I have a theory, maybe not a very good one. These games developers and publishers see PC gaming as an issue as where we are now Consoles are looking like the crusty inbred relatives of the PC graphics wise, even if that fact is oblivious to most console users. Games houses don't want to be bothered to do ports to just sell a handful of games compared to consoles. They don't want PC graphics driving the technology forward when console graphics are (at the moment) pretty old tech. To use a comparison of what I am mumbling about its like Pharmaceutical firms getting not wanting cures as they damage profits, they just want treatments and suchlike. The more PC tech drives graphics forward, the worse console games are going to look and the worse these ports are going to look. Seems like these firms know this and are taking these kinds of measures to try and kill PC gaming. If there were next gen consoles just out, fine, but that's not happening any time soon.
In doing so, you do way more to kill off PC gaming than infinity ward could possibly do. You don't like this aspect of an upcoming game? Neither do I, but that entitles NEITHER of us to take the product for free. If you REALLY think this ruins the game, why would you want to pirate it? Surely it is no longer worth playing?
As someone has already posted, sign the petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/dedis4mw/petition.html. I can't believe this. IW have always appeared to be all for PC gaming, and have made so many good games.. It seems like a really silly marketing decision to not allow dedicated hosting..
lol sorry it was the news was here 32 mins, looked alitte sus alright better zip up my ignorance is showing
Greetings! From the almost 14 million CoD4 sales, 4,66M were PS3 versions, 7,83M were X360 versions. That leaves only ~1,5M for PC and DS. - http://www.psu.com/Call-of-Duty-4-has-sold-nearly-14-million,-says-Activision--a007885-p0.php - http://vgchartz.com/games/index.php...her=&genre=&boxart=Both&results=50&order=Hits Remember this? http://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2008/01/17/call_of_duty_4_piracy_is_rampant/1
I was firmly going to buy MW2 till I read about this. Frankly I still don't really believe it's happening it just seems like such a stupid mistake. It stings aswell to see a company I have supported on PC from their first game suddenly turn round and say "we are changing the way you have always played like it or lump it". Well quite frankly Infinity Ward you have made it clear you have forgotten your heretige and no longer care about the PC as a gaming platform so I will be lumping it. The audacity they have at trying this is absurd to control the PC platform it has to be this way so they can charge for DLC and ban mods. Mods allow free content that they don't get and money for which shows what IW are all about, they even has the cheek to complain about piracy on a game that sold 14 million odd copies I mean you really have to be money grubbing to do that. I have yet to speak to a single friend or person on a server who hasnt immediately cancelled their preorder or isnt going to pick it up now and I hope it bombs on the PC market charts because it would be a lesson well learned to other developers hoping to apply the same policy. The way I think of it is easy the game is not coming out on PC it's coming out on Xbox twice.
Well F**K Activision and Infinity Ward i will just play l4d2 and wait for something else to spend my cash on
it coudy be good if the people who runs the server is dedicated, there is so much people with desire only to work with games this could be even a oportunity. Sure that much people dont belive and dont like, because this is all new, and everybody think its gonna fail, but do you really think that a company how makes games for yearsss is doing the worst crap ever in the most lucrative game. I dont have sure of how this work, but it will work. Is for sure that they put a lot of study over this before make any annunciate.
its not just about the speed its about the community that would have built around this game had they let it. you may enjoy going into random matches with 13 year olds screaming down their xbox headsets, but some of us prefer to play with people we know or at least in a place where we can be guaranteed screaming 13 year olds will be kicked. also where we can be guaranteed a decent ping, which may not effect you whilst using a pad, but will become painfully obvious on m/kb was looking forward to an ukmandown server for this as i play with them a lot. but as it goes i would probably rather buy the original for a reduced price when this is released and play on proper servers. screw it the build up was too good to be true aswell, signed the petition until they confirm that this wont be happening i will not be buying the game. the idea that we should give up they way we've been doing things since the days of Quake, UT i find frankly ridiculous and to try and pass it off as a positive even more so.
Yay! Front page news links here http://www.bit-tech.net/news/gaming/2009/10/19/modern-warfare-2-has-no-dedicated-servers/1
Well, even if they lost 10% of the PC sales, that would still be several million dollars of revenue, by my reckoning? If there were 2 options pitched to Activistion for MW2: 1) Do what we did right before and maintain or possibly increase revenue 2) Screw over the PC potential buyers and maybe lose a good chunk of the revenue, i know which i'd choose.
Ignoring that community and mod implications for a moment, from a technical standpoint this is terrible as well. Sure, everybody that IW knows in the US has cable, and this matchmaking system will work fine for them, but down here in NZ, the internet infrastructure simply can't handle it. We all have adsl with capped upload at 128k and interleaving turned on. That's a ping of 100 to local dedicated servers, there's no way in hell anybody is going to be hosting more than a few players without lagging out. We NEED dedicated servers to have any semblance of what I would consider a playable experience. Also the logic that removing the ability to have cracked servers will reduce piracy is flawed. The only reason not to pirate a game (if you're that way inclined) is to be able to play multiplayer. Ruining multiplayer for everyone effectively removes multiplayer from the picture, leaving only a single player game. A single player game which PC gamers despise the company for. I predict the highest piracy rates of any game, ever. Way to go IW.
Doesn't this also bring around the death of the gaming community? I'm not part of a clan per se but play with the same group of people all the time on COD4, so now you'll have to play with random all the time. That blows.
Of this game? Yes. The other developers aren't this stupid/greedy, DICE even pokes fun at it saying they would never leave dedicated players without dedicated servers
These firms want to see the death of PC gaming, hoping that the small amount of lost revenue may be made up by people who were formerly using PC's switching to consoles, which of course would happen. Porting console control schemes and getting rid of crap like autoaim is just a big ache in the balls to these developers, just have to look at OFDR to see the end result is often a big compromise too. Console will always appeal to people, in particular most people don't want the hassle of PC gaming, endless hacks and patches to get games to work, upgrading etc, the console route of gaming is very sensible, but that is not to say it should be foisted on everyone. PC gaming whislt often a hassle is worth the extra effort, take games like Crysis and Arma II for example, you won't see graphics like that on a console and people were prepared to go through the bug fixes and wotnot to get it.
In the end, big games like this probably won't lose out much profit if they disappear from the PC. There is money to be saved in all areas of development, marketing etc etc and the fact that some PC gamers also use consoles (or would use them) to be able to play titles like this. The other thing we have to remember is these games (just like WIndows operating system) have to run well on the customers setup. I think developers/game houses/publishers get sick of all the whining and complaints from PC gamers about how it won't run on their machine and that is juat another reason for them to want to move away from PC gaming, even if its their fault the game crashes or its the fault of the gamer with a badly configured system.
from the figures above if 10% of the sales are PC, losing 10% of those means only 1% of the overall so i dont think theyll lose any sleep over that and i think profit from PC games is lower anyway am i right? and if it cuts down piracy enough to cover the the people that dont buy the game because of this theyre still winning
As far as I know profit margins from PC gaming are the same as on consoles. The games are cheaper at retail because companies don't have to pay MS/Sony to release games on PC. And how does it cut down on piracy? People who were going to buy this for the multiplayer will now just pirate it for the singleplayer.