Looks cool, but how would the pump cope with the particles? Or narrow-channel blocks for that matter?
Looks cool These dyes seem to have enough surface tension to prevent them mixing with other dyes.. so I wouldn't be surprised if cooling is affected slightly, especially with high pressure blocks... might not be much though? I dunno if there would be much wear on pump impellers? Maybe a slight burring on the edges after a year or two of 24/7 use? Actually... what does this mix look like after a water pump has churned this mix around? What about after it's also been forced through a high pressure block? Maybe all the dyes all get blurred together and the effect is lost?
Make a purple one for a ghost busters theme case? shame it's a one off looks good though and much respect to mayhem as you guys seem to make a lot of custom coolant for people!
Which roughly translates as "I'm in the process of hitting the supplier of suspended particles over the head to ensure that I consistently get the correct size so that they don't clog narrow block channels." Mr. Mayhem will test this stuff to death until it doesn't block channels, or it comes with a big warning sticker not to use it with x, y, and z blocks or face clogging, or he simply doesn't release it as a nice idea that didn't work. My money's on him working out all the kinks...
I guess if you kept your loop velocity abnormally high, you should have minimal boundary layer dwell (and thus reduced particle buildup). Ideally, you'd have a big grunty pump to overcome the increase in flow resistance, narrow tubes for high fluid velocities, and a block designed with cylindrical columns to continually shed vortices (which would act to 'clean' the block*). Definitely not a high-flow friendly fluid, but with the (comparatively, compared to a P4 space-heater) low heat outputs and high heat tolerance of modern chips, high flowrates and wide tubing isn't really needed nowadays. Plus, that fluid looks really cool! *Or more accurately, prevent particles from dwelling behind the obstructions in stable vortices, which would allow them to settle behind the obstruction increasing the size of the obstruction,moving the stable vortex backward, depositing more particles, ad nauseum until the particles are all deposited or the channel is blocked. Speaking of surface tension and non-mixing fluids: lava-lamp reservoir, anyone?
we did a lava lamp effect over 2 years ago how ever never completed it and binned it as a bad idea lol - It worked for about 5 min but after hitting the pumps all hell broke loose.
Ahhh, TribalOverkill res. Looks awesome, but probably limited to a DD block or something similar. I can see a micro-fin block getting plugged up. Anyone who got sloppy during filling would look fabulous.
That's a really cool effect. I'm not a huge fan of the colors though, do you have any other examples?
So the orange colouration was purely from the suspended particles? I've got some pots of flake lying around somewhere, might have to give this a go.