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Case Mod - In Progress Mayhems - Silver Bullet - pure real silver coolant (not aurora)

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by mayhem, 14 Oct 2015.

  1. mayhem

    mayhem Owner of Mayhems

    12 Sep 2008
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    Welcome to our PC build log for the Silver Bullet build

    Vampires and Lycans beware.

    I would like to first introduce our Sponsors whom are helping create this small but full featured PC system.


    IN-Win http://inwin-style.com/en/goods.php?act=file&id=805#product_tab have kindly supplied us with the 805 tower glass case as per our request.



    MSI has graciously Sponsored us with a main-board aka - MSI Z170A XPower Gaming Titanium Edition Intel Z170 (Socket 1151) DDR4 ATX Motherboard and a Graphics card (more details to come)



    I will be creating a 1 off special Real 100% pure Silver Nano 10nm coolant liquid for the build. Glass tubing and hopefully some thing just a little bit special but you will have to wait and see.......



    Super flower are sponsoring us Via OCUK http://www.overlcokers.co.uk a power supply.
    Last edited: 20 Oct 2015
  2. mayhem

    mayhem Owner of Mayhems

    12 Sep 2008
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    IN-Win 805 Mid Tower case deconstruction for modding.

    Stripping down the case and preparing for modding.

    Last edited: 15 Oct 2015
  3. jojoharalds

    jojoharalds Minimodder

    30 Apr 2014
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    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  4. mayhem

    mayhem Owner of Mayhems

    12 Sep 2008
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    Super Flower and OCUK have sponsored us With the Super Flower Leadex Platinum (80+ Platinum) power supply. This gives us plenty of room for movement on the hardware side of things with the possibility of future upgrades too. Being A platinum rated PSU it means it won't draw more energy than needed making it economical for the long term. This is our premium choice of PSU due to the fact Super Flower have a fantastic rep for reliability and long lasting with excellent support. We could not have asked for any better.

    Box Pics


    Super Flower Leadex Platinum (80+ Platinum) power supply.

    Last edited: 28 Oct 2015
  5. mayhem

    mayhem Owner of Mayhems

    12 Sep 2008
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    Managed to get around to day to ordering from overclockers today

    Intel Core i5-6600K 3.9GHz (Skylake) Socket LGA1151 Processor-> https://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=CP-579-IN&groupid=701&catid=6&subcat=3069


    Avexir Blitz Original Silver 16GB (4x4GB) DDR4 PC4-24000C15 3000MHz Quad Channel Memory Kit - White Light (AVD4UZ130001504G-4BZ1SW) -> https://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MY-120-AR


    2 x Samsung SM951 128GB M.2 PCI-e 3.0 x 4 NVMe Solid State Drive (MZVPV128HDGM-00000) -> https://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=HD-212-SA


    They should arrive next week. It will be interesting to see how far we can push the i5 and memory :).

    Just noticed also Ek have just released a all in one block for the MB which covers the CPU and main board.. might have to look into that.
    Last edited: 16 Oct 2015
  6. mayhem

    mayhem Owner of Mayhems

    12 Sep 2008
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    Ive made the coolant ready this is not aurora but actual 100% pure silver ground down to 20 to 30nm (nanometer) and suspended in a 1 off specialist coolant. There is quite a few hours work gone into the coolant alone and previously we called it Mayhems Decimation. This coolant out performs any thing on the market to date and nothing we have ever come across can even come close......

    Last edited: 20 Oct 2015
    Marquee likes this.
  7. mayhem

    mayhem Owner of Mayhems

    12 Sep 2008
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    More parts arrived today from Overclockers UK to go with the £2,000 per Ltr silver coolant, IN WIN UK case and some thing special is on its way from MSI UK. We have a Skylake core i5, Avexir Blitz Original Silver 16GB (4x4GB) DDR4 PC4-24000C15 3000MHz Quad Channel Memory Kit (bit of a mouth full that) and finally 1 of 2 Samsung UK SM951 128GB M.2 PCI-e 3.0 x 4 NVMe Solid State Drive (MZVPV128HDGM-00000)... To add to the list we've been graciously supported by EK Water Blocks whom are helping out with some water blocks and fittings on this build. Im really happy from the support were getting from some fantastic companies. The back up support as well is second to none.

    Last edited: 19 Oct 2015
  8. bmawn

    bmawn PC Modding enthusiast

    16 Oct 2015
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    Looks promising so far! I really love this case and I want to do a build in the future with it. Good luck, looking forward to see the result :)
  9. mayhem

    mayhem Owner of Mayhems

    12 Sep 2008
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    I do not like the colour of the silver fluid so i changed it to a much more suitable colour.

  10. Darkwisdom

    Darkwisdom Level 99 Retro Nerd

    27 Aug 2011
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    The Liquid... has real silver in it? It just gets even more insane. Have you done any benchmarks compared to other liquids?

    I can foresee an amazing black and white build, i'm interested already.
  11. mayhem

    mayhem Owner of Mayhems

    12 Sep 2008
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    Yeh the liquid is Real Pure 100% silver in it... We have done some benching with it already and know its capability, We showed an older version to 8-Pack and OCUK once were it stood in car for 2 hours and then was moved into a hot room for a few hours and was still sub ambient straight out of the bottle, basically it retains cold and heat much better than any water alone. How ever this is a newer version which contains a lot more pure silver and has been tweaked. The colour change i have done will have some effect on its over all performance but its not some thing im worried about.

