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News Peter Moore warns against suing filesharers

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 22 Aug 2008.

  1. Hustler

    Hustler Minimodder

    8 Aug 2005
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    I went through a period in 2003-2004 when after getting my Xbox chipped and having discovered Bit Torrent, id download pretty much all my games for the console and for my Pc,.

    at first it feels great to get something for free....you have beaten the system,
    but then i would find myself playing these downloaded games for just 10 mins and then toss them aside and never return to them.....being 'free' they had no real value to me, i didnt appreciate them in the same i did for the games i had been buying previously...i just wanted to move onto the 'next big game'.....i never played any of the games (over 30 of them) i pirated to completion, which was a shame, i must have missed out on many great gaming moments.

    Then in 2005, Battlefield 2 came out, which demanded a purchase for the online play, i played this for non stop for months and realised just how much enjoymnet this 'paid for' game gave me....at that point, my pirated booty went in the bin.

    I havent pirated a game since.....my games collection is alot smaller, but much more valuable and enjoyable....

    My games downloading is well and truly over.
  2. Grasshopper

    Grasshopper What's a Dremel?

    6 Feb 2008
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    This won't happen here, not soon any way :cooldude:
    Anyway no one here can afford to buy every game he want to try as the salaries here are bloody small. I am able to buy games just because I work for foreign company and get some more cache.
  3. Bazanaius

    Bazanaius What's a Dremel?

    23 Sep 2005
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    The cost of an audio CD which sells well enough to enter the charts is about 2$. This includes copyright payments, recording costs, advertising etc.
    The additional ~$18 goes straight into the record companies pockets as profit.
    I don't particularly buy CDs anymore (I tend to use itunes or something like music2mix) but I thought I'd make it clear that they are still a rip off!
  4. Teq

    Teq What's a Dremel?

    11 Aug 2008
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    If I was sued over any downloads I have potentially on my box(es), I would instantly stop what I (might be) doing now, but at the same time they would also lose my custom. I tend to download via torrent to see if a product is to my liking, if not I bin it, if I enjoy it I have no problem with stumping up the cash.

    Obviously those who are doing so for a free ride should perhaps reconsider their actions?
  5. Xir

    Xir Modder

    26 Apr 2006
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    "i would find myself playing these downloaded games for just 10 mins and then toss them aside and never return to them"

    perhaps you've also found out that out of 30 titles...not all are worth playing.
    This ALSO demonstrates...not every pirated copy = one lost sold copy

    Havent downloaded a single game this year though, and none the year before... no, not right...downloaded Shaiya..but it's free anyway
  6. mmorgue

    mmorgue What's a Dremel?

    16 Feb 2005
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    To continue on from anduril said earlier... the actual cost of making cd'd/dvd's is tiny compared to what we the consumers get charged for the actual content.

    I think one of the easiest ways round this is to drop the cost of "purchasing" the game to a bare minimum and simply charge the consumer the cost of the license/key/serial/whatever mechanism.

    So if you "lose" the physical media, you can purchase another at a dirt cheap price. Sure, slap on whatever anti-piracy measures they want (apart from SecuROM that stuff is rubbish) to protect the media, but use the key/license as the means of protecting it.

    True, that will mean people might have to have a net connection to register their software, but they could offer a dial-up solution as well. That should pretty much guarantee a blanket coverage. So long as you have a registered bit of software, if you suffered some issue of losing your key/license or had a problem, calling them up would involve nothing more drastic than whatever security checks any local bank would use to ensure you are "you" when you call them up. I can't see what the problem is.

    Nothing is 100% secure. Nothing is 100% copy-proof/pirate-proof. But super cheap media with a 1 time license fee makes better sense than dishing out £39 if you lose the media.

    My take on it, anywaze...
  7. feedayeen

    feedayeen What's a Dremel?

    18 Jun 2008
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    I've only pirated two games, Gmod and HL2. HL2 I got as a freebee with a graphics card 2 years earlier but I lost the password to my Steam account so I lost it so I downloaded the pirated version. Then the Orange box came out and i got HL2 again but Gmod was starting to become outdated due to lack of updates so it wasn't compatible with the mods that the community had made for it so i got that one too after finishing all the HL series.

    Pirates bundling games together created a new sale for Valve.
  8. Arkanrais

    Arkanrais What's a Dremel?

