The 2nd 1 is the best game if the 4th didn't exist closely followed by the 3rd, espesh when you find out Nate's true origins etc without spoiling anything for anyone new to the series. Yeah it looks amazing especially on the ps4 remaster, I was genuinely like WOAH when I went from 1 to 2 on that trilogy as I'd never played the ps3 originals. Regarding 4... That bit that's in the trailer so I aint spoiling anything when she says "if you're done lying to me..." etc, that was heart strings/very well acted/so real!
Dying Light: Enhanced Edition on the Switch 8/10 Great game and I got the complete package dirt cheap! (and as for which Uncharted game is the best overall, I vote for Thief's End, it's vastly better even than Uncharted 2 IMO)
Boltgun (PC) - 8/10 A solid, fun shooter. Would score higher if it wasnt that some of the bigger enemies are serious bullet sponges.
I’m about 8 hours into Uncharted 4. At first it felt a bit too lively and hectic for me. I like slower pace. However I soon got into the “Mario 64 mode “ I’d not been in for many years. Then I started to have fun, but then I almost gave up on it a few times. It has to me what I find the most annoying thing in any game. I named this MDS and it was in a lot of early 3d platform games. It means “multiple death syndrome” and it winds me up in ways that only MDS can. Especially when you have absolutely nowhere you can go, so die an awful lot trying to work it out. But sometimes the hand holds are practically invisible meaning you die fifty times. I like the actual intelligent puzzles but I don’t like a puzzle where you swing out and don’t know where to go and then keep dying even more trying to figure it out. This chit all happened in Scotland. Since getting out of there? I’ve not been stuck once and have literally sailed through Madagascar. I like it but I don’t love it. It’s fun but linear and can get really frustrating . Like if you’re going to make a linear game and give someone only one way to get past something then don’t make it such a bitch to find. That’s just plain annoying. Story is very very good and I am a huge Goonies fan so hell yeah, but I prefer the pace of TLOU. So yeah will deffo finish but doubt I’d want to do it again.
Ah yes, I guess it might be the 'leaping about on scree' bits in Scotland? I'd say most of it makes sense, there's a couple of bits where the path forward isn't obvious. There's a kind of sense of achievement though when you figure it out (or a 'thank goodness that bit's over with' at least). I don't normally play through completed games but Uncharted 4 is one of the rare ones where I picked it up for a quick reminisce then pretty much stopped playing when daylight was showing through the curtains the next morning.
Ive played through a couple of times. Trying on the hard atm . I think its a great story driven game , albeit to short for me.
So you didn't bother doing the previous games so the plot means summit/is understood Completely disagree I smashed it on Hard first time through as with all UC/TLOU's... It is an amazing pace when it's hectic and there IS multiple ways through 90% of the places... I've completed both series MANY times... Regarding dying/swinging, you need to use the camera to look around more as before/during swinging and work it out, it isn't meant to be easy and that's what makes it feel quite real in places as the tension/speed/pace gives you that no time to twindle/hectic I'm gonna die if I get this wrong factor, espesh when stuff starts breaking/crumbling/exploding/being shot at. But yeah you can just use the camera to see what's around you before a jump and properly look around and scope out routes, you can also majorly use stealth in these games espesh this one if you fancy a more tlou sneaky/mgs style playthrough... Again MANY routes to take for this reason alone, so there def are multiple routes as they purposely did that to make the stealth options even cooler/varied. If you'd played the other 3 or atleast 2/3 which are when it properly comes into the plot you'd really care about the characters and would definitely replay this one, it is the don. Hopefully when you get to the incredible last half/quarter bits that are breathtaking/amazing story wise too you'll change your mind... I'm genuinely disapointed you like repetitive unimaginative linear junk made for people who can't handle more than 120 characters in a text message like Dead Island yet think this masterpiece is just 'ok' and hate TLOU2...
PCS3X or whatever it's called upscaled to 4k for the og ps3 ones or get a ps4 for sod all and the trilogy remaster collection for a tenner from cex?
