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Cooling Pump/waterblock suggestions for a dually rig

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Byron C, 18 Jul 2003.

  1. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    OK, I plan to make the plunge (pun intended :D) into watercooling, but I'm concerned about the heat dissipation over a dual CPU setup. What would you peeps reccomend I do? I'm not fond of the idea of having the outflow of one block going into the inflow of the other block, as it'd just be pumping warm water across. If I rig them up in parallel, ie. outflow from the pump is split into 2 pipes for each CPU waterblock, what pump would you recommend? (as this setup is obviously going to decrease the overall pressure significantly)

    I currently run a Dual P3-800MHz (unmatched stepping) rig, and I plan to OC these buggers for all they're worth! I'll probably set up the WC system with a northbridge and gfx card cooler, too.

    Forgive me if I've made some ridiculous assumptions or have unfeasible ideas, I've never set up a watercooling rig before :p

    EDIT: Ooops... Maybe this should have been in Extreme Kooling... Mods, feel free to move it :)
  2. olv

    olv he's so bright

    23 Sep 2002
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    What i would do is use two pumps like so.


    This way there is no risk of getting any dead flow in your block which there is a risk of with parallel. In reality the water only passes through your cpu block for a fraction of a second and really doesn't gain that much heat.

    Just use a big ass radiator like a Thermochill 120.2 or 120.3 or one of the aqua computer ones available from http://www.wizarddesigns.co.uk
  3. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Ive tried watercooling P3's (dual 1.266) and its not worth it at all. Get some h00ge ass heatsinks imo (altohugh, i dunno any skt370 ones), cause the resell value for skt 370 waterblocks is next to nothing. It looks the dogs bits though, but imo - isnt worth it really. Dual p3 boards have crap ocing features to say the least.

    I had 2x AMD maze3's + SHDs modded to fit skt 370 (i have pics if u want) and ehiem compact 1000, gfx cooling block and BIX rad. The water went from 1 block to next to gfx block and back to res then pump and rad .. round again.

    Temps were mid 40s, didnt shift at all.

    Previous setup - 2x standard skt 370 intel alu heatsinks bundled with the chips. I had a 120mm panaflo LA1 on a zalman fan bracket over them both and the temps were mid 40s again and this aircooling setup was quieter than my watercooling :duh:

    Was a complete waste of money, and i got told NOT to wc p3s too but ignored advise and look what happened. I cant stress to you enough about it, but at the end of the day its up to you. Dual p3s will perform crap whatever you try to oc it too tbh. My 2.0a p4 on i845E was 10x better than the dually rig for performance and stability. Intel based dual p3 boards cost an arm and a leg cause its all server stuff. Abit do the vp6 which is meant to be pretty good but i will try and never buy anothe via chipsetted board again if i can.

    If you MUST then:
    What about a 3 way manifold, ehiem 1250 for power, thermochill 120/130?

    Manifold to 2 waterblocks individually and the northbridge (if it has the holes and if u want to bother) or gfx? I wouldnt use 2 pumps.
  4. olv

    olv he's so bright

    23 Sep 2002
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    Why do you keep trying put everyone off watercooling Bindibadgi? just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean u need to put everyone, lots of people have extremely succesful experiences with watercooling and dual CPU setups.
  5. Byron C

    Byron C I was told there would be cheesecake…?

    12 Apr 2002
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    I've already got 2x FOP38's running my aircooling atm, but if I put the fans on full, it sounds like it's gonna take off! :eeek: I've got the voltages scaled down a bit with me BayBus to the point where the fans just about switch on (you know what I mean, below a certain point the fans won't start spining).

    The reason I've wanted to WC is that I want to get the most most out of this system I possibly can. The highest OC I can get with my aircooling is 960MHz each, and that's a bit pants, I really wanted to go to 1GHz :waah:. I wouldn't be buying the WC kits any time soon anyway, I'm just looking into the feasibility of it atm.

    Oh, and I already run the VP6 :D. Pretty damn nice board; fast, stable, reliable :).
  6. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest


    Im just telling them the way it could be. People think watercooling is the gods gift to pc systems and think the light shines out its arse, but it doesnt. You need a good setup for it to work properly. Im all for going todo it again, and i would definately watercool dual a AMD system cause it needs it, plus dually wc-ed setups look sexy as hell when done properly (someone on 2cpu forums did a dual AMD setup with purple swiftech blocks in a 4u case - OMG, i needed tissues). Im just relaying info that i was given at the time, and found out the expensive way that it wasnt worth it and was told it wasnt worth it by experienced people. Also, cheap ass watercooling isnt worth it either - do it properly.
    People think its "silent" but u have to take into consideration possible vibrating pumps and pipes and also small res' cause turbulance which makes them sound like a fish tank or waterfall which adds to noise. Some people like it - i dont. I can sleep with low noise fans, others cant.

