i've got an old computer i'm gonna add a few mods to and have it as a dedicated emulator machine, mainly for mame. thing is that i don't want to use a mouse. so i need a frontend, but i don't like most of the ones out there (unless you can recommend a good one) so i'd like to give a go at making my own. problem is i have no idea where to start. i've never really programmed before either, but i'd like to learn and this'll give me the perfect opportunity.
i hate bumping up post, but does no one have any ideas for me? i've looked all over google, but haven't come up with much.....
This? Not sure exactly what you will be using for your interface so I don't know if that's any good for you. If you give a few more details it might be easier to advise.
sorry, here's a few more details. the controls are gonna be arcade-style buttons hooked up to a hacked keyboard and i probably won't have a mouse. so pretty much, i need to control everything from a keyboard, and using only a limited number of keys. that one you posted looks like it might work, but now i've kinda got the idea of making my own in my head and i'd like give it a go if ya could just point me in the right direction....
Why not use a trackball? It's stationary anyway, plus you can use it to play missile command. just a thought.
that might be what i end up doing because i've been talking to a few other people about this and they said i'd probably need to learn c++ in order to do this, which i'd like to eventually, but not just yet. that, and i'll probably using more than one emulator, so i'd have to prgram a frontend for ALL the different ones i may one to use. oh, well! thanks for the help anyways!!