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Case Mod - In Progress Project: "G5 Retaliation" March 19th. Alive and kicking! Happy days!

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by Angel OD, 18 Sep 2007.

  1. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    Take your time. You may come up with something even cooler with more time.
    Torturing Mac users is fun! Torturing anyone who buys -any- overpriced stock computer is fun.

    I chopped the blades off a fan once... I was trying to make a pump.:eyebrow:
  2. E.E.L. Ambiense

    E.E.L. Ambiense Acrylic Heretic

    26 Jul 2007
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    LOL. I used to be a Mac user once upon a graphics job... It's insanely fun to see someone's eyes open wide at what you've done to a case; especially if they paid in the 4 figures for it once.

    Nice job, Angel! I like what you did with the fans.
  3. Angel OD

    Angel OD Pump Killer

    16 Sep 2007
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    Cheapskate <- You were trying to make a ... pump?!?! THAT you need to explain further! *LMAO*

    E.E.L. Ambience <- Don't worry... It WAS in the 4 figure... A bit above 4000 $, 3 years ago... I'm just happy it died! :clap:
  4. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    I coated the insides with gasket glue and mounted an impeller on top. It didn't work very well, but I didn't expect it to.
  5. alexdcd

    alexdcd Laptop Specialist

    24 Feb 2006
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    :eek: You have my laptop! Nice mod mate i wanted to do something similar but never finished the mod so i have parts lying around unused great idea on reusing the apple ports, i scrapped mine and began cutting a big mobo backplate.
    Good luck finishing!
  6. Angel OD

    Angel OD Pump Killer

    16 Sep 2007
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    Well... Render me speechless!! I've been nominated for "Mod Of The Month"... That's more than I had ever hoped for! Some tough competition, and though I won't win, the nomination itself is a true honor! So thx to whoever nominated me! :) And a big shoutout to all the ppl watching this log and giving feedback! :) HOLLA! *LOL*

    Oh, there's and update in here also! :D

    Started on the radiator today, just cut off the existing "fittings", tapped the holes for 1/8", and put in a cpl of compression fittings! :)



    Notice the Loctite... Even though there's an o-ring on the fitting, you can never be too carefull! :) And the 577 type Loctite, will cure completely in 24 hours, and hold up to 250 degrees centigrade, and (if memory serves) up to 350 psi.. If we reach those specs, I don't think the sealing will be the biggest worry! :lol:

    The piece of aluminum to hide the wiring is also done. I might make another one later on, with smaller gaps for the wires to exit. The empty "slot" is for the mobo -> cd-rom cable... Sry I won't take off the protective film, but no scratches allowed! :)


    The bottom part is just to hide the wires in the PSU, I cut a piece of aluminum for that today also, but... I wanted to be sure where the holes for cables go, and as we all know, meassure twice, cut once! :thumb:

    This is where the fan and radiator will go...


    I've started thinking about the reservoir... And I have narrowed it down to 3 crazy a** ideas, but for now I will keep them to myself! ;)

    Oh yeah, I've ordered a fan-controller, hopefully it will arrive tomorrow or friday. It's made to fit a 3.5 " drivebay, but we don't have one of those in this case... Therefore, more modding comming your way! :)
    Last edited: 28 Nov 2007
  7. Angleus

    Angleus What's a Dremel?

    28 Nov 2007
    Likes Received:
    You planning on mounting this inside or hidden? Because otherwise it might ruin or your hard work to make the case look 'stock', nice work anyways and congrats on the MOTM nomination
  8. Angel OD

    Angel OD Pump Killer

    16 Sep 2007
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    Angleus <- It's gonna be mounted inside, on the back, just behind the harddrive mounts. And since the mesh in the case has 3mm holes in them, I will make the pins about 2,8 mm in diameter... And they will barely stick out. I won't really need to be able to ajust anything over time, just once to get the right temperature! :)
    Hmm... :idea: I'll get back to you on that one, when I see the goods IRL! :)
  9. Angleus

    Angleus What's a Dremel?

