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Windows MW2 PC: No Dedicated servers

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by rpsgc, 17 Oct 2009.

  1. acron^

    acron^ ePeen++;

    15 Oct 2001
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    I don't love IWNet. I've not used it. And it's not really a case of supporting the decision that IW have made, more the case of just accepting it and not letting a shitty decision completely destroy a game experience for me. I intend to make the most of it and do the best I can. One positive, if it's worth anything at all, I think, is that this will increase mainstream competetive gameplay. If IWNet has in-built support for clans then this means a lot of extra 'stuff' that clans usually need - website, forums, irc - can be circumvented and we can get on with just playing. Many a time I've been in that situation where the clan's ready to practice and it's "oh crap, server's down?! wtf?" or "bop's changed the fkin password. wtf..." or we simply don't have a clan server. I won't miss that headache.
  2. Mr Happy

    Mr Happy 4 8 15 16 23 42

    25 Apr 2009
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    Well i also am pi**ed off at this server business, but i must admit i am still going to buy this game, for both SP and MP, ill just have to wait and see what MP turns out like:D

    Im not supporting IW daft actions, but they are going to do what there going to do with the servers regardless of what we say or moan about, it is a shame but lets see what the future brings :thumb:
  3. Thedarkrage

    Thedarkrage Thats not a pic of me its my gf

    11 Mar 2008
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    it would just be so easy to let us have both and i can see the benefits of iw.net it uses steam i should be able to find my friends very easily but i still want the custom mods and maps and if l4d can do that why not MW2?
  4. [ZiiP] NaloaC

    [ZiiP] NaloaC Multimodder

    9 May 2008
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    Thankfully I won a copy of the game, so the SP side is free as far as I am concerned. I will, needless to say, use the MP section and see if it is as bad as it has been made out to be and I can only hope that it makes us all look like fools for douting them.

    My earlier comment to which Acron oh so eloquently responded to with "QQ" was about the my opinions in regard to Dedicated servers in general and my opinion on what their removal will mean for me and my community.

    Time will tell, but I am glad I don't have to spend money on it.
  5. cjmUK

    cjmUK Old git.

    9 Feb 2004
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    It is all a question of whether you want to dictate the direction of of future gaming or whether you are happy to be served whatever the devs choose to.

    You're a self-confessed IW fanboy and seem happy to let them dictate what you will play in the future. It's your choice and there is nothing wrong with that.

    However, many of us lend our allegiance, not to a company, but to one or more games types of a particular style or quality. In this case, we are mainly fans of the traditional PC-style FPS (with a strong MP element), of which CoD4 was a good example. IW are trying to homogenise this franchise for obvious reasons, but in doing so they are removing some of the elements that make PC gaming so much better than console gaming. We don't want that - so we are trying to change this situation. Given the current attitude of IW, I doubt petitions will have *any* effect. But a boycott of the game will have. You can argue about the relative share of the PC market, but the loss of a million sales will get a reaction from any publisher.

    When coke disasterously changed their recipe all those years ago, the buyers voted with their feet. The recipe was changed back and the brand quickly recovered.

    If we follow you and the other sheep who mindlessly follow IWs lead, there will be no change. If we take action, IW probably still wont budge, but already we've seen DICE and others promise not to make the same mistakes - thus we're protecting future PC gaming. When sales of the CoD franchise stutter and sales of Battlefield and others continue to thrive, I'm confident IW will change their mind - assuming Activision give them another chance.

    Too many gags, too little time.
    knuck likes this.
  6. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    yup, you're absolutely right. You were also annoying because all you tried was to get a reaction from people by annoying them, which obviously worked

    I'm not sure I will get the game however ...
  7. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    this came my way earlier, i did lol

  8. Bufo802

    Bufo802 Minimodder

    28 Jul 2008
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    Amazon have now taken down user reviews of mw2 after they were all telling people not to buy it....
  9. Montyburns

    Montyburns What's a Dremel?

    28 Sep 2004
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    Hey all,

    I dont post a lot here, but this whole debacle has made me want to chime in with my 2 cents. I say this as someone who's been gaming online only since about 2001, and who's never modded anything in his life, or been in a clan.

    After letting the news and discussion rattle around my head for the last few days, I think I've worked out what my main problem with it is.

    See, I've been gaming a bit on this entirely-unpleasant-outside Saturday, a bit of 42 player Desert Combat, then about an hour trying to find a decent opponent on PES2009, and the differences in experience between 'dedicated V listen' servers was like espresso v instant coffee: one only vaguely resembles the real thing .

