O.K, what do we think to CS 1.1? personally, I don't like it as much as 1.0. I've had nothing but loss and choke playing it. Having said that, this could be due to the Half-Life patch 1106. Apart from that it's the same. I haven't had chance to play any of the new maps except Dust2, which IMHO blows goats. I don't want this to turn into a flame war, just give your opinion and RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE'S please
I've played it for all of 5 mins, as I've been a tad busy recently. The graphics seemd slightly crisper to me, and I had slight less lag. One thing I noticed was that no one did a very good job of hitting me! Perhaps they were having the same problems that you are Ataraxia... I havent had any yet, but then I'm on adsl. I'll give it more of a test this weekend I'm sure, till then laters
Don't like it as much. They've changed the MP5 so you can't aim at all with it when jumping. Glad they changed the awp as it is a ridiculas weapon as for the maps - where is docks. not seen one server with it cs_thunder is a bit big de_vertigo is excellent, plays like docks1 de_docks2 feels deathmatchy but is ok when I realised it plays like Italy Haven't honestly played it to much but it seems okay. Will give it a thourgh testing at TRFG LAN party this weekend
it's good i likes it a lot maps: inferno, rotterdam and thunder are very good, vertigo is fun, but i'd say 5v5 is the max mods to old maps are all useful/good dust2 is good, (anything is better than original dust) new models are schmart sniper rifles and smgs mods make them sweet
i have installed it and went to play it but just stood there as I had other things to do .... maybe I should give it a good going over!
Hmm After playing around with the new CS now it definatly feels like 'spray and pray' tactics are in order, and the harder you try to aim for someone, the less likley you are to kill them. It's really crazy! Still, makes things interesting I guess, and this isn't exactly the first patch thats come out, that everyone had to adjust to etc...