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News Original Crysis coming to consoles

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 4 Jul 2011.

  1. Deders

    Deders Modder

    14 Nov 2010
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    I remember seeing a development video for God of War 2 for the PS2, the only way they could make each scene look so good was by culling everything that wasn't on screen at the time. Can't see that working as well for crysis' open worlds. But saying that I remember running the demo very smoothly with medium settings on an Athlon64x2 @3GHz and a 6600GT. I expect if I'd played with the settings I could have got a little more detail out of it.

    I think you may have hit the nail on the head, on my current setup Crysis barely uses more than 1 of my quad cores (25%) the newest version of the cryengine seems to balance things out much better hence the smoother gameplay, so if they can optimise the code well for each of the consoles architectures then it could look half decent, although not as good as it does on the PC.
  2. Gunsmith

    Gunsmith Maximum Win

    23 Sep 2005
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    £10 says the the sandbox gameplay of the original will not be understood by todays console generation who like to have thier hands held.
  3. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    or they'll dumb it down with a gps unit in the suit.. the woman says 'turn left.. press a.. good boy you are my hero!' xD

    'now turn off the console.. good.. eat your chicken and come back when your done with your koolaid'

    they should hire the lady who did portal
    Deders likes this.
  4. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    The issue I see with this is the utter lack of draw distance or the reliance on distant LOD.

    As for the cores issue, if someone could make a quad core patch for the Original Crysis and Warhead, performance would go up the roof. However it's still extremely graphics limited, needing 3x GTX280s back in the day to run decently on anything above 1920x1200.
  5. Deders

    Deders Modder

    14 Nov 2010
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    I expect if they made the old levels work with the new engine it would be much more optimal. Been playing Crysis for a while at 1680x1050 with 2x 9800GTX+'s SLI'd, at full detail (no AA, it works for a bit but then slows it right down if I reload, have to quit the entire game and load it back fresh for it to work again so i just leave it off) on both my old Athlonx2 and my current i5 750, the difference being is that now I have more CPU horsepower it stays at around 30-40 fps instead of dipping when the combat heats up and physics come into play.
  6. OCJunkie

    OCJunkie OC your Dremel too

    19 Apr 2011
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    Omg lol finally the other way around
  7. ssj12

    ssj12 Minimodder

    12 Sep 2007
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    Crysis 1 on consoles, brought to you by the FarCry 1 engine.
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