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Apple Restoring only PARTS of an iPhone backup?

Discussion in 'Software' started by pete*, 29 Dec 2013.

  1. pete*

    pete* Something witty here.

    29 Apr 2009
    Likes Received:
    Hey all,

    Right, I got a new iPhone 5s and I wanted to essentially run it as a new phone. I only wanted to restore, from my old
    iPhone 4, my notes, contacts (which it has done from iCloud I think), and SOME of my apps. The music, mail, settings,
    I don't care about any of it.
    The problem is using iTunes it forces you to put the whole old iPhone onto the new one.

    So I am looking for some software that can back up and restore only what I want from the old phone
    and on to the new one. OS X compatible software.
    Wondered if anyone has some they use and can recommend?
    Even if it just opens up the old backup of my phone on the Mac, and lets me put it on new phone.

    Cheers in advance for any help,

  2. saspro

    saspro IT monkey

    23 Apr 2009
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    Plug the new phone in, tell it to setup as a new phone then manually add your icloud on the phone for contacts etc and download your apps (or send them over from the app backup in itunes).

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