Gawd knows. Been years since I’ve used emulators. Got a lot to do now for a week. Won’t be back til next Friday and busy then for a few days also. I did the fun puzzle in the clock tower yesterday evening. Reminded me of tick tock clock on Mario 64, but easier lol.
You wanna try it on hard when it all colapses wayyyy faster haha! Is your 6850xt really 268mm or whatever?
6950XT? not sure, but it is very smol. Much smoller than I anticipated ! That is the 2080Ti I used to use. I had no appreciation for how large it was. It was soooo much easier to get in there. Hory sheesh. Best card I've bought for price and perf in a loooong time. Friggin love it.
I got damn lazy on a recent refresh build ... My RX 6800 wouldnt fit given i put a AIO in the front ... i just changed the GPU .
I got stuck on a bit where there is a grapple point. I swung in on it, but didn't realise I had to use it again. It was made worse by the brother saying basically something totally not helpful. I don't dislike the game. Far from it. It's just not totally my thing. Doesn't mean that once you get past those annoying parts it isn't good. Far from it, it's great. But TLOU is much more me. It's slower paced (remember, I am 50 with failing eyesight and reactions) and more my thing. I like zombie games and Fallout games. I tried Skyrim, for example, and whilst I have nothing bad to say about it it just didn't hit the spot. BTW RE you comments on Dead Island? it's way deeper than that dude. There are some seriously hidden things in it that I failed to notice on three playthroughs. It is only because I played it with a pal who can crack ciphers and so on that I even found out about it. And yeah, IT IS repetitive. Ever looked up what autistic people love the most? lmao. Familiar and repetitive dude.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Didn't bother with any of the "Champion Trials" DLC stuff (although I did get all the bonus armour, etc), but I completed all 120 shrines in the basic game and must've got about 50% of the korok seeds. Still a really great game. Yes, the weapon breaking mechanic is frustrating as hell initially, but give it about 4-8hrs and it's really not so much of an issue. Once you get the Master Sword (and you really should, it makes the final boss way easier), you'll be absolutely swimming in weapons. The #1 frustration I have with the game however is that you can't climb in the rain. Like... at all. You will spend a lot of this game climbing stuff - stamina is a way more important stat than health - and to block that completely because some arbitrary weather RNG decides it's time for rain is incredibly frustrating. Often it'll happen when I'm somewhere miles away from where I can sleep and there's absolutely no shelter in sight so I can't even light a fire to pass time. Close behind that in terms of frustration is not being able to carry metal weapons, shields, and armour in thunder storms. Too many unskippable animations and a lot of dumb Nintendo-ness, e.g. cooking meals (the primary way you'll recover health): open the inventory, carry stuff in your hands, close the inventory, and dump it in a cooking pot. If I have to hear that stupid cooking jingle one more f'ing time... The story is... well... I literally can't spoil it; it's a Zelda game, even if you've never played one you know the story already. Still a solid 7.5/10 from me, and enjoyed it just as much a second time around. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on Tears of the Kingdom now.
Medal of Honour (spelt correctly) (X360) That was rather enjoyable indeed. Still not a fan of the seemingly asymmetric range/damage/accuracy between player and bad guys that has plagued these games since COD4 introduced it, but I'm getting better at spotting the far-off contacts and this one wasn't as bad. Decent story, if on-rails and invisibly-boundaried in terms of environment, but gritty and exciting although still too many different characters and units to keep track of between multiple sittings, which detracts from the flow if you're not concentrating. NO collectible intel rubbish either, which is a massive plus in my book. "Bullets or broken bones, Rabbit? Bones heal."
Uncharted Thief's End. Got better toward the end, but still about two hours in "Where the F do I go?" whilst the NPC made dumb ass comments that were not helpful at all. Still the other one to do, and I am going to before I begin Starfield as I have a quite major rig upgrade to do and would rather save Starfield for when the weather is s**t.
Uncharted The Lost Legacy. So much better than the other one. Really enjoyed it, story was bang on and the ending was warming. I also played through Quake 2 Remastered very recently.