Ooh, that reminds me, I never got round to properly playing through Double Agent. Should probably bump it up my list, as it seemed quite good...
^ Funny, I was thinking about giving Q2 another go earlier. I still have the original 1997 box Hitman absolution. It was terrible, but I had to finish it. Story FMV and voice acting are shockingly bad.
Sort of finished Bioshock Infinite,aptly named as I thought it would never end. I say sort of because the final battle just became tedious. Might go back to Far Cry 3 which I have also struggled with, but I was the same with Far Cry 2 and when I did go back, could not get enough of it. I still have Hitman which I have had for months and have not even started.
Not played it yet, I liked BS1 and BS2 was pretty good, a bit too similar but some nice touches like getting big daddies to fight for you but it didn't feel as big or as engrossing as B1. Just finished Tomb Raider 2013, looks great and plays well but as a big TR fan and player from TR1 in 96 this new game has very little of the puzzle solving that is in most other TR games (side challenges of finding things are not puzzles!) and you rarely get the feeling of actually exploring a place which is so much of the atmosphere in older TR games as with many games today TR 2013 seems designed to try and maintain maximum tension a lot of the time and often if you stop and try and soak up the atmosphere you end up in some form of conflict, damn wolves It can feel a bit linear and dumbed down but that is the way of many games today as they are aimed at kids. I don't know if I will ever consider it a true TR classic but nostalgia is a funny thing and in a few years time and future Tomb Raider games have become nothing more than FPS's I might think differently? Can't remember exactly which TR game it was but I will never forget dropping down through a hatch and finding myself standing on top of the head of an enormous Spinx in a vast underground tomb and the game camera actually zooms out and around to show you just where you are standing, epic game moment and a good example of how graphics can't replace game play
The Walking Dead was the last one, around a month ago. Very immersive and emotional experience, right up there with Heavy Rain. Today I uninstalled Far Cry 3 after the tedium and padding got too much for me. Very tedious, I must be getting old.
Fable 3, not really the kind of game I'd go for but i was pleasantly surprised, and since the Xbox people are giving it away as a free download I thought I should give it a chance. Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 2
Recently got to level 50 on Borderlands 2, also completed Metro last light a couple of weeks ago. Both are brilliant games.
Far Cry 3 ...awesome game, although I don't feel any desire to finish off exploring the island now the story has finished :/
Bioshock Infinite: Kinda struggled with this a bit. I loved the first 2 or 3 hours or so but by the end I just wanted to get it over with and see what all the fuss was about at the end. As it turns out the end is great it's just a shade too long for me. Turned from a pleasure to a bit of a chore in the end. Journey: The most enthralling 2 hours or so I've ever spent in a game I think. The lack of explanation to the story, great sound, stunning visuals and oddly charming main character really made it something to remember. If you can get it for about the price of a cinema ticket its well worth a go. A great little game
http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2013/06/the-failure-of-bioshock-infinite-writing-games-like-movies/ "The failure of BioShock Infinite: Writing games like movies" ^^^^^
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory First got this when I built my current rig. Started playing it then but only got about half way through. Can't remember exact reason why I stopped playing it, but my gaming time nowadays is pretty limited and I think I just got a bit bored/wasn't sure why Sam was doing what he was doing. I think I find the delivery of the story in SC games a bit tacked on and there's not enough narration/reminders during a level as to what I should be doing and why - i.e. lack of incentive to keep looking around when I can't work out how to get past a certain section. That said, re-visiting it was enjoyable. It was prompted by an attempt at playing Thief 3, which I got no further than the tutotorial cos I just thought it wasn't as good as Splinter Cell. I find the stealth in SC pretty immersive, popping out lights, stealth door opening etc. but each level/mission is quite long so it's a case of keeping your eye on the prize and using quick saves a bit more often to maintain focus. Did have to rush the last level due to playing time limitation, and hence took help from a walkthrough, which is a bit of a shame, but that's the reality of my gaming nowadays. Enjoyed it enough to tempt me to start through and try and improve my stealth scores, and to try out the later games (although I hear Double Agent was a bit poo on pc).
Batman: Arkham city. For the 7th time. Grand total of 197 hours immersed in Arkham city Am I sick, doc? Or is the game just that fricken' good? Looking forward to several games right now: AC: Brotherhood, AC:4, AC:5, Arkham: Origins, Crysis3, Bioshock infinite, Dishonored, Oh, and the Entire. Halo. Series. Not too big a fan of Call of duty or Battlefield so I might still have a little Hard disk space left when all is said and done...
Working on Assassins Creed 2.3 (otherwise known as Revelations) before I can start on the copy of AC3 my brother bought me for my birthday.