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News Mod of the Year 2010 winners announced

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 7 Jan 2011.

  1. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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  2. M7ck

    M7ck Ⓜod Ⓜaster

    28 Mar 2009
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    Congratulations to all involved and particularly to Attila for a well deserved win. I can honestly say that 1st 2nd and 3rd were the three I picked. Well done again to you all and well done to the sponsors for providing fantastic prizes that will hopefully provide the guts for some more top notch modding. I am extremely jealous of all you. Keep up the good work.
  3. Fingers66

    Fingers66 Kiwi in London

    30 Apr 2010
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    Congratulations to the winners and, to be honest, to all nominees as well. Just to be nominated is an awesome achievement in itself.

    Well done as well for ensuring that standards were exceptionally high in 2010.

    As for Attila - I look on in awe at your skill, thank you.
  4. Waynio

    Waynio Relaxing

    20 Aug 2009
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    Agreed :thumb:.

    :) It's nice to see my favourite & a very inspiring one at that come in at number 1 :clap:, 2 years in a row wooooooo :rock:, was happy to be a part of the runners since I only started scratching in 2008, would have been good to see if I came last though :hehe::p.
    Had a feeling Slip & Attila would be close :dremel:.
    So a big well done to the winners & nominee's :dremel::clap::dremel:.
  5. battles_atlas

    battles_atlas What's a Dremel?

    6 Oct 2009
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    1st and 2nd were worthy of their spots, but sad to see Concretronic and Ultra pushed out by the Lamborgini mod. Undeniably well done, but it was a little too close in theme to all the moronic lasers, swords, sports cars and tits that computer hardware advertising invariably conforms to. If those were the scope of my imagination, I'd buy an xbox thanks.
  6. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    Many congrats!
  7. Fanatic

    Fanatic Monimidder

    4 Jun 2010
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    Deserved winner - but congrats to all for some great modding :)
  8. Apocalypso

    Apocalypso Fully armed and operational.

    15 Sep 2007
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    The workmanship on Reventon was quite superb though.
    Last edited: 7 Jan 2011
  9. M7ck

    M7ck Ⓜod Ⓜaster

    28 Mar 2009
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    I think you guys are bang out of order. Your opinions might be different from other members on here however all entries (all brilliant imo) were open to a vote, Reventon got more votes than everyone below it so therefore is a deserving winner. Don't try and take the shine off the guys deserved victory.
  10. memeroot

    memeroot aged and experianced

    31 Oct 2009
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    I also thought that Reventon was unlikely to be placed so high - but more people disagree with me than agree as shown by the results

    regardless the variety of 1,2,3 perhaps shows the variety of opinion - I wonder what the spread of voting was? I would guess that a significant number of people loved Reventon but didnt see the glory of Concretronic and vice versa.
  11. Apocalypso

    Apocalypso Fully armed and operational.

    15 Sep 2007
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    For saying I was sad to see some truly original scratch builds not take home a podium finish?

    If you say so.
  12. robump

    robump Minimodder

    30 Sep 2010
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    Congrats everyone!! Its the feet on atilla's mod!!

    Some great modding!!
  13. mrdbristol

    mrdbristol Voided my warranty years ago

    8 Aug 2008
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    Congrats to all the winners.

    Very pleased to see Reventon in the top 3, as it is an actual 'case mod' ( i.e An exisiting case - modified. )

    There has been some discussion in the Modding Section, which i hope that Bit-Tech/Custom PC might look at for the future.

    MOD of the Year is virtually dominated by Scratch builds.

    A modded case is an existing PC case that has been modified to look different.

    The Scratch builds i see are works of art that happen to house a PC.

    The 2 are not comparable imo.

    Both classes are equally skillfull and executed to the same high standard, but cannot be judged against one another.

    Maybe 2 ' classes ' next year ?
  14. Waynio

    Waynio Relaxing

    20 Aug 2009
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    I agree :thumb: & to add to that Paultan's mod rocks, some very nice fine details in it & overall looks kickass, would have been nice to see the placings of all nominees though, without that all the last 8 came in 18th place lol :lol:.

    2 classes would naturally water down the prizes but is still a good idea ;).
    Last edited: 7 Jan 2011
  15. Apocalypso

    Apocalypso Fully armed and operational.

    15 Sep 2007
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    I think if you have the ability to make a case or make a case look outstanding then I don't see why both schools shouldn't be eligible.
    Last edited: 7 Jan 2011
  16. Combatus

    Combatus Bit-tech Modding + hardware reviews Lover of bit-tech Super Moderator

    16 Feb 2009
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    Hi Mark,
    It is a valid question which also came up last year.I try to state the difference between a mod and a scratchbuild as often as possible on bit-tech - however splitting the two would have to happen across the board with Mod of the month too. In total there are enough projects to fill mod of the month every month but this might not be the case if we split it into mods and scratch builds. One month we might have two new scratch builds and eight new mods and the next month vice-versa. Take Mod of the Year as an example - we simply don't have enough mods to do a separate competition, at least not with projects that we've featured either on bit-tech or in Custom PC. At the moment it works well and it has done for years. The real crux of the matter is we simply don't have time to do that many articles - we'd be doubling our workload which just isn't feasible and both articles would probably end up being far less of a great article than Mod of the Year is at the moment.

    I think mods and scratch builds can coexist too. I appreciate the differences but a good PC mod can look equally like a work of art as a scratchbuild can.There were very few votes separating the top projects this year and last year 2nd, 3rd and 4th places were mods. Factors such as popularity (of the maker and his project log) how unusual the project is and amongst other things have far more of an impact on votes. Some people just prefer one or the other too. Last year there were nearly double the number of mods, namely because guys like boddaker and SNiiPE_DoGG haven't been entered this year- that's just how it goes. I also get far more emails from people who have built their PC from scratch so it doesn't surprise me there are more scratchbuilds out there and in competitions. We'll certainly consider it in the future and we're certainly mindful of change and the need to adapt but for the moment that's where we stand.:dremel:
  17. Hannes

    Hannes Design | Art | Performance

    24 Apr 2010
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    The creativity level here is so high! It's really inspiring just to watch.
  18. Attila

    Attila still thinking....

    22 Feb 2008
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    First of all, thank you to all that placed Na'ir al Saif in their top three. :clap:

    And congratulations to skip and Paultan, and commiserations to the other
    I honestly thought level 11 would take top spot this time, it's just such a fine
    and pretty case, and easily my favourite of skips builds.

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to register and vote, I noticed some grumbles
    in the thread but 1200 votes is a decent showing.

    And thanks to bit-tech and the sponsors, the prizes are just terrific and will give each
    of us an extra boost come the next mod or build.

    See you all soon with something new. :)
  19. bulldogjeff

    bulldogjeff The modding head is firmly back on.

    2 Mar 2010
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    Instead of looking at it as the 8 finished 18th and last look at it as all finishing joint 11th, that way nobody came last:D
  20. slipperyskip

    slipperyskip Member

    26 Oct 2003
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    I'll take 1st place if you want to give it to me Attila. lol But seriously, it was an honor to be nominated and humbling to finish on the podium. Thanks to all who voted and congrats to the other winners. I'm currently here in Las Vegas at CES showing off L11 and enjoying people's reactions. I'm very proud to show it off as a bit-tech MOTY nominee. Cheers.
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