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Project Black Narcissus: 2006 FIN:

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by modsquad, 28 Jun 2004.

  1. Fahey

    Fahey What's a Dremel?

    15 Jul 2005
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    thats sick dude wow
  2. modsquad

    modsquad Grease Monkey Undergraduate..

    27 Feb 2004
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    Thanks, I am glad you enjoyed your time looking-over my project. I had a great time building-it..Thats for sure..
    I still have plans to post some "final photos", just have not had the time. I am using the machine on an "everyday" basis and it needs a good-cleaning before the photo-shoot..
    Once again, thanks to you and everyone who helped along the way..
    The list is excessively long.. :thumb:

    :Next project: coming-soon.. :dremel:
    Last edited: 15 Sep 2008
  3. Claas M

    Claas M What's a Dremel?

    29 Jan 2006
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    OMG it's sick :respect:
  4. modsquad

    modsquad Grease Monkey Undergraduate..

    27 Feb 2004
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    Once again..Thanks..
    Sorry, no new pictures..JUST bEEr and Halflife2... :thumb:
    Last edited: 15 Sep 2008
  5. Sathy

    Sathy What's a Dremel?

    17 May 2005
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    ModSquad: An amazing piece of work this is yes! Congrats on your great project and to it's finalization, finally, cheers!

    I've been following your progress since ...well I guess it was some time in the summer 2005 when I "found" this project. It's been interesting to read about all of your ideas and your whole approach to making BN what you want it to be. And ofcourse it wouldn't have been the same without all the feedback and ideas from others. It's been very interesting to read about all the things related to watercooling and all that, and I think I've learned several things on the way. And ofcourse I've been following Soylent Green too =]

    I'm on my way start my own first-sort-of-real mod project some time soon, and I have to say that there are several ideas that I've gotten by reading this project log.

    The Case will be an Antec P180, with some changes to the overall look, some playing with watercooling (sorry to dissapoint but not all aqua) and ...oh well, we'll have to see about that. Also got alot of ideas for a custom clear case but that's a bit too complex to start with.

    Anyways, I'm looking forward to reading "ModSquad's New Project III: Modding, and Beyond"!
  6. modsquad

    modsquad Grease Monkey Undergraduate..

    27 Feb 2004
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    Thanks Sathy..
    I am looking-forward to your up-coming project. What can I say about Aqua-Computer that has not been said..The best "small-bore" H20-cooling money can buy..GO-AC...Sathy...
    As for Project III, I am still looking for the "right" case to began the mod-process. I have all the H20_cooling gear (aqua-computer, of-course), but have yet to find a case that "fit's-the-bill"..
    The LL v-series of cases are "kick-ass"..I was the second-guy (mj007 beat me my a few-weeks) to do a V-series-mod on Bit-tech..I think that is the reason for the # of hits this project has received..
    I have yet to find another case that can match-or surpass the "look" of a STOCK LL-Vseries case...... :thumb:
    The "search-continues"... :wallbash:
  7. Sathy

    Sathy What's a Dremel?

    17 May 2005
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    From what I've read and seen on this project and others with AC gear, they do seem to have alot going for them. IF I could, I supposed I would go for AC all the way, but the thing is, it's not the most...wallet friendly and there are alot of others to choose from. Worry not, I will still be using atleast a Twinplex pro and the Asus Regulator Block.
    As for the pump, I'll be using a Waterchill Extreme 12v version, more details here, which does look a bit cheap, but considering the specs, it's worth a try.

    I have a dream that I might be able to get one of these, the black one, before they're sold out, but as I don't have much income atm, it's something that I think might not be possible. Still, it's a beautiful case and would be quite a challenge to fit something special inside it due to all that round-goodness =]

    You we're the second...and you'll most likely be the last? =] (well actually it's such a good case and you've shown alot of things that can be done with it so I wouldn't be surprised to see several new mods with it)
    I like the look and the multitude of possibilities of the V1000B too, a great case to be sure and one of the best looking cases as of yet!

    Actually I had already decided that I would get an LL V1000B Plus (too), but since I wasn't in any kind of a hurry to get started I hadn't purchased it yet. And then a few days ago I noticed a pretty good deal on a Antec P180 so I thought I might give that a try and since the person selling it was living just a few km away, I got it yesterday. Cable management isn't going to be very easy because it hasn't got much extra space anywhere, but after spending some time playing around with the case, measuring and checking, there is some hope and have got alot of ideas for it.

