I happen to stumble across the bit-tech YouTube video on building these computers, so I fell down that rabbit hole. I was mainly looking at building a new computer desk for myself. Well now I want to build a new computer to match my desk. I was in the computer industry for 15 years back when we used alcohol to cool our Pentium II, yeah I know I'm old. Anyway, I was looking at designing my case to work with my desk but couldn't find models for motherboards etc. Is there a good source for finding that? I did a quick search on the forum for 3d models, but nothing came up. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be a huge help. Thank you
Hey dude! And welcome - I hope you brought a thick skin... But saying that, you will actually find that most people are stand-up characters usually. Probably just avoid the Serious section. I can't help too much with the above, but I do recall there being an add-in pack/extension of sorts for Google Sketchup that last I heard had up-to-date specs and models for most of the current hardware on the market. I have seen some articles where this was used to show modelling of exact motherboards and expansion slots in all the right places, so might be worth refining your search to using Sketchup and seeing what that returns. Sorry I couldn't be of more value, but good luck! PS. This sounds like a terrible waste of good alcohol!
Thanks for the reply ModSquid, I will try to change my wording up and see what I can find. So far I haven't found anything after changing the search up some but I'll keep looking.
Did a very quick check to see if I could find the info I was talking about but couldn't lay my hands on it. I'm a bit tied up for the next few days but I'll flick through some back issues of the magazine when I get a chance. I did however find this article, that may have some useful names you can try and track down online - Google buys SketchUp | bit-tech.net, plus there might be some additional info in here - SketchUp - Bit-Tech Digital 3D Render Gallery | bit-tech.net Forums. This resource looks like it might also be useful if you can work out how to find and integrate your particular model of board into SketchUp - Search for motherboard | 3D Warehouse (sketchup.com). I've never used it though, so I'm sorry I can't be of more help in this regard. There was also this older thread on here where people are discussing SketchUp alternatives (I'd forgotten you weren't necessarily committed to that particular application) and they seem to tout SolidWorks as a decent alternative. It doesn't sound like it's free though, unless there's a trial option or similar and again - apologies, but I'm well out of my depth on that front. Hope you find something useful in all that, even if it's just ideas to broaden your search. I'm fairly sure you can find someone who can advise on SolidWorks around here somewhere...!
Finally started getting parts in for this build. What AIO are people using for water cooling the Ryzen 9 7950X? MBand CPU by Chris Brown posted 6 Dec 2022 at 22:51
Also, here is a basic design for my case. I haven't finished the lower section as I'm waiting for parts so I can verify measurements. Case by Chris Brown posted 6 Dec 2022 at 22:55
Chris's are the best. Chris's with colours for surnames are even better. Nice to meet you Mr Brown, I'm Mr Green. Things like this are best asked in the modding or tech section, general is just pretty general really.
Feels like a game of Cludo is about to start....It was Chris Black in the marketplace with the Scythe Shuriken