I forget that we have flashaholics on bit-tech sometimes! These look very nice - what's the spec on them? Are they scratch customs or Lego builds?
Hey Jazz, could you do a "how to" post" about doing sexy shoots at some point? My G/f and another frined of ours have expressed an interest in doing one, but when i've tried them in the past the results have been decidedly meh. I know this sounds like a set up for a bad amateur porn, but trust me, it's not.
Gladly, I'm not sure how much I can teach online though, is there anything specific you're looking for?
I don't know. Probably what I'm missing is things like studio lighting and hair and makeup skills, but whatever you can offer will be gratefully accepted.
Added this one from the boneyard of forgotten hits. Trying to load from 500px, which I like a lot more than flickr.
Studio lighting helps, but you can do natural light without too much trouble. Bedrooms are often good, especially if you have some lacy curtains over the windows to diffuse the light. Alternatively, buy some cheap Yongnuo flashes, cheap triggers, umbrellas and stands. Shouldn't cost too much. Part of it is confidence on both your part and the model's part. That comes with experience though. The other trick is posing. Find something that works for your model. Buy some magazines and look through the poses they use. I find if you have a "curvier" model, put them on their back have the hair over the edge of the bed, turn their head slightly to the side and look over at you, just watch out for lines along the forehead. What you really are looking for is curves though, no straight lines with the poses. If it bends, bend it, etc. Hands can be tricky, but make sure they're relaxed and you don't shoot them straight on, the pinky side of the hand is very feminine. Watch your framing too, typically if you're cutting a limb, cut it in the upper half (so above the elbow or knee). Rule of thirds can come in handy, but don't be afraid to move beyond that. Keep a bit of space above the head unless you're going in for VERY tight framing on the face. I've seen so many photos that could be improved with some minor cropping. Hope that gives you a few pointers
Wanted to get back to my panoramas a bit... unfortunately I messed up the stitching which causes a very prominent section to change color more than the rest when bringing out the sky in the color version, but I should be able to correct it when I have 3hrs to stitch it back together Left Open by J Ryan Waters, on Flickr
A genuine smile is always sexy. But a nice bum always helps too! Paulina Leotard by JazzXP, on Flickr