Switch and Watch? Switch Colour? Switch Pocket? Switch Micro? Switch Advance? Switch Lite? Switchi? Switchi XL? 3Switch? 3Switch XL? New 3Switch? New 3Switch XL? 2Switch? And that's just the handhelds... They could have had Nintendo Entertainment Switch, Super Nintendo Entertainment Switch, S64, GameSwitch, Swii, SwiiU... Nintendo's naming has always been... unique. Not that Microsoft is any better. Xbox, sure, that works. Xbox 360, weird jump but OK. Xbox One, which isn't the Xbox 1, err... Xbox One S/X, fine, sure mid-stream upgrade. Xbox Series S/X, which isn't the Xbox One S/X... Whuh? Sony's got its head screwed on, though. PlayStation, PSone, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, with a smattering of Slims and Pros thrown in for good measure. You know where you are with PlayStation.
Then there are all the Japanese naming conventions!! Famicon and Super Famicon... et cetera. How about the Sega Mega Drive which in the US was the Genesis?!
Haha. This is not the discussion I was expecting. I'm not sure what to think of it. We don't have any sort of specs. Hall Effect joysticks are rumored. I think, given the fact that Nintendo barely escaped a class action lawsuit by repairing any and all joycons for forever, they might go with Hall Effect joysticks. It mostly just seems like a bigger switch. It's backward compatible with almost all Switch games (the only ones rumored to not work would be things like Labo or games requiring the fitness ring). I feel like Nintendo's whole thing is their first party titles. They've never shot for high performance or fidelity. They're usually in a "good enough" camp when it comes to graphics and focus on what makes for fun gameplay. So, while I'd love to get a big performance boost, and I'm sure the larger console will accommodate better hardware, it's not the thing that will get me to upgrade. As always, I'll probably hold off until they release a first party title that I'm really excited about.