So I'm bored of my old simple computer case This is my first attempt on building a case from scratch, or even modding at all for that matter I have painted a few cases but that's pretty much it. The idea is to make it look something similar to the fallout style, old and worn down. I'll be using my old hardware, will probably list the specs later. Feedback is always appreciated These are the parts I'm using from a old case. After measuring my hardware and decided where to place them I ended up with 45x40x31cm. There is some extra room just in case I'm getting water cooling in the future since I can't afford one right now. The aluminium plates came pre-cut and with screws. I had to cut the angles myself, and was surprised that all of them would fit on the first try (I dont have much experience with this). I messed up 3 of the sides when I drilled the holes because I was extremely tired that day so I took the rest of the day off and did it all over the next. to be continued...
just a tip. you can saw a 45 degree angels on all 4 profiles for cleaner look if this part will be seen then I say go for it. Good luck man
Small update Started on the front panel with some help and I got a new hdd cage since the old one was pretty deformed after many years of use. Since I don't have 10 posts on this forum yet, my replies and updates will be a little late.
Things are going slow at the moment as I am in the middle of moving to a new apartment, but here is some progress As it turns out, I didn't drill the holes wrong just beacause I was tired. For some reason the profiles are 18mm wide in one end and 2-4mm wider on the other
Yeah, that was my initial reaction. I thought I'd see a gritty, rustily weathered case with carbon steel plating and instead I see... pink.