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Multi Player Unknown's Battlegrounds

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Slizza, 12 Apr 2017.

  1. Matticus

    Matticus ...

    23 Feb 2008
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    Are you guys still playing pubg? I only picked it up over the Christmas break and by God so I suck at FPS/FPS these days!

    I have only tasted one chicken dinner and it was due to luck and hiding for most of the game :p
  2. Arboreal

    Arboreal Keeper of the Electric Currants

    21 Jan 2011
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    Yes still playing regularly solo/duo/3 man squad... Not posted as I didn't want to be a PUBG bore!
    Enjoying Miramar as a change from Erangel - the smoothness of the graphics has improved in the last month IMHO, and rubber banding has dropped off a lot.
    No Chicken Dinner yet - got a 2nd place for the first time last week. sooooooo close, I popped up too early and he turned round and shot me.
    I play like a noob still, and am stealthy, and it works for me.
    See you there!
  3. Anfield

    Anfield Multimodder

    15 Jan 2010
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    That is pretty much how it always goes down for those who end up in the top 10 or so, avoid the crowds until the herd has thinned itself, then among the last couple people its down to rng regarding who has the gear that is best suited for whatever the distance of the final confrontation turns out to be.

    That and not getting shot in the back by player b while trying to snipe player a:grin:
    Arboreal likes this.
  4. yodasarmpit

    yodasarmpit Modder

    27 May 2002
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    Been playing for the last couple of days and really enjoying it, however it really brings into light how old my graphics card is :)
  5. Matticus

    Matticus ...

    23 Feb 2008
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    I was enjoying it until this weekend, played for maybe 5 hours across both Saturday and Sunday and performed consistently bad! It felt like I was playing "Loot for 10 minutes then die from a random headshot simulator 2018"
  6. wecrookie

    wecrookie Minimodder

    20 Dec 2013
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    Got this for the Xbone at christmas and love it.play a lot of solo, though have played duo as well as 3 man group with the daughter & brother. Soooo much fun :grin:.
    Find those peeps that circle the last few areas in cars extremely annoying.Wish i had a bazooka :miffed:
  7. Mr Meltdown

    Mr Meltdown Minimodder

    26 Jul 2003
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    Is PUBG worth buying now for PC or have i basically missed the boat?
  8. Matticus

    Matticus ...

    23 Feb 2008
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    It's peaking at around 3m people per day on Steam with well over 1m at all times basically. I would guess it's far from dead but who knows what will happen.

    I bought it because I watched so many streamers and YouTubers do well at it and thought that I couldn't be that bad... I was somewhat incorrect :p I think playing in a squad with people you know is the best way to play, duo I think is the hardest, and solo can go either instadeath or rambo mode.
  9. Anfield

    Anfield Multimodder

    15 Jan 2010
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    Yes, definitely worth it, however its a good idea to have friends if you want to play duo or squad, had some bad luck with randoms.
    Arboreal likes this.
  10. Arboreal

    Arboreal Keeper of the Electric Currants

    21 Jan 2011
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    Not too late to jump on board, it's a lot better and smoother than even a couple of months ago.
    I am still pretty average, but can't stop playing it.
    That elusive Chicken Dinner is still something I need to achieve, been 2nd a couple of times, I'm just not that good consistently.
    Duos and 3 have been fun, not found a 4th squad member locally yet.
    Definitely this at times^
  11. Mr Meltdown

    Mr Meltdown Minimodder

    26 Jul 2003
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    I've watched many hours of it on twitch and youtube, mainly Shroud, Dr Disrespect and now I watch Chocotaco as I found shroud annoying to listen to and i dont learn anything from him.

    The zombies mode, fog and rain made it really appealing then they removed them from the game. i do wonder while watching at the repetitive looting that that must just become such a chore.

    Will probably get it, but haven't played keyboard and mouse for years so will be very very **** at it.
  12. Mr Meltdown

    Mr Meltdown Minimodder

    26 Jul 2003
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    Wait, what? You have to buy keys with real money to unlock loot crates you have bought with BP? And the price of accessories and clothing is how f***ing much?

  13. Matticus

    Matticus ...

    23 Feb 2008
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    I am not sure if that is for all crates or only the Desperado/Biker crates. I know I opened one of those types when they first came out but now I need a key, I haven't had any "regular" crates to know if you need a key for those too.

    AndyPyro on twitch is also phenomenally good at pubg - I am on the fence as to whether I like his personality though. I watched him yesterday doing 1 man squads and just wiping out entire teams!
  14. Mr Meltdown

    Mr Meltdown Minimodder

    26 Jul 2003
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    Will give him a watch also, thanks.
  15. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    Actually the opposite. You unlock most crates with BP, some you need to buy a key for - but I sell these and make "real money" that goes on my steam account! So far I'm up to £6 of basically free credit! Its great. I'm literally making money playing the game I love (albeit, bugger all)
    Arboreal likes this.
  16. Arboreal

    Arboreal Keeper of the Electric Currants

    21 Jan 2011
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    Yup, same here. It's like mining but more of a grind!! I have about £11 Steam credit left having bought the Talos Project with 'free' money :grin: Don't know if I'd buy a key; I sold the rest of the crates after opening one out of interest.

    Can't find the youtube link, but watched a funny vid on PUBG playing styles - looks like I'm a mouse in their categorisation!
    Last edited: 30 Jan 2018
  17. Mr Meltdown

    Mr Meltdown Minimodder

    26 Jul 2003
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    Ok good to know, just waiting for my kb and mouse to turn up as it is a waste of time trying to game on the mini kb i normally use.

    Arboreal likes this.
  18. wecrookie

    wecrookie Minimodder

    20 Dec 2013
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    Well so far I have managed 3 chicken dinners and just over 20 top 10 finishes. My highest kill streak in solo is 1:D and the highest number of kills in a game is 4. Still don't like the vehicle huggers.
    Arboreal likes this.
  19. Arboreal

    Arboreal Keeper of the Electric Currants

    21 Jan 2011
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    @wecrookie - 3 Chicken Dinners? Nice! Still zero, but 2 second places. Had my best kills in a game last night, 2 in Miramar and then shot to ribbons instantly.
    2nd kill was amusing, as I was shooting a car driving away uphill.
    Stopped to look round and above me was someone on a balcony to my right who was still shooting the vehicle, and hadn't spotted me :grin:.
    I'm still generally rubbish, but enjoying a more aggressive style this last couple of weeks. Landing in hotter zones and fighting, rather than landing in a quieter place and looting solo.
  20. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    So, I've got well over 200 hours in the game and have improved MASSIVELY in the last 30 hours or so, mainly because of two factors that you need to consider for the next 5 minutes of game time.

    1. Movement - where, how and when.

    • Where.... are you going to move next? What cover is there when you arrive and along the way? What signs are there that other players are already there? Or, where are they in relation to your destination?
    • How..... are you going to get there? Foot, car, boat - what is the safest/most advantageous option when weighing up visibility/noise vs speed/cover?
    • When.... are you going to move? While the blue is still static to try and grab the best tactical position, or is it too late for that, and you should be waiting until the last minute in order to watch other players bolt and gun them down?
    2. Aggression - there is a very fine line in this game between being playing the game like Battlefield and playing the game like Arma. It's something you come to feel. If you're engaged in a firefight and you've put a load of rounds into another player before they've gone into cover for example, THAT is the time to be super aggressive and push your advantage. Too many times have I let another player have time to heal up, or res a knocked player because I've been too afraid of dying to make a move. However, running and gunning like you're shroud...well that is just going to get most of us dead pretty quickly.

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