    Ive no doubt some of the aestek stuff or DD stuff is great but ive yet to hear a truely silent watercooling system.

    Dual P3 setup, i was advised wasnt worth it. All im saying is try aircooling first and see how it goes. Also get a big case, cause small ones are crap (CM201 nightmares still haunt me) but that isnt saying it cant be done, its just not as easy for a n00b (which i was at the time).

    On a final note - its sometimes good to hear a negative opinion as a voice of reason and so it makes people discuss the points of issue rather than float around in a daze of that light as described above. :)

    Edit: just read BLC's post.

    Ok, talk to the other guys, if youve got room for more and uve tried aircooling for all its worth then go for it :) I still recon the manifold though - looks great :D :naughty:
    I think extremecooling.co.uk does skt370 swiftech blocks! defo take a look (i like swiftech stuff:D)
    Last edited by a moderator: 18 Jul 2003
  7. olv

    olv he's so bright

    23 Sep 2002
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    I do understand what you mean. I went watercooled about 6 months ago but sold it after about 3 because it wasn't what i had hoped it would be. You really do need to do it properly if you want good results. And buy properly i mean a well matched system with high quality waterblocks, pumps and radiators that complement each other flow and performance wise. Getting the right layout is equally important and mounting everything right is also important. A good watercooling system has the potential to be quieter then any air cooled pc.

    Building a completely silent PC i think is near impossible and i came fairly close last time. I'll take up the challenge again sometime next year when i have some funds. Pugs totally fanless system should come as close to silent as you can get.

    If you have the money they i would definately recommend going watercooled if only for the adventure, excitement and experience of it!
  8. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Oh yea, in experience stakes i would defo do it. But you are 110% right about placement and well matched stuff etc.

    My current rig might reach ur "near silence" stakes though:

    zalman 20dB on my p4 at lowest noise
    seagate barra 4s (left out the barra 5 and maxtor dm9+ atm)
    1x 120mm panaflo on 7v for harddisks
    no fan on G550 gfx card

    i can sleep with this on when its inside a case which is good enough for me. Im REALLY tempted to go for wcing again though. :blush: But transporting to and from uni is always a problem and what gets me most is filling/empting it efficiently without getting water everywhere :(:(

    Loudest thing is enermax psu, which i tollerate cause a lot of other psus ive tried have coil whine which irrates me A LOT. Im reluctant to buy another "silent" psu cause they never are :( although im tempted by a TT 420/480W.

    Even if u have no fans you still have harddisk noise and "electrical" noise (i dont understand it but i think its the coils or something - like a TV or microwave if u get me).

    edit: and my dual p3 rig at the time was pretty damn quiet - 1 120mm panaflo LA1 on 7v over the 2 processors and another passive gfx card, same psu and drives.
    Last edited by a moderator: 18 Jul 2003
  9. Will

    Will Beware the judderman...

    16 Jun 2001
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    Better suited to exteme cooling this thread....

  10. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    I'm working on a dual WC system :here:. Some choices will be considered a bit unorthodox, but hey... have a look. It is still in progress, so don't ask me whether it works (yet).

    And I will be looking for that rig on 2CPU forums rightaway! :D
  11. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    AMD duallys are nice and work well cause the cpus kick out a lot of heat. Youve also got nothing in ur system other than 1 harddisk and an optical drive or 2. Ive almost completely filled a YY cube so its slightly harder if i wanted to get back into it again :(
  12. Risky

    Risky Modder

    10 Sep 2001
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    If there is room around the sockets you can get some fairly meaty 80mm fan heatsinks on the cheap. I think the TT Volcano 11+ might be worth a shot.
  13. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    Visions of a machete and jungle sounds... :D

    There will be two HD's in my PC, all four bays will be occupied. The 3.5" bay has been sacrificed for the rad assembly and the 5" LCD screen. It is all a tight squeeze, actually but lots of planning got it to work. :D
  14. Guest-16

    Guest-16 Guest

    Its not funny when you open the case side and vines fall out and monkey scamper across the room :eeek: :duh:
  15. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    That's what you get when you run Jumanji for Windows tm

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