played against people who really are good, you can usualy tell a cheater by the way they don't look around, or aim through a wall. If you think that someone is cheating, spec them. If they're aiming through walls and jumping out to get an instant headshot, take a demo :p

    Sorry for the long rant, I feel stronly on this subject.
  3. Sim0n

    Sim0n rm -rf /

    14 Dec 2001
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    That is the most annoying thing about CS...

    i mean, how lucky are you considered if you get a triple headshot in a row.

    no, you not considered lunky, the whole server will call you a aim-botting wa**er and then proceed to boot you.

    The best thing is, the people who accuse you are always at the bottom of the server, have you noticed that.

    the reason behind thisis coz they are too bust moddifying their customer cheats and programs to manage to kill someone with a pistol from the other side of the map while facing away from them.

    I mean the best cheat i ever saw was by a player under the tag " [OMC]Supafly ".

    He basically stood there, in the 4 sec buy freeze looked around and didnt buy anything.

    Then with his basic CT pistol, fired 7 shots at the floor, and one by one the other team all dead from headshot. I mean WTF not even subtle.

    Im first to admit that im OK on counterstrike, ave score of 30-7.

    But the constant number of cheaters really does get my wick.

    Its like 10% of the CS community only exist to flood servers with endless radio spam, and acuse ANYONE with a socre greater than 10 of using cheats.
  4. bLiNdPyRo

    bLiNdPyRo What's a Dremel?

    31 Dec 2001
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    56k? Top 3? My friend, you are |337. :) I've never played CS before but dang, it seems as if you guys run into cheaters very often. I play Q3, and rarely do I ever see someone using an autoaim hack. But it really pisses me off when I run into a cheater because it takes the fun out of the game and the players usually leave that server. :( However, I've been accused of cheating for taking the gun cg off so I could see the screen better. :rolleyes: Kinda stupid in my opinion...
  5. Sim0n

    Sim0n rm -rf /

    14 Dec 2001
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    Nah, its mainly coz CS is the most talked about and played online game.

    Im not after an arguement from the Quake boys, coz i play both.

    But everyone has to admit CS is the daddy.

    It has the most devloped cheats and hacks.

    there is also one for an automatic Sniperrifle, so the AWP has the rate of fire of the M16, and the acuracy of the SIG on zoom, with no recoil
  6. Kevo

    Kevo 426F6C6C6F636B7300

    9 Sep 2001
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    If you ask me there's far too much cheating paranoia especially in online games. I used to like it when some 13 year old kiddy used to tell me to "Get of the f***ing server you f***ing cheat" all beacuse the team I was on was winning. What made it even more hilarious was the fact i'm was usually playing on the UOCUK server which has EVERY anti cheat thingys on the server making it pritty hard to cheat.

    This is one of the main reasons I stopped playing online games. I just got sick and tried of being accused of cheating all beause I was having a good game.
  7. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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    I get annoyed too, I have played since Beta 1, and not being modest, I am a good player... playing badly, I am disappointed with a score of 2-1... on a normal day I am up around 4-1 or 5-1 in kills-deaths... I don't play anymore because when you go on a server and you give the OGCers a run for their money, they get pissed off, and start accusing you of cheating at the same time.

    The last time I played I hit 46-5 in 45 mins of office. I know a score of 46-5 with nothing more than a colt seems a bit suspect as CT on office... but really Ive never seen such a bunch of lamers, on what normally, is a good server... two of the deaths were when I switched sides to even things out. If they camp in the most obvious spots every time, then they are going to get worked out by someone with half a brain. Even in that game there were some OGCers, but... they got found out, cs-guard was running, as well as many other anti-cheat programs.

    They came on and got a few headshot kills in a row, and then got banned. I aint the type of person who would cheat myself, never mind in an online game. This is the whole reason why I have stopped playing for the moment... I cannot be doing with being accused of cheating, when I am actually a reasonably good player.

    Ill have a look at 1.4, but if the same thing crops up, then I think Ill make a total move over to Unreal Tournament, and Tactical Ops (I think thats what its called) the mod that has been made for the UT engine, with the same principles of CS, exactly the same weapons, just different levels, and different engine (of course)... it looks promising tho ;)


  8. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Id been playing CS since beta 7 and now ive given up for that exact reason. There's just NO point in playing anymore cause everyone assumes everyone else cheats and noone can be good or have a good day cause u piss someone off when u kill them.

    I play Q3 now where cheating doesnt really matter cause u still get ur ass whipped.

  9. Methical

    Methical What's a Dremel?

    20 Jan 2002
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    used to cheat in single player but it definately took all teh fun away. I've stopped in teh past couple of months and have enjoyed my gaming much more.

    by the way, hey medic u want to schedule a little multiplayer in RTCW.....
  10. BannedMojo

    BannedMojo Banned

    14 Jan 2002
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    Yes multiple headshots are all too suspicious - I've only had a few headshots since I started playing again about 3 days ago :) And no I don't think cheats will disappear - the world is full of lamers...
  11. Medic6666

    Medic6666 What's a Dremel?

    28 Nov 2001
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    oh yes

    if it fits in around work i'm game. anyone else up for a bit of fun..?

  12. RTT

    RTT #parp

    12 Mar 2001
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    im a reasonably good player at cs, although lately i have been absolutely crap.... anyway...

    cheats do really annoy me :mad: they just defeat the object of the game, and ruin it for every honest player out there.

    i dont know if you notice, but the cheat on the server never ever replies no matter what you call him.. he'll just stay quiet until he is bored or gets kicked.

    im a honest player, i'd cheat in a game if i couldnt complete it, but no way would i ever think of cheating on a multiplayer game, its just pathetic. it just proves that you cant be arsed to learn how to play well, and proves you need to cheat to win.
  13. relix

    relix Minimodder

    14 Nov 2001
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  14. That video was worth it :)
  15. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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    hahaha nice vid :)
  16. RTT

    RTT #parp

    12 Mar 2001
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    that all they did? ... wusses ;)

    they should plant some C4 in his case :D
  17. relix

    relix Minimodder

    14 Nov 2001
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    hey, RTT, you're almost at 2000 posts!
  18. RTT

    RTT #parp

    12 Mar 2001
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    only 2000? :eek:

    need to break my record of 5000 ish on OCUK forums...

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