I'v been wondering why people haven't posted any comments and thougt this was a lame Mod but after wanting to show it to a friend i found out that nobody could see the pictures now that every on can see I hope its not lame This is my second mod plz check out my other first on "The Noob" Recently I got a Coal Scuttle from school because my teacher was going to throw it out anyway As you may have seen the Coal Scuttle is very rusty on the inside and it doesn't have a floor It's rusty because it was outside for weeks and the floor rusted through If you have looked at my other Mod you can see that I've changed my workspace more updates coming tomorrow
Projekt "Coal Scuttle" some updates My plan The Floor As you can see there are still some adjustments that have to be made Finally got a good reason to get out my tool box or dremel box after hours of work nothing can fall out now The cardboard is where the itx board is going to go I cut off a bit of the aluminum L so that the itx would fit the idea Had to get a new blade for my buzz saw cutting a cover/top I normally put the second blade here, so if I switch them, I don't have to look for it I hated this part because I wanted it to fit perfectly note the left corner finally screwed the frame to the acryl glass floor Well the big part of the mod is finished; now i only have to paint it, get a itx board , hard drive, psu, switch, fan controller, feet and so on
switch and a fan controller Today i got a switch and a fan controller me trying to find out what goes where The white O will fit to the fan and is going to be hd led something a Modder needs to survive going to exchange the nob with the on in the package
wow this is great, very original and i like the over all look so far! keep it up, and good luck getting guts!
Good luck fitting the parts into such an unusual shape. It already looks brilliant. Are you planning to paint the top panel to match the rest of the scuttle?
Took me three attempts before I believed it's not Shuttle, but Scuttle Good work, liking the inner frame w/o making nasty mods to the scuttle itself.
First thanks for all your post I'm planning to finish it by the end of the summer vication but first i whant to finish and start my core i7 mod not really if ther are enough request I'll paint it but I like it the way its know
Well if you like the way it is, you should keep it! I was just curious. It's a brilliant mod either way.
/\ Agreed this is an awesome idea! i really like it! (although im not sure how much my opinion counts for )