    The build is relatively a simple build with some tweaks (nothing to fantastic yet) how ever this is more over a technical clean build with a extremely costly 1 off liquid. The liquid alone has been a 2 year progression of my learning and work with in Mayhems. We all have to play some times.
  12. rrmitko

    rrmitko Minimodder

    14 Jun 2014
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    I should get some for my .999 silver build :)
  13. mayhem

    mayhem Owner of Mayhems

    12 Sep 2008
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    Over at Mayhems were totally shocked by the support MSI has offered us on our build below are two pictures of what MSI sent us. We will go into more details about them but first we have a couple of front and back pictures of the boxes. Im going to say off the bat the MSI has completely gone about and beyond there call for help and given more than we could have ever asked for.

    Pictured left is MSI Ge Force 980 GTX which packs more punch than Mike Tyson on a Friday night out and speaks more than he could ever wish. On the right we have ….. the MSI Z170A Gaming main board is gorgeous silver and black…. Even the box has you standing in awe over its beauty.. But first boxes pics before we go into more detail :).


    More pics will follow with more information over the next few days
  14. The_Crapman

    The_Crapman World's worst stuntman. Lover of bit-tech

    5 Dec 2011
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    Much prefer the new colour. The first one was, well, a bit jizzy. Ha ha
  15. mayhem

    mayhem Owner of Mayhems

    12 Sep 2008
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    EK sponsorship blocks and fittings arrived, So much to do and so little time in between what i do now,

    Got straight on with fittings the EK 980 Lightning GPU block to the MSI Geforce GTX 980 TI (Perfect fit). Pics below of the beauty in all its glory.

  16. mayhem

    mayhem Owner of Mayhems

    12 Sep 2008
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    The MSI Z170A Xpower Gaming Titanium Edition Mainboard for the new Skylake CPU from Intel look very impressive close up with the whole board being silver it will complement the whole build. The EK -Supremacy Evo Nickel Plexi suits the board down to the ground, We haven't gone with a full cover block as the Heat sinks on the Z170A complement the system very well and covering them over would be such a shame.


    We love the back and detail as much as we love the front ...

  17. mayhem

    mayhem Owner of Mayhems

    12 Sep 2008
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    Making a Back Plate using a cheap Chinese laser cutter and coral laser.

    To make a Back plate for the MSI Ge-Force GTX 980 Ti wasn’t an easy task when you literally know nothing and when asking questions all you ever seem to get is people saying use other software, however this would cost a fortune. So we set out to make it using just the tools we had.

    First off using a regular scanner we can the back of the MSI Ge-Force GTX 980 Ti using a 100% ratio so we would get a like for like copy of the back of the board. This is important as we need to measure up the board so we can replicate it digitally. If you get lots of Black around you print out like we did just lay white paper around the PCB so that you get some clean lines to work with.


    Once completed test the photo copy of the back of the PCB against you Ge-Force 980 Ti card and make sure everything matches up correctly. This took us a couple of attempts but didn’t take long.

    Once we had the scan we simply took measurements of the now flat Paper PCB such as the 5 holes were going to mount the plate to and the surrounding edges that we wish to plate up.

    Next we opened up coral laser and imputed the rectangle size and cut offs needed and then place the correct size holes corresponding to our back plate. This Made life ultra-easy and not much messing was needed to get the sizes correct.
    Your back plate is now ready to go. However we would like to show who make the MSI Ge-Force GTX 980 Ti so next we took a copy of the MSI logo from there Logo page here -> http://l.facebook.com/lsr.php?u=htt...clerY5TzEzuCXDvVZsT-PW1oeH1EGhMP5mQiPsfaT7UVg

    And we added the dragon to the back plate. We had to adjust the dragon a little just so that the laser had clear lines to cut and didn’t over cut on some parts of the dragon. We didn’t like adjust the mascot but for the plate to look good with the cheap laser we didn’t really have much option.

    Next we added the MSI logo and sizes it to the back plate and then added the wording for the GTX 980 Ti (we didn’t add Ge-force as it would have been to much). One thing we noticed was the lettering would have not worked as it was plain and the 0’s in 980 would have feel out and would have needed gluing in which is a pain to do. So I nipped over to http://www.1001fonts.com/stenciled-fonts.html?page=9&items=10 and chose a stencil font and installed it to the PC and used that to create the correct type of wording. This made life so much easier than faffing on.


    Now to create test peace’s we didn’t want to go slicing and dicing expensive peace’s of plastic to make sure ever thing fitted so we simply laser cut sheets of paper and tested them on the back plate, after a few minor adjustments to the design we finally got what we needed and moved over to running a 1 off test peace in 3mm ply.
    **Pictured below is a test peace in 3mm Ply. This was cut at power 40 on the laser and speed 6mms. It cut through the first time which is perfect for our needs and as a test peace. (plz remember if you a pro you may know better, how ever I’m not).


    As you can see the images of the dragon still needs some work as we lost the eye but getting there slowly. :)

    B NEGATIVE All Hail Kim Jong Magoo!

    8 Aug 2011
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    Another tool I must get for the workshop...
  19. FAT

    FAT What's a Dremel?

    19 Mar 2013
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    Wow, that coolant looks amazing! Are you planning on producing that stuff?
    As a gold and silversmith I would absolutely love to use that in a build :D! This looks very promising so far :D!
  20. mayhem

    mayhem Owner of Mayhems

    12 Sep 2008
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    Im realy sorry FAT this is a one off coolant for my self :)

    Did a little more testing today using Black plastic, silver card and see though perspex.


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