It's teachnically possible since the electors ar eunder no obligation to follow the popular vote. But good luck getting that many Democrat Electors to go against the popular vote and their candidate at the same time. States can enforce an elector's pledge. Was a unanimous decision.
It varies state by state as I had already pointed out on the previous page but: Just for funsies... Here is the list where Biden won and the votes of electors don't automatically get deleted if they vote the wrong way (And the respective number of electors): California 55 Virginia 13 Massachusetts 11 Maryland 10 Wisconsin 10 Connecticut 7 Oregon 7 Hawaii 4 Delaware 3 DC 3 Vermont 3 (note that some of those states do have punishments for the electors if they would vote the wrong way like for example California, however the vote itself would still count). That is 126 electors who could hypothetically flip over to Trump and Trump is sitting on 214, so that would mean having to bribe 56 out of 126 of them to even reach the 270 mark. And frankly that is never going to happen.
Apparently, in the background, many Rep. wants to congratulate Biden/Harris but they don't do it because they don't want to receive death threats from his supporters. Also, some say it's also a process to walk Trump out of the White House without hurting his feelings... How the mighty have fallen.
****ed up Republican party politics, fanning the flames for Tea Party extremists who unwittingly pave the way for shady big business moguls - they created the perfect environment for Trump's special brand of diseased populism that quickly grew beyond GOP control. Mary Shelley couldn't have written this better. Now moderate Republicans are terrified of displeasing the mob. I get impassioned dedication to a political cause but this rabid denial in the face of facts and apparent willingness to do actual harm to those with opposing views is severely messed up.
Baseless crap going viral again at Facebook, Youtube and Twitter. I am extremely fed up with them with them being too slow or not doing anything. I am so sick of it, Trump is completely abusing his social media accounts, using the "immunity shield" to push as much crap he can. And his acolytes pushing hard as well, the Twitter restrictions are useless because his supporters don't care, their leader is a cult leader and they would do anything for him like stupidly praying in front of a building speaking in tongues - it's not working.
This isn't a bad effort at making sense of the mesdedd of PA lawsuits
Also for those that read that Trump's Supreme Court appointments would overturn Obamacare read The think about appointing strict originalists/textualists is that they generally will pay a lot of attention to the detail of the case rather than judging on the overall.
Trump was never really interested in SCOTUS. It was just an area he delegated and then tried to get credit for the results. He nominated roughly the same justices that another more establishment republican would have.
Perhaps, but like everything else in his entire existence, he sees his SCOTUS appointments on a transactional basis. I appointed you, so I expect you to rule in my favour when required. That hasn't really worked out for him very well so far, but that's not to say that it won't always.