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News Microsoft announces overhaul of Windows Mobile

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Sifter3000, 16 Feb 2010.

  1. Sifter3000

    Sifter3000 I used to be somebody

    11 Jul 2006
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  2. Brooxy

    Brooxy Loser of the Game

    20 Apr 2006
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    I'd like to see a review of this when it comes out. As a fan of WinMo phones, I have noticed that for quick use the interface can be a tad...fiddly.

    If they are bringing it into line with the XBL type of GUI, I think Apple / Google might have some good competition coming up, hopefully driving prices down.

    One thing though - I really hope the price for it won't be too extortionate...
  3. frojoe

    frojoe What's a Dremel?

    17 Dec 2008
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    better late then never I guess
  4. MitchBomcanhao

    MitchBomcanhao What's a Dremel?

    21 Jan 2010
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    i really hope this turns out to be good. competition only makes way for innovation and better products :)
  5. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    Indeed, although I think this is one that I'd like to try before I buy.

    I am a fan of WinMo, but completely agree: the UI is just a little too fiddly to quickly check emails, status updates, etc, or even just make a quick note. I've also always found that stock versions of WinMo, even when customised by the likes of HTC (who have done a hell of a job with the WinMo UI), are just too sluggish. "Chefs" who "cook" their own ROMs always do a much better job of tweaking and speeding up the UI (despite the legal grey area that this represents).

    I would much rather try the real-world performance before committing to a lengthy contract or parting with lots of my hard-earned. One thing for me that will make or break it for me is how good the software keyboard is (if a hardware keyboard is not present). This was a real killer for my Touch Diamond - I ended up using the stylus all the time because the on-screen keyboard was so fiddly. I know there are alternatives to the built in versions, but nothing has really quite come close to the keyboard on the iPhone/iPod touch. Even my fat fingers/thumbs can type quite quickly on it!

    Exactly. Let's just hope that this can truly compete with Android and iPhone OS.
  6. mi1ez

    mi1ez Modder

    11 Jun 2009
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    I hate to say it, but this looks like a nice OS!
  7. oasked

    oasked Stuck in (better) mud

    24 Aug 2005
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    They had better not do a Zune on us and not release this outside of the US....
  8. chrisb2e9

    chrisb2e9 Dont do that...

    18 Jun 2007
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    I agree on a level that can not be expressed in text format.
  9. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    Comment win! :thumb: :D
  10. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    During the live presentation, Microsoft talked about cellular provider, and you had Orange (which I believe it's a call phone service provider in Europe and UK). .

    Also, Mary Jo Foley from Casey McGee, Microsoft Senior Marketing Manager, said that the Zune music / video service "would be available in all countries where Windows 7 Phones will ship,"
    Source: http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/15/microsoft-zune-music-video-services-going-wherever-windows-pho/

    You can see the hole event if you missed it here:
  11. Horizon

    Horizon Dremel Worthy

    30 May 2008
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    It looks like the Zune UI but with good bit more thrown in.

    WinMo 7 series is being released internationally, and Zune will be going wherever it's released. International Zune launch seems to be a pleasant side affect of this
  12. tron

    tron What's a Dremel?

    12 May 2009
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    Try the HTC HD2 :thumb:

  13. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    I admit I've been tempted, as there have been a few "for sale" threads advertising the HD2, and it does look rather nice (huge screen!)

    I did watch the vid (and winced at the music ;)), but the trouble with comparing specs directly is that it gives no indication of the user experience. As powerful as the HD2 is, it's still based on Windows Mobile 6.5 - and that's where it falls down for me. Even with the HTC Sense overlay. I've used WinMo 6.5 on my Diamond and (just barely) on my Kaiser; the simplicity of use doesn't even compare to Android or iPhone OS. MS are right to wipe the slate clean with WinMo 7; Windows Mobile was originally Windows CE. At the time, it was an attempt to replicate the desktop experience on a portable device - it's moved on since then, but it at it's heart it hasn't really moved far. Hence the start menu, the registry, drivers, etc.
  14. <A88>

    <A88> Trust the Computer

    10 Jan 2004
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    Really chuffed they did this properly! It's a very bizarre looking OS but it's completely different to what others are offering at the same time. The iPhone is very much focused around its apps which offer a massive range of experiences but they're all very much separate and unconnected. WM7 on the other hand might struggle to garner as many developers but the whole system looks very unified and coherent from the start.

