Far Cry 3 for about the 8th time last night. Will be resetting the pirate camps and having some more fun with it before I finally leave it for a while. For some reason it just keeps drawing me back...
Remember Me, kind of fun the storyline etc. Poor camera at times and the supposed beat em up style turns into spamming the same button on the controller as the interrupts or lack of time to hit the kick/punch sequences just make them pointless to be honest. Finished and promptly uninstalled to be honest.
I finally went back to far cry 3 after starting it some months ago but then losing interest very soon thereafter. Finished this afternoon, strange ending, had sex and then I was killed, now I know i am not the greatest lover but I felt killing me was a bit harsh. Did I enjoy the game second time around? Yes and no, up until I killed Vass I did enjoy it after that I felt the rest of the game was padding, I could not be arsed doing the quests once I had all the gear to craft the various pouches as they were pretty much the same each time. Neither did I bother going for the collectables apart from the memory cards as there was really no challenge in getting them. I think I had only a couple of letters and about 20 relics and that was only because I stumbled on them. I only used the wing suit a couple of times and the hang gliders about the same. I felt the guns were pretty naff, after I had a decent shotgun,smg and heavy machine gun along with a decent sniper rifle I was pretty much sorted. Though I felt the sights on the sniper rifle were pretty poor. I have done a little sharp shooting in my younger day and I know that the sights would let you see a little further than Far Cry's allowed. Not a game for a repeat play I am afraid to say except to see what the other ending is. Maybe in another few months time. Has the Far Cry franchise come to the end of it's time? In my opinion yes.
Dishonoured. A game with a lot of potential, hampered by a combination of console releases (poor graphics, low textures, small sized levels). Still great story, great art direction, interesting characters.
Don't bother then. I was in the same position... First I thought "this is great, the graphics are awesome, wow". Then after a while I got over the fidelity and realised that outside of that, I was very, very bored.
Dead Space 2, sort of. I gave up trying to do the end boss as it was too frustrating. The Walking Dead was more recent, but that probably doesn't count.
I found that with the first Crysis... alas, I still have not completed it. I suspect I will when I get the 670 though. Last game for me was Borderlands 2, and before that Test Drive Unlimited (for the umpteenth time, and there will be another soon).
TBH Crysis (all of them, Warhead was my fave) is blinding right up until the aliens get involved. I'm now in the bowels of the alien boss thing and it's just boring the hell out of me. Kill a strong alien, move forward three spaces.. Kill another one...Yawn.
I'd heard Warhead was much better than the rest. I got bored with Crysis before fighting any aliens. Crysis 2 looked amazing but bored me very quickly. I've not got 3.
I didn't mind Crysis 3, it was infinitely better than the second and it had one redeeming feature; the bow.
Playing stealth with the bow was really enjoyable. Sneaking around cloaked and taking mofo's out with explosive arrows was very satisfying.
Crysis 3, as well, finished it today. It was the most average and forgettable game I've played since Bad Company 2's single-player campaign. The writing and voice acting were so hammy it made me cringe; the visuals and design were lovely; the musical score was awesome; the gameplay was just...boring, and very easy. The story and its various twists/revelations were absolutely generic. That's always been the case with Crysis, I guess, but in the first game it felt less pretentious and more fun. Less "aliens are attacking earth...I will sandpaper my throat and growl sombrely about the men I've lost until they go away" and more "aliens are attacking earth...I will throw explosive barrels around and punch things off cliffs until they go away." Also, the end was total fanwank. I hate fanwank. It also did that Metal Gear Solid thing of putting all the most awesome things into cutscenes or QTEs rather than finding a way to integrate them into the gameplay, which is disappointing (like the devs wrote a screenplay first and then just joined all the cool bits up with corridors of gameplay).