Recently my monitor back light died and it seems that the capacitors on the power supply have died, they're low quality ones that through googling have failed on other monitors and tvs within a few months. Now I know nothing about caps so I need some advice on getting replacement ones, as I don't want this to happen again I'm planning on replacing all of the caps from 'CapXon'. The caps in question are rated at: 330uf 35v KF105c 22uf 50v 105c 740uf 35v 105c There are two other caps that seem to be for the back light power which are made by a company called Rubycon, which look fine but should I replace these too? Any advice on good replacement caps would be great as I don't really know what I'm looking for.
if you are replacing some of the caps, then whilst you are at it, it might be worth replacing the others as well. to be fair they aren't that expensive anyway.
That's true, do you think its worth replacing the higher quality ones too? If I do, there's a bunch of a white stuff on the largest cap sticking it to the board, what would I do about that stuff?
the white stuff is just glue, you can pick at it, you don't have to put glue back on it, just make sure it isn't all over the solder joints.