So far you're the one causing the problem; if you continue you will be taking a holiday from the forums and you won't even have MW2 to entertain you while you're away.
Well this is disappointing.. I wanted to be able to surf for servers that may only be playing a certain game mode, and play with 'x' friends on the same server... doesnt look like this will be happening now. So have put my money where my mouth is and cancelled my pre-order with Amazon, and signed the petition.
Matchmaking will serve the purpose, if all you're looking for is what you've described. The hoo-haa is when it comes to server culture, custom maps and mods, in a nutshell. If you're not actively involved with these then you're not really going to miss out.
It's not very expensive, doesn't require many servers at all, that's why gaming on PSN and XBL is mostly P2P.
yes the thread turned to crap but no we can't just wait for the game to launch. They said what it's going to be like, we hate it and we express our disapproval in hope of an acknowledgment
In fairness though, the authorised hosts list is next to impossible to get on. Thus you're left running unranked servers, unless you're Multiplay or Jolt, or a few companies that are suspiciously n00bish. One of my closest friends runs one of the top 5 UK GSPs and since BF1941 he's been stonewalled for applying for ranked status.
I'm sure the single player will be at least as good as MW1, pretty much the same with different set pieces, and about 6 hours. Which I will enjoy (well was going to), but for the extra asking price at retail you really need the multiplayer to give it some legs. Anyway, at this point the gameplay quality is out of the question since the developer is going out of their way to do a disservice to their customers.
I doubt Joe cares much. He's not the type of gamer that plays the same game over and over online just to become the best I might not know him, but I have a hard time understanding how he could play so many different games if he had an online "addiction" to a game like I always had with UT and, to a lesser extent, CoD
Yes but lets have some ****ing rationality here everyone. It could change, there's a month to go still. Simply cancel your pre-order and voice your concerns to the appropriate channels rather than venting it at each other. It's not like there's limited stock or it's the only game out there to play.
of course ! You know how it is though ... When was the last time you saw a bunch of frustrated men having a rational discussion ? with or without sarcasm your post made sense, hence my reply
Man, UT was the best /highfive I wish that UT3 didn't suck, then I wouldn't have moved onto MW1 and wouldn't care so much about all this jazz.
Greetings! If it is similar to the one in CoD4 and the price is 25€, might be worth to be bought and played. Otherwise, waiting for it to reach the bargain bin.
It's not like anyone is going to anything about it. So who cares. I was going to buy it, but whats the point.