Hi all This is My post of my new project Blue water. I have a Modded P160 case with high end water cololing and i am going to turn my case frount in a a large res for the water cooling and introduce a dule loop system with an up dated 7900GT SLi set up. Goals: To Convert PSU to allow for electric testing Create design for new case frount Find parts for case frount Rip apart old case fix up case frount so Plz help me along the way hop you will enjoy my project.
Sorry About that I was planning to up load the pics of what i have done so far but when i got home from work. my brother had gone off with the mem card that has all the photos on it will have photos up by 2moro.
First design Stages This is the Design of my case frount with two inlet and two out lets to the frount. I was also quoted £168 for some tubing for the fan ducts i turned it down(does anyone know were i can get cheap 110mm ID clear tubing from?
Use duct hose instead of tubing. Depending on the material you pick it will be anywhere from $1 to $3 per ft.
Basic decription This is a basic desription of what i have drawn up. the acrylic will be 3mm or 5mm thick.
hai timmeh! Sounds cool.... I'd get all those bits professionally cut if i were you.. A dremel is not known for cutting in straight lines.
Love the idea for the res/front bezel. I have a acryl-shop nearby that has a huge catalogue with plates/pipes/tubes/etc... in acryl. Try the yellow-pages to a similar shop in your town. good luck, will keep my eye on this one
nive idea for the front but must be hell of a job to seal and mount it. but it it works then with some uv additive and some uv leds mounted in the sides will give a GREAT effect
hmm, i thought that dye's had a nasty reputation for making things go all cloudy over time... and that thing will be a biatch to clean. I would say just light the bottom with a set of rainbow leds and lets the general bubblyness create the effect... also... shouldn't the inlet ports be one at the top and one at the bottom... otherwise the flow will go directly from one to the other and kina render the rest of that resiviour useless.
Im building a dule loop system with 2 inlets to the res at the top just above the fan ducts and 2 outlets from the res at the bottom, loop one for the cpu and cipset, and one for the graphics (SLi set up), im going to put to pumps and two rads one dule 120 at the frount and one single 120 rad at the rear of the case in the system.
Picture Update 01/06/06 Hi i just got the mem card from my brother and so i have finished taking the photoes of my Modded PSU and of the current state of the mod on the antec P160 . Modded PSU Case Inside The case frount that im going to replace I have not had a chance to call any plastic stockists to see if they do the right size tube but will atempt today at lunch (i have work so much ) On another note this is what i did to my laptop after it broke (it feel of the end of my bed). this is the only state in which it works. and this is were i go my modding (in my room and the garden shed)
Hi I was just looking over my design and relised that there is not space for switches and maby a vfd/lcd so i will edit the disgns to night so that there wil be space for switches and vfd/lcd
UpDate Hi all Im putting a design up date on to nite at about 7PM (Uk Time) i have added a drive bay switch unit. (has been rendered better)
I have found some tube perfect for the job and only £20 so when i get home i will place an order for it http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/120mm-x-3mm-x...QcategoryZ26258QQtcZphotoQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem i will then start on a demo of the case(eg just seeing how well the tube cuts up and glues to other acrylic) (could someone plz recomend any good glues that are clear, very strong and water tight/proof )
Project UpDate 05/06/2006 The frount of the case with a sudo body (and better rendering) frount view of the frount (as you can see the drive bay has been added) This is a close up of the frount (what you carnt see is there is engraved text saying "Eject" "Power" "Reset" which sits just above the holes for the buttons) these are the buttons i am going to use (i know that have been used a lot but with the blue leds in them i think it will really set the frount of my case of nicely) (http://www.bulgin.co.uk/Products/Switches/Illuminated.html )
That laptop, thats one hell of a mod, adding a USB direct for the memory and storage... And it actuially works now, if it does thats one hell of a repair job, certainly looks old school... And nice case mod, expecially the modded PSU with the knobs for altering the voltage and power settings etc... Very nice, as well as the clear screen on the top of it...