Luckily Biden can stop the US Pulling out of the WHO with just executive action. A look at the budget contributors shows how important that is: Not exactly sure quite why the funding looks like this but I guess China and France don't think much of it. EDIT: looking at the current budget it seems Germany has made a big increase in funding .
So Trump has announced sweeping cuts in prices of prescription drugs. Prescription drugs are hideously expensive in the USA, so it's about time. I wonder, however, has he made unsustainable cuts to force Biden to roll them back and lose face?
Consider that a Type 1 diabetic in the UK pays somewhere between £75 and £400 per year for their Insulin if they buy it themselves, whilst in the US it's around £900 ($1200) per month. £75 is near-ish to the cost price for a year's supply. So much of US drug pricing boils down to how far they can push it before patients push back, a lot of drugs could have the price cut by half or more and still be enormous cash cows. It's unlikely the prices will drop to unsustainable levels even if Trump gets everything in his executive orders done by January. I suspect Biden/Harris' plans for affordable also goes far beyond what Donald could even conceive.
I'm aware of the price gouging that takes place - $200-$300 for a single Epi-Pen, for example, and I'm certainly not arguing that it isn't well overdue; I just think a healthy dose of cynicism should be applied to everything Trump does between now and Jan 20th. The guy is a ****ing hideously sore loser, and I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out he laid a few traps out of spite.
If you want to go full-on tinfoil-hatted and cynic... it's announced the day Jr is announced to have 'rona.
Sidney Powell is the attorney that got several of the Enron board out of their jail terms and some of them even got convictions overturned. She might be a right wing loon, but she's not an idiot, I can only assume she's no longer part of the team because she asked for something, anything, with which to build a case. As oppsed to standing in front a judge and calling people names for the fun of it.
Guiliani oversaw this - Mafia Commission Trial ...doesn't make him any less of a irredeemable moron now. Likewise Powell might not have been an idiot when keeping the Enron bunch out of prison, doesn't mean she's not being a rampaging loon now.
Honestly, I don't know. However, assuming cynical me is correct and he's over-doing it so Biden will lose face rolling it back, it could be a longer term strategy if he plans to run for office again in 2024, as some people think. I'm leaning towards the idea that he might actually running for a successful parole hearing in 2024. Fingers crossed
I think you might be right. He certainly doesn't seem to have the sense to resign and get Pence to pardon him, whilst he is still holding on to the delusion that he can overturn democracy.