    The other approach I'm really glad MS took was to finally bring together all their various other services into one product! Office, Xbox Live, Zune, Windows Live and Bing are all good products and all on the same platform at last!
  15. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    this won't happen

    I support Microsoft in this and I know they can do something good. The interface of my Zune HD is pure win. It really is awesome to use :)
  16. Tyr

    Tyr Minimodder

    7 Jun 2006
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    This looks like a toy :( I am quite disappointed. I have really enjoyed all my Windows Mobile devices. I've had a fair few over the years and they have served me well. WM6.5 is good (with HTCs addons) and with a capacitative screen and Sense UI even better.

    I'll probably give a cooked Windows Mobile v7 ROM a go when they leak out. It will probably be better than I expect seeing as that video doesn't actually show much.

    Otherwise I'm moving to Android and easy Java applications. I'll miss a few things from WM but never mind, I'm sure they'll be replaced.
  17. tron

    tron What's a Dremel?

    12 May 2009
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    I was previously using the HTC Touch HD1, and due to the fact that it also had the HTC Sense user interface, I seriously did not expect the HD2 to give me a much better user experience. But then I met the HD2 face to face ....

    I think the best thing to do would be to try to get a proper hands-on demo of the HD2. What HTC have done is make it like 10 times better than the original Touch HD.

    My girlfriend has (had) the iPhone 3GS, untill I got myself the HTC HD2. She took one look at mine. I didn't say a word. She smiled, then she held it, she caressed it, then she -came- to buy herself a HD2 the next day.

    My older brother also got one the following day, as well as a few friends since then.

    If Windows Phone Series 7 is supposed to be better than what I'm using now, then I'm impressed, and looking forward to it.
  18. Solidus

    Solidus Superhuman

    26 Dec 2005
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    I posted this yesterday in the forums but il share my thoughts here too;

    It looks promising and im now split between a win 7 series phone or an android phone.

    Im currently an iphone user and quite frankly im so sick of how restricted the OS is. Sure it was fine at the beginning but as you get use to it you realise theres not much depth in it.

    Its simple to use and very user friendly, the apps are cool but thats it - Theres no multi-tasking, theres no real customization to it - Hell you cant even change the background or have any of your own songs as a ring tone unless its from Itunes!

    Sure there are ways around this but the mere fact you need to go through these "work arounds" is a pain in the ass.
    You cant even have your ring tone play for more than 30 seconds which again is really annoying - I constantly sit back and let it ring just to hear Kardinals song "dangerous" hit the chorus but it never does...

    Im sick of going in and out of different apps just to fulfill a single purpose - I want real multitasking.

    The OS is glitchy as hell too. I have restored it no less than 5 times within 4 weeks because when it rings and i slide my finger to answer it doesnt respond with 3 second delay.

    Also when i want access to the phone and I slide to unlock, it delays again, freezes at screens, randomly exits me out of apps...I could go on.

    Now i doubt winmo series 7 will be all and end all but surely that or android has to be better than this?
  19. tonyd223

    tonyd223 king of nothing

    12 Nov 2009
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    Hah - I've got an original Orange SPV in a box somewhere and it still works! I've had too many WinMo phones that were just clunky geek toys (heh) before I went Blackberry - great to see that MS will not abandon the devices that connect most of the world to the internet...
  20. Blademrk

    Blademrk Why so serious?

    21 Nov 2003
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    I've created my own ring tones for the iphone, it's easy enough to do - currently using the intro from Bleach season 2 as my ring tone.
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