    For those that may not know, Pro Evo uses some form of match making + local hosting arrangment, which makes the experience entirely dependant on the participants internet connections.

    However, with DC, it was straight in, no twatting about, and I was gaming in the amount of time it took my rig to load the level. But with PES, i honestly didnt get a decent game.

    So, we've got a 7 year old game beating a 1 year old (plus about 2 days, if being a pedant is your thing...)game for online experience, entirely because of the way multiplayer was handled.

    Now, if we assume, as I'm sure most people will, that the dedicated server way of doing things is clearly the better option, then that means Infinity Ward is full of ****. The PR nonsense coming out about experience, and ease of access to non-hardcore (whatever the fu** that means) gamers, and basically everything they've said, is essentially lies. And they, as gamers/devs/people know it as well.

    Not one PC gamer is ever going to swallow any of it, how could we, knowing that what they're suggesting only takes away from what we're used to, the opposite of improving the experience or 'making things easier'. Also, we know that there's no reason that, if their intention was actually to improve things, then they could easily include both methods.

    And, even if we give them the benefit of the doubt, and IW.net works as well or better than we all expect it's going to, then at the most, what we'll have is something equivalent to what we've got now. Sweet FA will have been improved.

    No, the reason for the change, is so they can sell us ****, **** that we probably dont want. "Ooooh, three maps for only £10???!! Really? Wow, sign me up..". I think not.

    So, basically I think what pissed me off the most is, IW think PC gamers are ****wits, and we wont see this bullsh!t play for what it is; an excersise in money grabbing and bad PR. **** em, and their game, because I'm not going to be buying it.


    PS, the screen shot above is funny as... :)
    M7ck likes this.
  10. smc8788

    smc8788 Multimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    To be fair though, the matchmaking system on PES is quite possibly the worst example known to man, so it's not the fairest of comparisons.
  11. Paddy4929

    Paddy4929 NangO-Gamer

    24 Apr 2009
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    I am gutted about no dedicated servers, I really hope they bring out dedicated server suppport in a patch. Otherwise the MP will be ruined.
  12. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    I wonder if the devs at IW are pissed off or if they totally agree with this decision. I can't imagine a hardcore PC gamer developing game and thinking that this is the way of the future; to give everything to noobs and not care about those who actually paid us for the past 7 years

    anyways I guess i'll just keep on playing UT2k4 longer :D
  13. BradShort

    BradShort Familyman - Forever gamer

    23 Apr 2009
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    here here. . Konami have been ruining Multiplayer experiences since 2006. . .:nono:
  14. AcidJiles

    AcidJiles Minimodder

    19 Jun 2006
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    170000 Signatures so far. Which equates to revenue of $12000000 total so presume what 50% to the publisher and developer then for 6 million USD I hope they take notice.
  15. shigllgetcha

    shigllgetcha Minimodder

    3 Mar 2008
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    theyre charging $70 dollars for the pc version these days?

    thats presuming that everyone that signs the petition doesnt buy the game, which i think is a long stretch

    and that none of those people hadnt planned to download it for free illegally.
  16. Furymouse

    Furymouse Like connect 4 in dagger terms

    4 Feb 2004
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    I wasn't planning on buying it anyways so its not such a big deal here personally. However, when more devs/publishers start following this business model, we will be ever so screwed.
  17. kingred

    kingred Surfacing sucks!

    27 Mar 2008
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    everyone pirate it, then give it bad reviews on amazon.
  18. Ending Credits

    Ending Credits Bunned

    4 Jan 2008
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    I've got a couple of CoD4 severs (long story) I should help! :p
  19. cjmUK

    cjmUK Old git.

    9 Feb 2004
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    If you pirate it, you will just make things worse.

    Right or wrong, pirating will tell them that a) their design choices are fundamentally correct (i.e. the software, as is, is how gamers like it), and that b) PC Piracy is the only problem.

    Oh, and piracy is still akin to stealing...(no matter how w*nk the developers are).
  20. Kovoet

    Kovoet What's a Dremel?

    26 Aug 2009
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    They have peeved me off with this kak. We build computers around these games as well if we all honest.

    They are now taking the fun away from PC gaming. For me this will be the make or break for PC gaming, oh I know %99 will disagree with but I am peeved off enough with this.

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