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News Quebec law tramples English-only subtitles

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 3 Apr 2009.

  1. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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  2. TreeDude

    TreeDude What's a Dremel?

    12 May 2007
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    How about a tax rather than a ban? Impose a higher import tax on any game that has no French localization. That way they can still be sold, but there is incentive to localize them. An outright ban does nothing but hurt businesses and these days we need all the businesses we can get.
  3. Orlix

    Orlix What's a Dremel?

    9 Dec 2007
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    Pretty funny...
    "promote and protect the French language."
    French Canadian movies have subtitles in French when shown in France... wonder why...
    Another strike from the Quebec Government that makes no sense. What will they next? become its own country?

    Edit: I changed state for country as this might confuse some people.. I do not mean US State. Canada is still an US territorry, I mean separate country...
  4. kiwik

    kiwik What's a Dremel?

    17 Mar 2005
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    I guess I'll have to buy my games from Internet stores instead of locally. 7.5% less taxes on my next purchases, your loss Mr. Charest.
  5. Tulatin

    Tulatin The Froggy Poster

    16 Oct 2003
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    Oh **** off Quebec, nobody cares about the French language but you.
  6. TTmodder

    TTmodder Hammertime

    9 Apr 2005
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    Quebec, Cry me a friggin river.
  7. Anakha

    Anakha Minimodder

    6 Sep 2002
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    Canada is being royally f**ked by the Quebecois. All public information signs in Canada have to be in both English AND French. Yet, in Quebec, if you put up a sign in English (Even if it's a multi-lingual sign), you are fined heavily, and possibly even subject to jail time.

    Amusingly, Quebec wanted to ceed and become part of France, but the French authorities said "No way".

    They still want to become a separate country to Canada, though only on the condition that they keep the Canadian army, governmental jobs, oh and the Canadian Dollar.

    [edit]Actually, it's not ALL the Quebecois, just a minority of them (10% or less). Every year (It seems) there is a referendum in Quebec over whether or not they should split from Canada (As the Bloc Quebecois want), and every time the vote comes back overwhelmingly "No".[/edit]
    Last edited: 3 Apr 2009
  8. Mcmonopoly

    Mcmonopoly What now?!

    25 Feb 2008
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    Hmm... well to be honest, it's fundamentally OK for us to do that, since basically our language is our heritage (Yes I'm a french Canadian), so this is a way to try and stop the english language from taking over, that's why we have many other laws already in place to make sure that all written information is to be published/printed in BOTH french AND English.

    To people that are looking from the outside, we look like a bunch of retarded hicks who are holding on to old habits, but really it's exactly like the Christians/Muslims or Jewish people(for example, and this is no way a knock on any religion or anything..!!)trying to have their religion respected by others... To us our linguistic differences is a major part of who we are.

    Hmm either you're from Ontario, or are pretty ignorant, or maybe both, but everything you said in there is wrong on so many points...

    Regarding why the Quebec french movies are subtitled in France's french is due to the fact that event though the Quebec french came initially form Europe, but evolved differently from what is use in France. This is due to the know fact that like every language that's spread across different continents, the local way of using the same language will differ, that's why there's a 100 different version of the same Asian languages, all changing depending on the region.

    About Quebec trying to be it's own -> Independent Country <- instead of a province, that motion was initiated by sovereignty oriented politicians, because earlier in the 20th century, wayyyy before Alberta started producing Crude oil(thus shifting the wealth of the country drastically), Quebec was in a situation where they contributed immensely to the total country's revenue, but we were being treated like sh!t by the federal government, because they felt that we were a small bunch and that we were "extremists" trying to hold on to something that was pointless in their eyes, our own heritage.

    That's all in the past, the Idea of being our own country still lurks, but it's more a pipe dream than anything...

    So please read up on that kind of stuff before posting derogatory remarks like that.
  9. notatoad

    notatoad pretty fing wonderful

    25 Jun 2004
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    lol, hearing that just made my day. quebec nationalism really, really annoys me. actually, most of quebec politics annoys me, i hate how they act like they deserve special treatment from the federal government, and then most of the time get it. i hate how they have more seats in parliament that the other provinces. and i really, really hate language laws.
  10. Mcmonopoly

    Mcmonopoly What now?!

