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Xbox 360 Mass Effect Sex debate

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by CardJoe, 22 Jan 2008.

  1. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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  2. Jamie

    Jamie ex-Bit-Tech code junkie

    12 Mar 2001
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    Full digital nudity? Uh no! It's no worse than a lot of films that feature nudity. It got a mature rating what more do they want?
  3. badders

    badders Neuken in de Keuken

    4 Dec 2007
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    Shouldn't it be "Mass debate Sex Effect"?

    Fnarr Fnarr
  4. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    Silly Billy's.
  5. Fod

    Fod what is the cheesecake?

    26 Aug 2004
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    they forgot the part where you have to play 40 million hours before you get to the sex bit that shows a sideboob and an arse. of course, after THAT i *suppose* you can 'customise your sex scene to your heart's desire', but oh no, the only bit you can actually customise is the face (and the colour of the skin), so, well, what i'm trying to say is, the press are dumb, sensationalist twats.

    also, did they totally miss the violence this time around or something? americans are so hypocritical it makes me want to puke. they're home of the porn industry and yet the moment anything even modestly sexual shows up they're all over it like it's the worst thing to happen to their nation. senate votes against a .xxx domain while under the table providing funding to porn producers and even having their own little scandals. it's stupid.
  6. Jamie

    Jamie ex-Bit-Tech code junkie

    12 Mar 2001
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    Titanic has more nudity and I bet every 12 year old has seen that.
  7. DougEdey

    DougEdey I pwn all your storage

    5 Jul 2005
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    You can meet a woman and have sex - LEGAL
    You can meet a woman, take her on dates, buy her gifts etc... and have sex - LEGAL
    You can pay a woman to have sex with a guy who's also being paid, make video recordings and sell them for profit - LEGAL
    You CANNOT pay a woman for sex with yourself - ILLEGAL (in most places)
    You CANNOT buy a game in the US with boobs in it - IMMORAL.

    Seriously, can anyone explain why America is so against anything sexual when they have violence on their streets everyday which TAKES lives rather then giving smiles all round.
  8. K

    K 528491

    31 Oct 2001
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    No kid is gonna sit and read through the whole of Mass Effect just to get to the sex bit. I gave up way too quickly.

    EDIT - Sorry, I suppose I meant 'play' through Mass Effect.

    (or not)
  9. chrisb2e9

    chrisb2e9 Dont do that...

    18 Jun 2007
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    wow, after watching the video i had to bite my lip to keep from yelling at the screen.
    at the end of the video the one guy says that the goverment should not censon everything and it should be up to the parents to protect the kids. and i agree, if the parents dont want the kids playing a game like this because of a 10 second shot of a$$ that you can easily see on prime time tv(sex and the city, desperate housewives) then they should actually get involved in their kids lives and do their job as a parent.
  10. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
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    Wow I really would have thought a news company would have actually found out first had what was involved with the sex scene. They made it sound like an H game, as Fod said, it's a bit of side boob and a bit of ass, for about 10 second, same as a kid can see on TV.

    I thought the main presenter wasn't actually that stupid though, she seemed to not get caught up in the whole "OMG it's a sex game!" fever, seems to me the only reason she wasn't arguing for the game was the producer probably told her not to.
  11. Firehed

    Firehed Why not? I own a domain to match.

    15 Feb 2004
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    Look at our administration. Look at our populace. Neither is too bright. The best part is that they can't come up with a reason. I've brought this up with my mom, who seems to think that gratuitous violence that lacks sense, morals, or purpose is somehow less offensive than a tit. Given the fact that I exist and have a brother, I can assume she's... yeah, don't want to think about that... anyways, more times than she's gone out on killing sprees, which is zero to the best of my knowledge. Yet the former is the immortal, non-natural one? I think not.

    We're just bass ackwards, nothing more. Yes, I want out. Now.
  12. E.E.L. Ambiense

    E.E.L. Ambiense Acrylic Heretic

    26 Jul 2007
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    I can't really offer anything constructive about the violence thing, but as far as the 'moral' issue....this country was created by religious puritans in which many of them were bounced out of their own countries because of their beliefs, among other things. These puritanical beliefs are still ingrained in a large percentage of the current US population in one form or another. I'd personally prefer to be able to watch a commercial with a breast, hear a slight swear-word on TV or on the radio, etc., but I just don't see it happening due to the hardcore religious right wanting things different so the US will be more in line with their views on how it 'should' be.

