That's right. That douche 402 just confirmed that the PC version will not have dedicated servers, that means no server list, no mods, nothing. It'll run on some shitty IW.Net through Steam (which guarantees paid DLCs), also no PB, it will use VAC. Bye bye MW2, bye bye MW2 pre-order.
What do you think it means? Matchmaking, no dedicated servers, no mods, no custom maps, paid DLC, etc.
I just don't understand why IW and Activision are doing this I was looking forward to this game until now. I will miss the competitive play and pro-mod that's one less sale from me.
Feel free to e-mail to show them your dissatisfaction. Even attach a screenshot of your cancelled pre-order.
Given that there would likely not be an Infinity Ward or CoD series in the first place if not for the popularity of the first two games on the PC... In fairness, matchmaking and so on isn't really that bad. I've only played the first online via the PS3 and it's a lot of fun. Lack of mod support blows big time though, I played the first two games to death back in the day. Still bring out CoD2 for some lan funsies.
i doubt it very much, tbh im not all that bothered, i wasnt planning on picking it up anyway just like the rest of the childish overhyped crap being released these days.
Matchmaking is actually one good thing I wish more PC multiplayer games had. I guess good thing come out of this as well bad. But charging for DLC and no mods!
wait WHAT ?????????????????? I'll write to IW and cancel my pre order F THAT edit: i couldn't even find an email I could join them on ... I want them to know i'm mad and I don't want to be the only one F THOSE DAMN CONSOLES KLAJHWERGOLHTGLWITUBWKLEGH I'm mad and saddened at the same time ...
Well this is certainly disappointing. This will make knife only matches never possible again...Oh the fun of those servers.
Hahahahahahahaha. Thanks IW, F*ck you too. I'm not buying MW2. Canceling my pre-order. I'm tired of this b/s with developers.
"It will be all done through matchmaking like the console. Which means that a user will host the match, not the server." Good thing? I think not! ^^