Current CPU is a San Diego 3700+ default Vcore is 1.400. The maximum Vcore is up to 1.500 --> 1.5 / 1.4 = 1.0714 --> 7.14% --> 5th option
i had a 3700+ sandy, stock 1.4v overvolted to 1.64v thats a 17.14% currently opty 165 stock 1.35v (i think, seemed to default to that) up to 1.55v so thats a 14.8% overvolt.
opteron 148 [2200Mhz] @ 3003Mhz stock Vcore 1.35 i think.. pushed it to 1.45 since i don't know the limit of the vcore (probably 1.55v) i posted 8% - 10% regards
It's OCed 300mhz (1600mhz, default 1300mhz) with 1.7v. It's a hella unstable processer, I'm going to replace my compy with an e6320 soon.
X2 4400 Tolly 1.4V nothing too crazy My old pelted northwood would do 2.8ghz@3.54 with 1.7v on a AI7 (usually they would Die at the setting, or so they say) i allways had another 2.4 north sitting around in case my 2.8 bit the big one
6.53KV. You know how people steal cable? Yeah, same thing, except with power. The power company hasn't noticed yet.
For those of us who don't have our own dedicated power stations outside our houses, what's a triple stage(slightly embarressed I have to ask about PC cooling, but ah well).
simply put: your first stage refrig will take you down to roughly -40c. the second stage goes on top of that further lowering the temps to somewhere around -100c. the third would be -150c? but something like that is quite costly to run and im sure its a bit of a pain to set up in otherwords hardcore OCing....