With 20 programmable buttons, the M.M.O. TE has the potential to be a monstrous gaming mouse http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/peripherals/2015/12/07/mad-catz-m-m-o-te-review/1
"no thanks" is my reaction. However I do like the look of the R.A.T mice though. I was going to get one but the reports of them breaking frequently from casual use had me on edge and I passed on it. Mad Catz has always been a terrible manufacturer in my eyes and I would never buy anything they make again. I just picked up a cheap Kone Pure so no need for this anyway. In case you are wondering why I feel this way... X52 broke within a week from very light use and i've had several gamepads that literally fell apart from normal use. "no thanks".
well I have to say you are not a gamer to know how good this mouse is. This mouse is capable of doing 60 Programmable Commands for ANY GameStyle and function perfectly harmonize in a mouse built for speed and class-leading accuracy. I don’t think you can find better than this mouse anywhere. It’s beautiful and stylish.
Thank you so much but it’s actually not 20 it’s 60 Programmable Commands for ANY Game. This mouse literally is the best. Nothing even near to compare with it. Unfortunately I can’t find anywhere to buy myself a spare.
You've got to admire the passion that drives someone to come and argue aesthetics in the comment section of a mouse review... from 2015. A mouse that has since been discontinued, to boot. On a website that has been discontinued. From a manufacturer that folded in 2017. Re-read: 20 buttons, not 20 commands.
Would this be the internet if someone wasn't incorrectly correcting something from nigh on a decade ago!?
Awesome first post. Welcome to the internet. -Posted with my knockoff Logitech B100 with knockoff cherry mechanical switch grafted to the left click.
Absolutely adore my rat7 hands down the best mouse if you're inflicted with 'postman pat hands syndrome'. Just a shame it's pretty fudged and often won't register clicks.