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Case Mod - In Progress Project Royale: Modded S-Frame, 5930k, 3-Way SLI

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by BlackAcid, 29 May 2016.

  1. BlackAcid

    BlackAcid What's a Dremel?

    8 Feb 2016
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    Helloooooo Internet! Thank you so much for checking out my new case mod, Project Royale!

    This will be my second major case mod, this one inside of the In-Win S-Frame, consisting of mods which I have not performed on an S-Frame before. I am looking forward to getting started! The color scheme will be Black, Blue and Gold, as I will be showcasing the original finish of the S-Frame, which is the best finish I have ever seen on a case.

    Now, let's start off with some specs:

    CPU - Intel Core i7-5930k (Received)
    Motherboard - Asus Rampage V Extreme (Received)
    RAM - 64gb of Corsair Dominator Platinums @ 2400mhz (Received)
    GPU - 3x Asus Geforce GTX 980ti Strix OC (Received)
    PSU - EVGA 1000G 1000W (Received)
    Case - In-Win S-Frame (Received)
    Cooling: TBD
    Control: Aquacomputer Aquaero 6 XT
    Lighting: Aquacomputer Farbwerk

    I will be liquid cooling this monster, but I am not sure what products I will be using. Stay Tuned!

    - Relocate Power Supply to main compartment by creating custom plate
    - Install 480mm Radiator in original PSU compartment
    - Create Mount Plate for Dual D5 pumps, which will run in serial.
    - Create cover plate for HDD Bay Slots, then mount Aquaero to this plate
    - Cut hole for cable routing
    - Custom wiring for all wires
    - Create cover plate for front I/O (I am not too sure whether or not this will happen, depends on how easily I will be able to sleeve the USB 3.0 wires)
    - Drill passthrough holes for pipes
    - Find something to create more space between the rear glass panel and the back panel of the case, so that I will be able to place pipes back there

    Now that all of that is out of the way, let's get to some photos!

    Some renders of the project: (These were based on EK Blocks and Blue Bitspower Fittings, but these are not final)







    Product Photo Bomb, Incoming!!!!!

    A couple pics of the 5930k. I purchased it used, so it still has a bit of TIM on it.


    All six cores of awesomeness are visible in this photo! ;P

    Some RAM from the Gods right here.


    It's watching you....




    Aaaand now for the most beastly motherboard I have ever seen, period!




    Loaded up.


    There's something about 8 DIMM slots filled with Dom Plats that gives me an immeasurable amount of satisfaction.

    A crap ton of accessories are included with this board, it's insane!

    Oh, and one more

    PCB Traces!

    Now I realize these aren't 1080's but I got them at a killer deal, so I GUESS these will have to do...





    The backplates on these cards look killer!

    And now, the main event!



    This shot is to really show off the beautiful finish of the case, with Brushed/flat black and gold accents. I love it so much I am going to keep it!

    Here are a few shots with the hardware loaded up...





    Well, that is all for now, the next update should consist of starting the modifications.

    Thanks for looking!

  2. eucalyptus

    eucalyptus I am 19 and Swedish!

    29 Sep 2015
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    Why would you go with 3x 980 Ti's when the new 1080 has been released??

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