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Multi No Man's Sky

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by iancowell, 9 Aug 2016.

  1. 13eightyfour

    13eightyfour Formerly Titanium Angel

    9 Sep 2003
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    I've played it for about an hour so far, and my main thought is the frame rate sucks! I seemed to draw the short straw and started on a planet with radioactive rain which was a massive pita, making hunting around for supplies actually quite painful. It does feel very much like an early access game tbh.

    It is fairly enjoyable but I do think it's going to lack any real substance until/if they implement some kind of base building etc
  2. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Played it for over 2 hours now stable frame rate no issues at all, my system is well beyond the specs though.

    It's brilliant in all honesty, of the 4 planets i have visited having just unlocked hyper drive did not use omega pre order ship. Planets are really varied despite the reports of same and same.

    Planets are huge, for a game that's about exploration and survival the possibility are endless. If they ever did add base building it might encourage people to pick a home but when the galaxy is millions of planets not sure that's the point.

    I'd give it a solid 7-8 out of 10 if I was reviewing it. Would question the longitivity but in truth id say the same thing about every game I've purchased in the last year.

    If it lasts me 40 hours I've paid a £1 a hour that can never make the price a bad thing in my eyes.
  3. teamtd11

    teamtd11 *Custom User Title*

    31 Aug 2005
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    Been playing for 3 hours so far, 4k between 30-60 fps everything on high settings, plays really well.
    I'm enjoying it do far, about ready to buy another ship.


    Not had a single crash so far, I hear its crash city elsewhere?
  4. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Friend of mine had some issues before he updated Opengl 4.5 and his nvidia drivers ran fine after that. Would not be suprised if the game struggles on or around the minimum specs.

    The game is creating planets on the fly, Thats alot of load there.

    Played for 3 hours now, Fully explore all planets is what ill say, Found 4 exosuit upgrades in one of them give me 20 inventory slots.
  5. edzieba

    edzieba Virtual Realist

    14 Jan 2009
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    Played it for a few hours now, no crashes. A few framerate hitches for about the first minute as the environment generated, but after that it's been running smoothly.
  6. oscy

    oscy Modder

    22 Sep 2011
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    The game is going to suffer from the old bit of being a nerd or obscure title suddenly backed by a major company and marketed as if it was supposed to appeal to a general audience rather than a niche one, and being released during a quiet period.

    In truth this is an awesome game for us space game fans, the guys who play the X series or if you're older Starflight, Elite etc. It's a big evolution of the genre. Someone buying it blind to the genre is asking for trouble.

    I feared the PC release could've been buggy or choppy but so far it's been near perfect. The first few seconds were choppy, but I turned off the framerate limit and set everything high in the options and it's been smooth. Alt-tab not working meant I started on a new planet a few times, but that's fixed (as with some other games) by setting it to 'borderless', and the planet I started on had green night skies, and that's my favourite colour, so it worked out well. (Thankfully I also found out about the pre-order ship/hyperspace bug so haven't redeemed the ship until I've finished that tutorial.)

    Last edited: 13 Aug 2016
  7. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    I've heard good things so far from my friends with it (though the hype train undoubtedly ruined the experience for a lot of people with hype backlash, as it always does) but one thing I'm wondering is: why, really why, is it online at all? Apparently the multiplayer doesn't work at all, some players have met up only to discover the game literally doesn't render other players. There's no meaningful player interaction. So why on earth make it an online server-based game at all if it's essentially a single-player experience?
  8. oscy

    oscy Modder

    22 Sep 2011
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    The plan is to add traditional multiplayer stuff later on. Presumably meaning things like deathmatches with the ships, capture the flag etc. Having online just for uploading discoveries/names at the moment was probably just an idea to make people feel they're interacting and sharing the experience.
  9. Stanley Tweedle

    Stanley Tweedle NO VR NO PLAY

    3 Apr 2013
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    Someone posted an interesting negative review on steam in which he cites how unrealistic it is to have every planet inhabited with alien life.

    Can't argue with that.

    "This is a overhyped indie game made by 15 people, being sold for AAA price. It's poorly optimized. It's shallow, empty, repetitive and boring. Their 18 quinquillion planets are just a bunch of re-color of the same assets, randomly generated with different combinations. Their representation of the universe is inaccurate, every single planet i've seen is inhabited with life and/or vegetation, there are no gas giants, no ring systems, no barren planets (EDIT: I've been told there are barren planets - i haven't encountered any) black holes are portals, and no variation of star types. But i'm not here to talk about that stuff you can easily confirm by watching some gameplay. "


    Apparently there is no HOTAS support either?
  10. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    Been playing it for many hours now, it's exactly what I thought it would be as I don't bother with reviews, I watch streams of real people playing. IMO it gives a way better idea of the game than a review ever could. My PC's borderline mid-range and so far no issues with it. I did set some stuff to Medium/Low before starting and maxed out the FoVs. It doesn't like being alt-tabbed out of unless you have the Steam overlay open, but I test games so I'm kind of used to having to do that anyway!

