thanks all the hangovers have layid down, and we have tonnes of beer, boose and candy in surplus xD A small, but important update, NEW SPONSOR! Aqua Computer are sending me one of theese: with a powerbooster, and one of theese sadly though, the vf model wont be in stock until a months or so, so it will take some time before i get it:/ but that will give me time to get the cable tray and a lot of other things done!
Congrats again, you basterd. ;D Is that flowmeter restrictive in any way, or will it handle eg. an ID 1/2" system?
to be honest, there really isnt a big difference on small and large tubing, and the flowmeter should add very little restriction. not that i care, since i know how much a ddc 18W pump can handle
Well, due to the design, you got my vote for MOTM. Just love the circuit-board-esque look to the patterns.
Thanks for the votes! I will have a big update ready by the end of the week with some more cable goodies! Until then, have fun with this shot!
Well... couldnt wait a week, and with the MOTM nominee i figured it was time to update so enjoy! I got new toys!!! More tools woot! best gift a modder can get besides hardware! Had to use it for the passtrough fitting from bitspower! Glued the two green and black plate from the motherboard tray together. Needed some weight to make the glue stick better The fan and 6 pins plugs sitting flush with the cable tray Some macro shots! New hardware! New tools AND hardware in one update woot ! An msi gd85 with usb 3.0 and sata 6 GB/s, and a Intel i5 750. Put in, and cables on: How the radiator will be put. The mod will be lit by a 1.5 meter smd lcd strip with 10 smd led´s pr. 10 centimeter. with the controller i can adjust brightness from dull to Christmas tree strenght! Light it up! And here is a great pic (if i may say it myself lol) of the motherboard tray inside the case. Again, thanks to the sponsors Thats all for this time! The case has to be send to madrid the 5´th so it can be shown to all the other great modders who will attend campus party europe 2010!
Gorgeous man, absolutely fantastic! That 24pin is ssooooo perfect. How did you get the cables through there with the heatshrink on? Brute force?
Buddy congrats on the nomination you got my vote thats for sure but when you finish your mod I will send you my address! ;p Mod on buddy!
That's some awesome work there mate. What do you think of those step drill bits? I found a complete set of them (5 bits) for $20 the other day, I may just go back and get them .
heatshrink was put on after i got the cable trough the holes the cable + sleeving is 3.9 mm, and the hole is 4 mm thanks man! i put a lot of efford into the pics haha yeah dream on! and dont you try to steal it in madrid best buy i have made for a LONG time! GET THEM! asap! i absolutely love them!
Step drills Cheesecake. Really nice to see you got a MOTM nomination. Serves this project right! But you should've gotten a mobo with green or black connectors. Those blue ones look kind of wrong for the rest of the colour scheme, heh...