    I've yet to see someone (else) doing evil things to their P180.
    Sorry for babbling so much sort of off-topic =]

    Hope you find a case and...once again do the MS :dremel:

    And once again, thanks for the great read on BN! :thumb: I've surely got alot of inspiration and ideas from it and will be most likely bothering you with silly questions about modding from now on, untill who knows =]
  8. blackflag

    blackflag I Kill Dremels

    16 Oct 2003
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    Haha, just like me, barely finish one before starting the next. My latest, V2000 with A-C gear is almost done. I havent had much time to work on it and without a decent cam I haven't taken pics of it yet or posted a worklog. Maybe on the last day before completion :lol: . Not trying to go crazy with it, just make a nice, clean, well-wired case with all Aqua Computer gear.... silver with white LEDs to go with my Apple Cinema Display.

    My patience these days is not what it once was... :sigh:
  9. modsquad

    modsquad Grease Monkey Undergraduate..

    27 Feb 2004
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    @Sathy: Thanks for the kind words..Get your project log started..I want to see. :thumb:

    @mj007: Good to hear from you. It nice to be using the machine instead of "working" on it. I never stopped :dremel: my other project is moving along "slow-but-sure"..In fact it, both projects received mention in the March 06 issue of Computer Upgrade magazine, as well as a picture of Soylent Green.. Kind-a Cool...
  10. Sathy

    Sathy What's a Dremel?

    17 May 2005
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    I will, I will! =]
    I just want to have something to actually show when I start the thread (except for the "the toys" shots). Might be that I make the thread this weekend, if I manage to take some pictures of the case as it is now...will have to see. Recieved the most important watercooling parts today so I can start measuring precisely where and what to cut.

    Noticed that there was atleast one P180 mod here on BT, but it wasn't completed and the approach was quite different.

    Untill next time =]
  11. [1N0V471V]

    [1N0V471V] What's a Dremel?

    27 Feb 2006
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    I just went through that whole thing.

    Page 1-104. It took me two hours. Wow. Great job. Makes me want to do water.
  12. modsquad

    modsquad Grease Monkey Undergraduate..

    27 Feb 2004
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    Glad you enjoyed it 1N0V471V..I had a great "ride" building it.. The work log is long.. a year and a half (real-time)..
    104 pages and over 600 pictures..
    I have been putting it through it's paces trying to finish-off HL2 before the new HL2: episode one comes out..I am close,
    very close..
    Last edited: 15 Sep 2008
  13. modsquad

    modsquad Grease Monkey Undergraduate..

    27 Feb 2004
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    Finished HL2...took almost a long to play as this machine took to construct
    What's your "take" on the ending?
    **PLEASE, PM's ONLY**
    Let's not "buss-kill" the people who have yet to play and or finish... :thumb:
    Last edited: 15 Sep 2008
  14. Mac84

    Mac84 What's a Dremel?

    4 Mar 2006
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    wish I took that long to play the game. I finished it in 3 days. its an excellent game just a tad on the short side.

    btw nice case mod :)
    I have the same case myself. and will be watercooling soon. parts on the way.
    I wanted to get that res (fass-o-matic) but $75 is a bit much for me for a reservoir.
  15. phuzz

    phuzz This is a title

    28 May 2004
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    o/t Now you've finished HL2, check out Minerva, it's a HL2 mod, and the story and modeling are as good as anything valve have created...
  16. modsquad

    modsquad Grease Monkey Undergraduate..

    27 Feb 2004
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    3-DAYS!! Man, I suck...I spent like 6-MONTHS... :blush: I enjoyed the game, but not sure about the ending (if you can call it that)....
    H20 cooling is great..and the Innovatek FOM or Aqua-Computer AquaTube are the best looking (yes, $$) reservoirs on the market.
  17. modsquad

    modsquad Grease Monkey Undergraduate..

    27 Feb 2004
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    Thanks for the link phuzz. It looks very-good..
  18. Claas M

    Claas M What's a Dremel?

    29 Jan 2006
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    But it's short. iv'e done it in an hour or one and a half.

    For me, the Leveldesign is quite bewildering because it's not clear what to do which causes you running through the maps not knowing what to do.
  19. phuzz

    phuzz This is a title

    28 May 2004
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    but free, you get what you pay for ;)
  20. Claas M

    Claas M What's a Dremel?

    29 Jan 2006
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    I didn't want to accuse that. Short but very good ;)

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