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News Quebec law tramples English-only subtitles

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 3 Apr 2009.

  1. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    true but even though I agree, you guys still dont understand how it is. You can't just exxpect a population to go 'oh well, f*ck our native language, let's speak english'. It is normal that some people do try to protect the french language and tbh, it's a miracle that we still speak it.

    That said though , translations are horrible ....ALL the time
  2. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    Yes I remember when I played The Sims 1, I accidentally clicked on "French", and installed the game without looking at the installer and went away fomr my computer until it's done.
    I ran the game.. saw it was in french and do exit the game. I get as a message "Vou vouler exit. [YES] [NO]"

    Vou -> Vous
    vouler -> Voulez
    Exit. -> Should be: quitter (Exit is an English word, of course)
    Yes -> Oui
    No -> Non

    I don't know is that was fixed with a patch... but yea, it's feels like the "All your base are belong to us" but in French.
  3. Mcmonopoly

    Mcmonopoly What now?!

    25 Feb 2008
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    Well respecting other people's religious believes is not being retarded, that was just an example, but still, keep in mind that the point of my replies is just to point out that we have some measures in place to make sure that our language is preserved, and that all who do business here must ->try<- and provide French subtitled/translated products, that's all!

    And again it's pretty easy to dismiss if you don't live where multiple languages are believe to be the main one to use... I mean IMHO It would be exactly like IF the US decided to start teaching kids in spanish where the concentration of people that talk in spanish is greater than people talking english...How would that feel? But there are laws that make sure that you can receive education in the language you want...

    But again I can't stop thinking about the fact that don't seem to realize that ALL FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS IN CANADA MUST BE IN BOTH FRENCH AND ENGLISH, whether you are in Quebec or Saskatoon, those are the 2 official languages of CANADA!! So we are not the only one trying to uphold French here...
  4. Mcmonopoly

    Mcmonopoly What now?!

    25 Feb 2008
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    That's why I prefer to watch ALL movies in their original language, be it french/english/spanish (with subs), etc.. Its very hard to recapture the initial feeling of the movie when the scripted language has been "adapted"...
  5. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    Yes, the worst part is when the voice over version looses all the tone... like you see a person screaming.. but you hear all calmly, totally mono-tone: "....oh...no... do not do this....."
  6. Dreaming

    Dreaming What's a Dremel?

    31 Jan 2007
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    It will probably lead to an increase in pirating.

    How are they going to stop people buying steam games? Steam is an open content provision service available to anyone with an internet connection, it shouldn't be valves responsibility to ensure whether gamers are legally allowed to buy the games because it's not got the right subtitles.
  7. Mcmonopoly

    Mcmonopoly What now?!

    25 Feb 2008
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    They don't give a Sh!t about online stores, they add sales taxes but that`s all!! It`s all regarding the store bought games... They are not trying to police the world into speak french...
  8. talladega

    talladega I'm Squidward

    18 Aug 2007
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    fuddle duddle

    who knows where thats from?
  9. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    those are the two year this ever happened. If you don't know this then there is no way you could possibly argue with anyone about this whole quebec vs canada thing.

    Separatists are stupid, just like any other kind of extremists. They are a group stubborn, close minded selfish ignorant who do not care whether their idea is good or not. They just want it to be applied no matter the cost.

    I am from Montréal. I was born in Montréal. I speak both french and english (I learned the latter when I was about 15-16) but I still consider myself Canadian first and Québécois second. I don't think the province where I live deserves to be above the country it's part of. There are a lot of people who either think just like me or simply don't care at all about all the fuss this stupid never ending debate brings up. I mean , check this thread ? Who knew there were so many canadians on this forum ? There is so much hate between the extremists of canada and quebec that normal joblos, who shouldn't even have an opinion oh the subject, just speak their mind because of some crap they heard from friends.

    oh and also, apparently, it's really cool to hate whoever speaks french.
  10. talladega

    talladega I'm Squidward

    18 Aug 2007
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    I notice that alot and I admit to do it myself sometimes but I don't understand why it's done. I think the reason is because of the small percentage of french who are idiots and then we stereotype all the french into a group when it's really only a small percentage.
  11. Orlix

    Orlix What's a Dremel?

    9 Dec 2007
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    Hmm.. I did not think you would take it so hard. Good job commenting though. Just a quick question. You say:
    You also say
    I understand about preserving the culture and language is a part of it. As you very well state, language evolves, but which French is the government wanting to preserve? Is it the same as you are?
  12. GoodBytes

    GoodBytes How many wifi's does it have?

    20 Jan 2007
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    and the small percentage of French that are excessively rude, and has no lack of knowledge on what respect and manners are.
  13. kiwik

    kiwik What's a Dremel?

    17 Mar 2005
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  14. delzear

    delzear What's a Dremel?

    5 Apr 2009
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    See it the other way around

    In Quebec, the majority of kids don't speak a word of english. But surrounded by english speaking provinces or states, we are not a big enough market to import french game unless obligated. So we had to play game that we don't understand whitchbgot me out of gaming has a kid. I learned english later but never became a gamer, I think the companies should like it don't spend lots of money to import and build your user base of young players.

    And by the way, the companies are obligated to sell french game only if it is available in french some were in the world. And usually you have a setting to select the language so there's no problem for the english kids. I don't see the problem, we have the same thing for movies if available somewhere you have to give the option to the buyers.
  15. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    Pretty much, yes. Even though we are a small population (about 6 millions french speaking people in quebec out of the 7-7.5 total), we can still influence the "francophonie". We tend to invent technical words instead of using english ones. For examples, we came up for "courriel" as a new french word for email whereas the French (ie from France) don't mind at all using the original english word.

    Yes, our way of speaking is different but this is just an accent for the most of it. We actually use a pretty good french with much less anglicism than French do

    Oh and I agree about the fact that as a kid it makes games harder to play if you don't understand what's written in them. Just imagine yourselves playing a Japanese RPG that is not translated. Yes, you will end up figuring it out, but it's going to take a lot more time
  16. scrumble

    scrumble What's a Dremel?

    18 Jan 2004
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  17. unclean

    unclean SMP obsessive

    30 Dec 2003
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    Ok already...
  18. Mcmonopoly

    Mcmonopoly What now?!

    25 Feb 2008
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  19. Saivert

    Saivert Minimodder

    26 Mar 2005
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    Most games you don't really need to know the langauge of the game to play it. I don't get that argument.
    I can perfectly fine play Half-Life 2 with Japanese (hint: I don't know Japanese).

    And I'm from Norway and I embraced the English language only because it was already the international language. I don't feel I have to know a lot of other languages even though it would be cool. Most people here understand the language even if they don't speak it very well. That comes with practice and prolonged usage and is something they can work on.
    And yes I feel I understand even the most complicated English sentences and I watch all movies and TV without subtitles in Norwegian. I want to be better at English all the time so subtitles is a big no no. If there is a word I don't understand I pause the movie and look it up. Which I happen to do very rarely these days. I'm now 25 years old and I started learning English when I was 10.

    English is not bad. Just embrace it and keep using your own native language as well. Don't enforce laws or be language police. It's just counter-productive.
  20. Omnituens

    Omnituens What's a Dremel?

    5 Apr 2006
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    I think Futurama got it right.
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