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Equipment Nikon P900 replacement due soon?

Discussion in 'Photography, Art & Design' started by Pete J, 28 Apr 2018.

  1. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    Hey all,

    I was all set to buy a 'second hand' (in other words won in a competition and not even opened) P900 for £300, when I was doing some searching and found out that there's a rumoured replacement in the works. From what I can see, the new model looks as though it'll take all the best bits of the P900 and the B700, then inject some steroids and turn out something quite spectacular (albeit at a higher cost than both).

    Two questions:

    1) Anyone got more information?

    2) Should I just buy the P900 anyway? In reality, I never edit RAW files as I just like to accept images as they are.

    On a side note, I hear only good things from P900 owners and the B700 delivered some truly excellent photos on my last holiday...before being stolen.
  2. Pete J

    Pete J Employed scum

    28 Sep 2009
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    Whelp, the P1000 is here

    Pricy, but one hell of a camera. At some point I'll sell my P900 (yeah, I bought it) and get it.

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