    Sad the pop-in textures are still a thing on PC, but it hasn't detracted from my fun with the game. I found a couple of really crappy planets before finding the one I've spent about 6hrs on now. The Sentinels are relaxed and all the animals are docile (and have no legs).

    It's a shame there's such a bandwagon for hating this game it really is. I think they've done a decent job for such a small team, I'm interested as to what will come later, though Sony's involvement has me thinking it'll be more DLC than mods so I may not bother with that. I'm also starting to think I was the only person who saw it for £40. Because every man and their dog's saying it's £50/$60... but it isn't!
  11. Stanley Tweedle

    Stanley Tweedle NO VR NO PLAY

    3 Apr 2013
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    The bandwagon for hating is mostly due to people not being able to play it. It's either crashing or running badly even on some higher end systems.

    I guess the game is more of a spore than a space sim. I don't think Elite or Star Citizen will have too much to worry about.

    I do like the visuals/art style of No Man's Pie though.

    Lack of HOTAS makes it a no-go area for me.

    Then again I only buy VR games now but I've heard there is a VR version coming next year.
    Last edited: 13 Aug 2016
  12. GravitySmacked

    GravitySmacked Mostly Harmless

    2 Mar 2009
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    I'm tempted to pick it up on PS4 instead. At least I can sell it in eBay if it does become repetitive and it'll have less problems on that platform too.
  13. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    Most of the PC problems relate to SSE4.1 and opengl4.5 the game needs both to run. Which rules out a lot of CPUs and gpus.

    Enough any CPU from 2012 onwards will have the instruction set and any gpu from the 400 series Nvidia and the 7000 series AMD will have it. Apparently even this is too much of a requirement for some.

    Euro pricing is euro pricing I paid £40 personally. My m8 sent me £40 and I brought it for him he lives in Europe as it was cheaper to send me the money than pay 60 euros. Steams European pricing has gone nuts the last year or so.

    5 planets visited in about 10 hours of gameplay. The fun is to explore the planets find hidden areas that have ship or exosuit upgrades. Space combat is suprisingly fun to do plays like the old freelancer games point and shoot.
  14. 13eightyfour

    13eightyfour Formerly Titanium Angel

    9 Sep 2003
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    I'm now around 6 hours in, I'm still getting some framerate issues but they're much less of an issue than they were originally., I've moved out of my starting system, visited 7 planets, destroyed a container and got into some combat which was surprisingly good, I'm now trying to find a bigger ship but now that I've got 800k nothing interesting is coming up :sigh:

    I'm enjoying it in the pretty much the same way I enjoyed Minecraft tbh, I think I'll easily be getting my monies worth from it.
  15. Anfield

    Anfield Multimodder

    15 Jan 2010
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    I think it has more to do with the absurd pre launch hype, if you hype up any game as the next jesus disappointment is inevitable...
  16. Stanley Tweedle

    Stanley Tweedle NO VR NO PLAY

    3 Apr 2013
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    Yar, it's nice to have alien critters running around but how much depth/gameplay is there?

    18 trillion planets.. Objective: explore and reach center of the universe... To make that worthwhile you'd need some really tough and challenging/hardcore gameplay. You'd need deadly critters (I've only seen cutesy ones in the pre-release vids), you'd need pirates with very good AI and of course that multiplayer feature where you can actually see the other plays and interact with them.

    I get the impression it's more leaning towards cutesy critters and resource gathering more than anything.

    I don't think I'll be giving up Elite to play this.
  17. GravitySmacked

    GravitySmacked Mostly Harmless

    2 Mar 2009
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    I've bagged the PS4 version; going to jump in later tonight.
  18. Hex

    Hex Paul?! Super Moderator

    11 Jan 2002
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    It isn't though. It started before the PC release. It became cool to boycott it because "I don't back devs who lie!" I saw that all over twitter before it released on PC and so before anyone knew there were troubles with some systems running it.

    It's definitely a product of the hype. The Internet loves to build something up only to bring it crashing down. It's the nature of the beast. I just think it's sad when it's clearly going to get to the small team. You ALWAYS focus on the negative reviews even if there's only 1.

    The figures on twitch are still crazy so clearly people do want to see this game. It's very pretty and whilst I don't think (in its vanilla form anyway) it has much longevity, I'm thoroughly enjoying it for now. Also as rollo said, it is definitely still £40 here... which is just under $52.

    I hope you have fun with it :) If you go into it knowing what it is, it's decent at what it does.
    Last edited: 14 Aug 2016
    Cthippo likes this.
  19. Almightyrastus

    Almightyrastus On the jazz.

    21 Mar 2002
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    Spot on, I watched a few bits of playthroughs on youtube before i bought it. So far i'm enjoying things, managed to find an abandoned ship which made for an awesome upgrade. Making decent pennies too.

    For me the biggest as-designed negative is the language stuff, you fine the stones or monoliths and learn a single word which is no help at all.
  20. 13eightyfour

    13eightyfour Formerly Titanium Angel

    9 Sep 2003
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    You can learn words in bulk from 'NPCs' although it is a major time suck. Basically you have to keep paying to talk to them and choosing the new word option, it becomes boring very quickly though so the most I've done so far was 10 words in a row!

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