I've been doing a photography course and thanks to the tutor involved I've finally got my head around long exposures.
Nice one. I like the soft wave-like water shapes in your photo. As daylight hours shorten, you can also try light trails by long exposure roads or create your own shapes.
So I did the Light room trip which is the final week Managed to get a good shot I've blanked out the models face as he was a fellow student and I haven't asked him about posting the image. I'd like to get one of the sticks the course instructor used but I have no idea what its called I did look up the Magilight and Pixelstick but both are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to expensive. So I'm looking around for cheaper alternatives,. Anyway here are a couple of images. To be honest I don't think I did to bad as a first attempt.
Having looked up google image results for both, the correct response should have been 'shut up and take my money'
I recently walked the Ingleton Waterfalls Trail in the Yorkshire Dales, got some long exposures of the waterfalls there. This is my favourite, it's called Thornton Force. I didn't go too mad with the exposure time as I still wanted that sense of movement in the water. Another of my favourite waterfall locations is in Grindsbrook Clough on the ascent to Kinder Scout. Ideal break spot for a cuppa on a long day hike! I've walked the Dark Peaks area of Peak District extensively. If you want to do long exposure water shots, there are loads of locations there, definitely worth the trip. Luckily I live around an hours motorbike ride from there.
One of my work colleagues works with light & long exposures. Warning some of these are NSFW (nothing overly graphic) https://mcaleavy.org/ He's also working on lithophane printing with a 3d printer using 4 colour spools, but I don't think that's on the website yet.