Hope you don't mind, but I had a play with your picture. Personally I think it's a little under exposed and I'd have liked to have seen the strawberry separate from the green bits in the foreground, but that's just my opinion. So a quick tweak in Photoshop (or there's always GIMP, which is free.) Auto Tone Auto Contrast Auto Colour (because I'm being lazy, also this will be the bottom layer) Duplicate layer, 10% opacity, blend - Screen (Top layer) Duplicate layer, 10% opacity, blend - Overlay (Middle layer) Merge layers Color Balance - Highlights - Blue +4 (it's a personal preference, but I like it with a bit more blue in the image) Crop (into the edge of the plate) Heal - Patch (it's food, so the plate should really be clean) Dodge - 4% - Shadows (lift the strawberry's shadows and bring out some of the green) Smart Sharpen - Radius 0.2 pixels - Strength 162% (though JPEG compression is still an issue here)
Need to learn CS5. I only use it for panos and because the clone/heal is superior to LR3. Here are some from the past two months (I don't have many, I'm afraid. Lazy winter break ) Cold by angad84, on Flickr Ess Ell Ess (Explored) by angad84, on Flickr Street Vendor by angad84, on Flickr Cousin by angad84, on Flickr Jaan by angad84, on Flickr Sambar by angad84, on Flickr
That is surprisingly sharp for a night shot taken without tripod. Personally I've found this last month to be a PITA for photography. Poor weather means landscapes just aren't doing anything for me at the moment, and the night shots I'd like to be taking have been impossible in the strong winds we've been having. Bought a new tripod to do battle with the wind, just need another starry night. Also, do you guys remember how the Fraggle Rock theme tune goes, because it's stuck in my head right now.
Yes! It's a more desirable song to have stuck in your head than the one I had this morning. Get Money for your old Phone. Mazuma Mobile dot com ARGH!?!
*ARF* Went to World of Birds (am in cape town south africa), where they also had monkeys; Pics may be in need of a touch of contrast as these are straight out of camera, no pp, also with my manual focus 300 f2.8 and with a tc in a couple of them.
The clouds cleared for a bit today so I took advantage and had a wander. Some of these may have a mark in the upper right, I have now removed the offending dust from the sensor. Quite how it got past the Translucent Mirror I don't know. Bourne End Railway Bridge (1) by OmegaPoint, on Flickr Bourne End Railway Bridge (2) by OmegaPoint, on Flickr Path in Bourne End by OmegaPoint, on Flickr Gulls at Bourne End Marina by OmegaPoint, on Flickr Swan at Bourne End Marina (2) by OmegaPoint, on Flickr
Some amazing pictures recently guys, stonesurd in particular, that latest batch of yours are just stunning! Playing about with startrails.exe and a torch... Light Painting & Stacking... by Stagezero Photography, on Flickr
Nature's tripod Thanks! Thank you kindly, good sir. I'm at a bit of a creative wall right now, so I'll be lurking here until I can kick into gear again. I'm consuming copious amounts of tea to see if that helps