Here are the Blue elbows and other bits I ordered. After a touch of paint of course As always - comments welcome
Dodgy as hell dry test loop. Doesn't look too bad and at least it all fit in Decided against the elbow in the pumps/res Put some plumbers tape on the barbs Then fitted them I'm going to see if I can cut this window today
Hope you like this update Masked up: Cut it out Sanded the window from the back and added a trim Don't think its too bad for my first go
Very good job for a first timer! Very smooth, even and fine sanding on the plates, very good in need but i cant see if the grains and grooves are even and in the same direction and not just all over the place.... perhaps a close picture?
@Markz - its straight but the screws are making it slightly bent. I will get a sharp knif and solve this I used some nice bolts that came with my AC grill Thanks guys. Just waiting for my swiftech block for my GPU
Just loose it.......Take a black filtpen and go round the edges to make them black. That should do it......
I'm going to take a look at it and see if it would be ok to leave bare. I do have a feeling that it may need that rubber surround though I got it fairly smooth
Hey guys thanks Last night I decided to cut some additional holes in the case side. This was really out of necessity rather than anything else in all honesty - the setup just wasn't getting enough air in. I was going with one hole but decided on two for effect This hole will be filled with 2 x 120mm silenX fans and a grill. Please ignore the orange fan that was a test fit. Also some rubber surround is going to be added. Caution: dodgy phone image Also managed to sleeve up a whole lot of cables too Also decided that seeing I haven't seen hide-nor-hair of my replacement GPU water block I'm going with a CPU loop on its own for the moment. Another reason for this is due to the fact I am constantly switching out my cards for reviews etc. EDIT: All dremel cut
lol Great mod you got here! I would go with a bigger window, but that's just me. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the comment Always welcome I did think about a bigger window but I kinda knew I would end up putting some fans in the case side. Plus I liked the look of the smaller window. Ah well just recieved an Antec P180 for another rig so mebbe then ey @ Mankz_91: I don't know why but every time I mod I have pies with ketchup!! I usually eat very well with nice fresh food but when I'm on a modding session I eat easy stuff