    "A BREAST!? Oh NO!!! Quick! Get the baking soda!" :)eyebrow: wtf?)

    I guess I'm still a European at heart! :thumb:
  13. BlueTrin

    BlueTrin What's a Dremel?

    15 Dec 2007
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    Only americans can criticize sex in a game where you have to kill bazillions of people before to see a bit of a side boob and side ass ... with so-called experts citing scientifics and researchers without giving their names.

    The best part is when the journalist is criticizing the age checking system ? Are people in this country enough dumb to buy mature rated games to their children ? I would rather live in a society devoured by lust rather than in a country where people die every couple of seconds because of a gun ...

    Especially that the journalist criticizing this game got this job because she has been judged "good-looking" enough so the average viewer would like to bang her. Of course, she has been a virgin until her marriage, isn't it ? Oh wait that is the same country which is mocking all the time islamic religion for how they treat women while bombing entire countries ...

    I hope the creators of this devious game will get burnt and hanged for showing such unnatural things as love and human feelings (because it is hardly sex) , rather than showing some bloody skull and guns ...
    Last edited: 22 Jan 2008
  14. BlueTrin

    BlueTrin What's a Dremel?

    15 Dec 2007
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    I would correct you on one of your affirmations:
    - You CANNOT pay a woman for sex with yourself

    This is not true, what is forbidden in most of the places is to be a middle man taking comissions on it: a pimp ...

    Prostitution is legal in most of the places ...
  15. Fod

    Fod what is the cheesecake?

    26 Aug 2004
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    BlueTrin: you're half right.
    in most places, it's legal to SELL sex. as in, being a prostitute is OK.
    however, it's illegal to BUY sex. as in, be a customer of a prostitute.
    it's a very bizarre distinction.
  16. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    Not entirely true. Most of the founding fathers were deists/atheists and the separation of church and state has been around since the beginning. Many people came here for freedom of religion, just as many people came here for freedom FROM religion. The reason nudity and sexuality are considered taboo on regular TV (only on some channels. You see plenty of sexuality/soft nudity on a lot of cable channels at any given time) is simply a result of a society just developing its own accepted norms and it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the religious, or the "right" or the religious right. The same exact thing can be seen in many other countries, like Japan, with insane censoring of nudity/indecency. Even their hardcore porn is censored. Even their porn cartoons are cesored. Japan is one of the most secular modern countries out there (even though most of it's people will say they identify with shintoism.)

    The influence of the "religious right" or the "vast conservative conspiracy" are GREATLY exaggerated, like any national stereotype, though. Remember, it's mostly liberals who want the government to step into American living rooms and controlling what we can see or where we can go and that's a fact. Conservative=small government, little to no government regulation on many things, let the parents raise the kids. Liberals=mommy state.

    Don't take this as a declaration of my political affiliation, that's just the way it is.

    On topic though; musta been a slow news day. I'd take any of those info-babe segments on any news channel with a huge grain of salt. It's pretty much a fluff story and videogames are an easy target.
  17. DougEdey

    DougEdey I pwn all your storage

    5 Jul 2005
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    Still, that makes even less sense.
  18. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    Hey, I'm all for seeing more boobs on TV. Sign me up!
  19. bumfluff

    bumfluff What's a Dremel?

    18 Aug 2006
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    I love the way they talk to the expert on the game, who actually makes a very fair point, and just patronise him without even taking onboard any of his thoughts.

    Is it me, or would us Brits just not give two ****s about seeing two seconds worth of Tits and Ass in a game?
  20. Stuey

    Stuey You will be defenestrated!

    20 Jan 2005
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    So? What's your point. We don't particularly like tea either. Different culture, different rules.

    I for one don't give a damn. Oh my goodness, there's sex in a game? Noooooes! Meanwhile, it's okay to market games like Beach Bunny Volleyball. *rolls eyes*

    The reporter criticized the xbox parental controls saying that if a child wanted to, they'd access the content on the internet once the parents turned their back. Way to stay on topic. *rolls eyes*

    I'd say that most of the people in this country wouldn't care about such a game. The fact is, if a child is going to find access to the "sex scene" in a game like this, they most likely have access to harder forms of adult entertainment. The whole point of the "new" clip was to draw sensationalist attention, ratings, and advertisement revenue.

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