    25 Feb 2008
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    Exactly! We are being judge by people criticizing 10% of people that do see that sovereignty is the way to go, but ignore the 90% that think it's stupid and in no way the future of this province...

    About that; Basically you're accusing Quebec of making FEDERAL laws that establishes that all official documents be in both French and ENGLISH...Care to explain to me hoe the heck that happened?! And also i'm pretty sure that having Spanish/Chinese/dutch/Japanese as our second official language would make much more sense?!? WTF!!

    And for the signs thing you posted, If the sign you want to put up is bilingual, there won't be any problem. Also note that the our governmental "loosened" it's grip on some points regarding English named businesses: The allowed Foreign companies to retain the original english names, though that is pretty recent(last 10 years or so).

    also, I sure hope that you're not referring to the situation in Montreal where an OLD style English Pub received fines because they put up old, English only, advertisement posters from the '30s and '40s, because that was stupid, on the government's part, in every way. Like i said before there are some "linguistic" extremists among our politicians, but that's not all of them.

    And to all those who are saying F**K us.. hmm very mature...
  11. talladega

    talladega I'm Squidward

    18 Aug 2007
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    got one question. is there really language police in quebec?

    if so, then !@#$@$%$@# on them.
  12. Zut

    Zut What's a Dremel?

    5 Feb 2005
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    Couldn't people just order stuff from Ontario instead?
  13. TreeDude

    TreeDude What's a Dremel?

    12 May 2007
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    That is totally not the same thing. The majority of the people in Quebec could care less if games are localized as most know English. It is a pointless law that even the people don't want because it is going to put stores out of business. Even if the economy were ok right now this is still something they should ease into. Start with a small tax or some sort of incentive for the game makers first, then when most of them have made the localizations, you put the ban in place. That way you don't hurt the middle man in the process.
  14. Mcmonopoly

    Mcmonopoly What now?!

    25 Feb 2008
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    If there are laws regarding languages, who the hell else is there to make sure everybody applies/uphold them?

    They're not "Police", but more like government workers (no guns or batons, just suits.LOL) that are part of a government body which functions is to make sure that the linguistic laws are uphold. Exactly like the DEA, FDA, etc in the US...
  15. Anakha

    Anakha Minimodder

    6 Sep 2002
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    You know, I find it quite amazing that the Ukrainian, Chinese, Indian (That's East Indian, not First Nations), Cuban and other immigrants and non-English types don't need their heritage mandated in law, they can simply and easily hold on to the heritage they have, passing it down through family and community the same way they always have done, without having to try and force it down the throats of other people through the dictates of the legal system.

    If the French-Canadian "Heritage" is so fragile it requires government mandated intervention to keep it, is it really worth keeping? What makes the French-Canadian heritage any better than the heritage of the Ukrainian immigrants? They make up a larger portion of this country, and yet have zero laws to mandate their heritage. If all written information is to be published in both French and English, why not also Ukrainian, Chinese, Portuguese...?

    Your desire to keep hold of your heritage is admirable. The methodology you have chosen to use to do so, however, is contemptible.
  16. Mcmonopoly

    Mcmonopoly What now?!

    25 Feb 2008
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    The method which they use is draconian to say the least..On that I agree fully.

    But, for example, Nintendo (I mean games made by them completely) are all in French/English and Spanish from the get go, that way they can distribute them in several countries without the need to have different packaging/manuals/localized versions...
  17. Lazarus Dark

    Lazarus Dark Minimodder

    14 Apr 2006
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    Who cares? If you don't love it, I would suggest moving to another country. An important one.
  18. 2bdetermine

    2bdetermine What's a Dremel?

    2 Apr 2009
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    "promote and protect the French language."

    They make it sound like they're the only french speaking left on the planet.

    Quebecois separatist, think of them as a spoil child nothing more.
  19. Mcmonopoly

    Mcmonopoly What now?!

    25 Feb 2008
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    Yes, yes they could, like I do when I want to buy unavailable English books/English packaged products, etc.
  20. Stonewall78

    Stonewall78 What's a Dremel?

    21 Oct 2005
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