Will recycle others. https://www.bit-tech.net/news/hardware/2017/03/28/samsung-refurbished-galaxy-note-7/1
What bright spark thought this was a good idea? Sure they were hot when they were originally launched, but it's not as if the specs will set the world alight today. I think Samsung will end up getting burned by this. /dons flame-proof jacket.
I guess you could say these phones will....................... not sell very well. Is that how you pun? Did I pun?
I have a weird feeling these are going to be very popular. If Samsung manage to turn this into a net gain for the Note brand then I think we can finally conclude that there is indeed no such thing as bad publicity.
I think so too - there were quite a number of people I believe who didn't send back their faulty note 7s simply because they were such excellent phones (asides from the whole exploding thing). Now the chance to be able to get one that's not going to burn your house down may be very tempting for some
I need a Galaxy Note 7s like I need a hole in my pocket, or my leg... depends on how deep the alien acid like burn from the battery goes.