    14 Jul 2007
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    for once, my opinion of EA has actually improved.
    keep it up, you sports game cloning buggers! (not sarcasm)
  9. theevilelephant

    theevilelephant Minimodder

    5 Jan 2006
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    It's a trick! They want us all to pirate their games so they can fine us all!!!!:rock:
  10. Firehed

    Firehed Why not? I own a domain to match.

    15 Feb 2004
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    Smart man.

    I'll just say that they needed to make things a) reasonably priced and b) very accessible (no DRM, or at LEAST no more invasive than Steam). I never buy anything on the first day anymore, since I like to wait until all of the major bugs have been ironed out which never seems to be a 1.0 requirement anymore (oh yeah... c) make sure the games are playable). It also allows me to avoid all of those Bioshock-esque horror stories regarding copy protection and activation - I refuse outright to purchase games that treat me like a criminal.
  11. DXR_13KE

    DXR_13KE BananaModder

    14 Sep 2005
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    maybe a system a la steam? maybe a system were you could request the game cd and case of a game you own at a nice price and delivered to your home?

    Peter Moore is a genius!!!
  12. naokaji

    naokaji whatever

    8 Dec 2006
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    EA is actually working very hard on getting their version of steam to work properly (currently its still bloated crap), dont be surprised if the EA online store will be the main competition for steam in the near future.
  13. pendragon

    pendragon I pickle they

    14 May 2004
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    wow, Kudos to Peter Moore for seeing reason here. I find now that I have a steady job I have less and less reason to bother with pirating games - too much hassle most of the time to find and often they come bundled with trojans 'n crap :-/
  14. leexgx

    leexgx CPC hang out zone (i Fix pcs i do )

    28 Jun 2006
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    i never buy any secrom games, the new one that will not let you start if you have some sort of disk mounting tool like demaon tools installed {BioShock download secrom free is ok}

    i allso would return any game that i was unable to nocd patch aswell

    online activation is the way, i think COD2 or some other game had an system that keys that are valid but have not been sold yet do not let you play online,
  15. mikeuk2004

    mikeuk2004 What you Looking at Fool!

    3 Sep 2004
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    Pretty much the same as me word for word, except I had over 50 games i downloaded on the xbox. I dont recall actually playing any of them. I just seem to have collected them because I could.

    When when I stoped upgrading my PC every year I found I could afford a game each month and now have more original games on the 360 than I ever had on PC and Xbox. I find I play the games more because I own them. If they were copies then they dont seem to get as much attention if any.

    Games are cheap enough if you wait. You dont have to buy every game on launch day.
  16. Liquid K9

    Liquid K9 Human programmer.. heh

    1 Sep 2002
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    gone are the times when people did music, games, films even for the *art*.

    its sad actually.
  17. chrisb2e9

    chrisb2e9 Dont do that...

    18 Jun 2007
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    the last game I bought randomly wont start because of some security problem. which is funny, because i bought it. should of downloaded it, less issues that way.
  18. dr-strangelove

    dr-strangelove What's a Dremel?

    26 Feb 2008
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    Even better, Game stock shelves of old games that they're selling dirt cheap, I bought Morrowind GOTY edition for about 8 euros a few weeks ago and have played it more than any other game I've bought in the past few years - even though it was about 1/10 the price
  19. feedayeen

    feedayeen What's a Dremel?

    18 Jun 2008
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    "EA is actually working very hard on getting their version of steam to work properly (currently its still bloated crap), dont be surprised if the EA online store will be the main competition for steam in the near future."

    EA's download system is complete crap compared to Steam. Steam offers free downloads of the games you bought forever, EA does not, why should I use an inferier product?
  20. OleJ

    OleJ Me!

    1 Jul 2007
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    The big shame with the piracy debate is that it's (long since) become a label for regular joes swapping data.
    What should be hit hard in any term of piracy is the real piracy where you have mass production of illegitimate copies which happens lots of places all over the world.
    Casual internet users don't share a rip of something to earn dollars... It's ideologically like borrowing your game or album to a friend.
    What is real piracy is those who copy with financial gain in mind. Those who make money off of a product they only just copied. I would even go as far as saying it includes the idiot down the block who sells burned dvds for $5.

    If you're copying to profit then you're a pirate!
    If you copy to share then you're a sharer (or perhaps the industry could be allowed to term it "communist" ) :)
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