been busy with school atm but this mod has kept me checking back to BT as offen as i can its looking serperb pills... you have tallent.
I know your in a different country, but in america for paint there is a "Flat Clearcoat" basicly its a spray paint that you could cover all your rust parts in that would not be glossy.... might be an idea so you dont get that stuff all over your house and inside your comp Love that Case BTW, cant wait to see HL2 playing on it
you should put like more of that shatered orange plexi around the buttons to make it look like an emergency happened or something
it would only ever settle out if ur pump was off for several days, and being white, i don't see it staining anything
ok cheers, when i said staining i meant more leaving a nasty white residue all over the inside of the tube, i didnt make it very clear in last post. Guess all i can do is give it a try and see hwat i get.
in fact this is just a clear tube , it is just the water inside which makes condensation and thats why it appear "white"
awwww... i', slightly disappointed now i thought piloux the supper modder had found some ingenious way of making the water milky. still, may try condensed milk powder or sumthing and see what i get.
Well, so sorry but you can test water with white watercolor , I don't think this will be bad for the blocks and rad...
I wouldnt have thought condensed milk wouldve been as bad as real thing, but then i dont know for sure. I presume you were talking about water colour paints?... hmmm... I would try white food colouring but i'm not sure that it's even made?!?! will look in tesco's nxt time i'm there
water Yeah, and the vernish you will apply could maybe create the "watter effect" you had on your wallpaper on the beginning!
hi , little news : I have tested the ampermeter and this is not an ac / dc one , it is for continous current I think I ll try to get another one...
Contiunous current and Direct current are the same thing, lol! i think you are just mistaken. After all, Direct current means continuous same voltage flow. That meter must be really old for it to say that But, yeah, they are the same thing, so no worries
That Drive just blows my mind, it looks liek one of the props you see on the SiFi shows...Half Life 2 will be awsome, but how will this be a Lan PC? its looking to be pretty heavy.... well anyway, the paint job caught me right away...i love it, and will be following...
And if you can't get it to work properly, maybe you can change the mechanism with a new one. So put in a new meter, but keep the old housing and dial plate. You could then also buy one in miliamps so that your needle wil actualy move without having to shot cirquit something. Garbach
piloux Simply put it Fantasitc. I wanted to register for the chance to say how impressed Im with ur work... Myselfe I love the felling with Half Life so the thought of having a PC remindig of the game is glorius. and Keep the pictures glide in. And I wish I lived near u so I could dropp in and look at the becoming masterpiece. /Dave
ok sorry if I made mistake by express myself this meter use continous current and the one use by psu is alterbnative current ( tell me if I m wrong) ... I will try a diode with it to make it work... I had not enough time to make lot of work this week , but I started building the fanbus , here are some pics of it this is not finished yet .... I still have to find switches and to paint it...