Sorry, I did search but searching both rep and reputation brings 1000 results each. Is this something you can do after a certain amount of time being here? IE Give/Receive rep? Thanks Zinf.
the amount of rep you can give someone is proportional to the amount of rep you have if you high rep you give out more rep points that someone with lower rep. i thought you could give it out straight away
Ahh I see, thanks very much. I don't appear to have any options, just the quote, multi and quick reply... Hmm!
On the lower left under your avatar between the green dot and the yellow triangle. There should be a little dude. He's the rep dude. Like Relix, but tiny.
It's something highly illegal. Second work is pr0n. I'll leave it there. If you 'really' feel the need to know more just ask /b/
Haha, well this thread took a turn in a slightly different direction. Smashing, thanks very much indeed. I now see the little rep man! And thanks for the rep nice person.
I'm trying. It's hard to give advice when you keep starting threads asking for advice though! I know a bit, but not enough . So I'll keep on learnding.
Lies. All my super informative posts that took loads of work tend not to get noticed, but I say something funny and I get loads. I wish it was the other way round, to be honest.