    28 Nov 2007
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    Ok cool, sounds like plan! (i.e. wont compromise the look) :thumb:
  10. Angel OD

    Angel OD Pump Killer

    16 Sep 2007
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    We're getting closer guys and girls! :)

    Cut the bottom today, and it almost fits... just a little tweaking needed, but I just HAD to see how it's gonna look on the inside... So I removed the protective film from the aluminum today! It's not half bad, if I have a say about it! ;)

    The thingy for hidin the cables, will surely be redone! Waaaaay too much room in the cable-outlets! And it has to be mounted to the backplate ofcourse. In the pics, the cables push it out a bit, but you will get the picture sort of speak! ;)

    I received the fancontroller today, but haven't had time to even open the package... Don't really have time for this update either, but you know! :)

    I also received the cables for my CarPc, so that will also take some of my time the next week or two... But I'll be back soon, trust me! :)




    Not too shabby for 21 days of modding, and having some kind of a life at the same time, me thinks! *LOL*
  11. Angleus

    Angleus What's a Dremel?

    28 Nov 2007
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    Looking good, what are you doing with the space on the left of the motherboard? (where the drives would normally be on a PC) Since I'm presuming your using the original G5 drive slot, 240 radiator perhaps like bad apple?
  12. Angel OD

    Angel OD Pump Killer

    16 Sep 2007
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    Angleus <- I'm actually going to use the stock radiator for now. I have no plans of OC'ing the heck out of this baby as of now... (mostly since the mobo won't allow oc...)
    But when I get on with a SLI setup, and a QUAD-core cpu, I might have to go with a 240. So it will be in my mind, while doing the W/C, so it will be easy to switch the radiator! :)

    Small update, just to let you guys know where the fancontrol goes... :) I really truly have no need for 2 harddrives, so I'm using the bottom drive-bay for the controller! :) If I'm in need of hdd space, I'll buy a 750 GB sata... But that's not likely for now! :)



    Now you see it:

    Now you don't! ;)


    And btw, I just ordered cables from Germany... Dvi - Dvi / Dvi - HDMI / Vga - Vga / Usb - Usb / and a cpl of audio cables... That's 200$ well spent... :) Some for this pc, and some of them for the CarPc, as I'm going on with that, during the next cpl of weeks! :)

    And again, thx for the votes guys! :thumb:
  13. Colossous

    Colossous Minimodder

    28 May 2007
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    Looking good Angel ! :thumb:
  14. brinkz0r

    brinkz0r Minimodder

    15 Dec 2006
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    It's looking really good, but I really don't dig the pci-express power cable :( It's looking way too big in my opinion, but I don't know if it's going to be covered or anything, soo don't shoot me ;)
  15. Angel OD

    Angel OD Pump Killer

    16 Sep 2007
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    brinkz0r <-- I agree with you on that... The problem is that there is a second cable/plug inside, to power an SLI setup... That's why it's so big...
    Dun no what to do about it, untill I get my hands on a second 7950Gx2... :)
  16. brinkz0r

    brinkz0r Minimodder

    15 Dec 2006
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    Maybe you could make an aluminium cover for it. The blue doens't really fit the case, and alu does. If you design it right, you would still be able to slide it to the left, unveiling the cables.
  17. lamboman

    lamboman What's a Dremel?

    25 Jul 2006
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    Looks fantastic!
  18. Angleus

    Angleus What's a Dremel?

    28 Nov 2007
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    That is great work with the fan controller placement btw, tottally not where I thought you were going with it, loving the look, keep it up :thumb:
  19. DonCorleone76

    DonCorleone76 Modmaster deluxe

    1 Feb 2005
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    hello there, it's pretty silence is this thread:sigh:, I personaly would like to know if you got ahead with the overall completion of your mod and if we can expect an update any time soon...

    Hope your well, and MOD on.:rock:

    Love the work so far..:thumb:
  20. Angel OD

    Angel OD Pump Killer

    16 Sep 2007
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    DonCorleone76<-- You bet your A** I will finish this mod! And it will be finished as intendet! No shortcuts! :)

    It's been a looong cpl of weeks since I've done anything to this mod. I actually used 3 hours today just to put the thing together, to see if everything worked. I was actually curious to see if it could start up, and low and behold, it did! :)

    Everything works as it is supposed to, but I've had no time to mod... Reasons for this, are severel: Been working on getting my CarPc ready, ordered the last cables and stuff for both this and the car. (BTW, Did a little calculation the other day, and as it seems, the stereo in my car, including CarPc, is at about 4000$ now... 500$ just for cables! LOL)
    The other reasons are that we've had too much to do at work, so I've been almost dead when I came home... Some other stuff on my car, and some stuff of personal matter...

    But fear not, at the latest, I will get on it first thing in January! :)

    I know you guys are waiting for this, and so am I! :)

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