A Bod mod is a great mod lol. I am loving the idea, very cool. Can't wait to see how it turns out for you.
After gutting the case, I started in on the side panel window design and pass-through holes. If you remember the case came with a windowed side panel that also had a fan hole in the upper right corner. Luckily, Moddersmart had a solid panel for the case lying around so I got that too. I penciled out the lines for the cutouts. I didn't bother to protect the surface with tape, since I will be sanding and painting later. Drilled some pilot holes for the jigsaw and started cutting. Cuts complete, but I made a tiny boo-boo. See it? How bout a closer look. I mistakingly drilled the pilot hole in the wrong spot. Doh!! :x Here is the panel on the case. To fix the whoops, I cut a round disc and plugged the hole, and will bondo over it later. On to the other side panel!
Very nice layout and cuts for the windows! I'm also glad you showed the 'OOPS' shot. Makes me feel better knowing I'm not the only one who occasionally makes mistakes. I thought I was a dead loss at layout. john
ooh! Nice window! Bob, if you want some inspiration, Franklin did an amazing V2000 Mod a few years back, called AlumaxX
@ TiTON: Thanks man! Some progress today! To cut the other side panel, I used the first one as a guide. After cleaning up the cuts with a file, I layed the two panels together and drew out the three holes. Holes cut (I got the pilot holes right this time! ) Then I removed the front post. Instead of just working with the existing floor, I opted to make a whole new one out of the old windowed side panel. This provides me with a clean slate so I can make my access holes wherever I need them. Using the old one as a template, I marked out the side panel. Had just enough material in the middle. Cut, complete with mounting tabs and notches on the ends for the side panels. Test fit. Gotta make a few adjustments... Now it fits! I won't rivet it in just yet. Gotta first make all the holes I need for cabling, tubing, etc..., and paint. Next up will be the back panel, psu mount, and bottom radiator mounting brackets.
Me too! and the wrap around window corner is way new to me. Never seen another one. Very nice Bod. john
Coming together very nicely mate. The new divider looks very good. At least you can make the pass through holes where you want now.